Incendiary plot targeting Britain may have been a dry run against the US and Canada | uk news
An incendiary device hidden in a DHL package that caught fire in Germany last July was due to be sent by air to the UK as part of a suspected Russian sabotage plot that could have been a simulation for similar attacks in the US and Canada. .
The device, said to have been secretly leaked from a shipment of massage pillows and erotic devices, started a fire on the ground in Leipzig and it is feared it could bring down a plane similar to the package that ignited at a DHL warehouse in Birmingham on July 22 . .
Sources say a suspicious package from Leipzig has also appeared to be heading to the UK. It is not entirely clear why the UK was chosen as the destination for the two devices originally sent from Lithuania.
Unconfirmed German reports say the device was delivered to a fake recipient with a real address in the UK, along with two other incendiary devices found in Poland. Polish media said one of the devices caught fire in a warehouse in Warsaw and the other was successfully shut down.
Metropolitan Police counter-terrorism officers declined to comment. The UK's only official statement about the plot was last month, when counter-terrorism police confirmed the device was set on fire in Birmingham and that no one was injured and that it was dealt with by staff and the local fire brigade at the time.
Polish prosecutors said the plot was revealed last week with the intention of committing sabotage using disguised explosives and hazardous materials in Europe. Investigators in that country are also looking for two other people.
Another intention, according to Polish authorities, was to test the transmission channels of similar packages destined for the United States and Canada to see if similar dangerous and destructive attacks could be replicated elsewhere.
British police and officials, as well as European officials in Germany, Poland and Lithuania, strongly suspect Russia was behind the attack, part of an effort to wreak havoc in the West in retaliation for Western military aid to Ukraine.
Last month, MI5 boss Ken McCallum warned that Russia's GRU military intelligence appeared to be on an ongoing mission to wreak havoc on the streets of Britain and Europe. We have seen arson, sabotage and more.
His German counterpart, Thomas Haldenwang, told the Bundestag that a crash would have occurred if the Leipzig package had started burning mid-flight. When giving evidence, Haldenwang did not say Russia was behind it but accused the Kremlin's spy agency of putting people's lives at risk.
On Monday, the Wall Street Journal reported that the massage items in the suspect package were booby-trapped with a magnesium-based flammable substance. Magnesium fires are very difficult to extinguish and are made worse by watering. Instead, special dry powder fire extinguishers should be used.
Russia has denied any conspiracy in the allegations. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told an American newspaper: “These are traditional unfounded insinuations from the media.”
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