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UK to provide clean cooking to 10 million people around the world

UK to provide clean cooking to 10 million people around the world


UK Development Secretary Anneliese Dodds is set to pledge to help countries in the Global South gain access to clean forms of cooking. The package, which will be presented at the COP in Baku, Azerbaijan, will benefit people's health by avoiding burning wood, charcoal and other polluting fuels for cooking. The Minister also announced a package to help African countries predict and prepare for extreme weather events.

UK Development Secretary Anneliese Dodds is set to announce a major package to promote global access to clean forms of cooking that do not burn wood or coal.

Around the world, an estimated 2.1 billion people still have to use firewood, charcoal or other polluting fuels to cook, worsening the health of many women and girls in particular and often destroying forests.

The $74 million in funding will make clean cooking accessible to an additional 10 million people in countries across sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and the Indo-Pacific.

Development Minister Anneliese Dodds said:

The UK is back with a voice on the world stage and we are leading new initiatives to support health and the environment.

This package will help 10 million people in sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and the Indo-Pacific region leave behind coal and wood-fired cooking, protecting the environment while improving the health of women and girls who are often exposed to harmful smoke. Burning coal and wood.

Nothing is more important to the UK's national interest than making progress against rising temperatures. This is an opportunity to achieve clean, safe energy globally and at home, and thereby drive growth in the UK.

The Development Minister will make this commitment while attending COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Joined by the Prime Minister, Foreign Secretary and Energy Secretary, UK Ministers are working to promote ambitious emissions reductions and agreements that grow the UK economy and maximize the UK's opportunities, while also taking into account the needs of the Global South.

44 million of the clean cooking packages will be delivered through a five-year extension to the UK government's Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) program until 2030. The remaining 30 million will be provided through the Ayrton Fund, which aims to accelerate the clean energy transition. In countries of the Global South.

Additionally, the Minister will announce that British International Investment (BII) is investing $16 million in Africa Go Green, a fund supporting early-stage companies taking climate action in Africa, including accelerating access to clean cooking solutions. no see.

The Development Minister also announced enhanced support for the Weather and Climate Information Service in Africa (WISER) program at COP29.

WISER sees the UK Met Office working with meteorological organizations across Africa to strengthen countries' capacity to predict and plan for extreme weather events and climate change. An additional $30 million in funding from the UK will help farmers and communities adapt to a changing climate. This brings total funding to $47 million.

This is consistent with the modern approach to development outlined by Minister Dodds at Chatham House in October, based on collaboration with the Global South.

This is in addition to a $6 million commitment to launch Jahez, a project supporting climate-vulnerable refugees in Jordan. This includes introducing climate-smart agriculture to restore water supplies and generate growth that can withstand the impacts of the climate crisis.

The UK will continue to prioritize the most vulnerable and has committed to spend another $1.5 billion in 2025 to support the country in building resilience to the impacts of climate change, tripling adaptation spending to 2019 levels. I did it. This is part of the UK's existing commitment to spend $11.6 billion on international climate finance between April 2021 and March 2026.

Secretary Dodds also met with the Secretary General of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). The UK has confirmed its commitment to the GCF, helping millions of the world's poorest and most vulnerable people tackle the impacts of climate change and help the country build a cleaner, greener future. $1.62 billion in funding for the UK's largest single International Climate Finance (ICF) investment shows the UK is playing a leading role in supporting the fund, which is already delivering 286 projects in 133 countries I give it to you.




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