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32 American students among the 2025 Rhodes Scholars

32 American students among the 2025 Rhodes Scholars


The 2025 cohort of U.S. Rhodes Scholars has been selected. They will attend Oxford University next time… [+] autumn.


The new cohort of Rhodes Scholars from the United States was announced Saturday by Dr. Ramona L. Doyle, U.S. Secretary of the Rhodes Trust.

This year, 32 Rhodes Scholars will travel to the University of Oxford in England in October 2025 to pursue graduate studies. They will be joined by dozens of international academics representing other countries. Several of these international scholars also attended American colleges and universities, but are not American citizens; they applied through their home country.

Each year, shortly before Thanksgiving, the Rhodes Trust announces its new group of Rhodes Scholars from the United States. This award, considered the most prestigious international scholarship awarded to American college graduates, was established in 1903 by the final will and bequest of Cecil John Rhodes. The first class of scholars began their studies at Oxford in 1904.

Nearly 3,000 students began the application process this year. Of this group, 865 were ultimately approved by 243 different colleges and universities. Selection committees from 16 U.S. districts then invited 238 finalists to appear before them for interviews. All districts interviewed at least 14 finalists.

The class includes students from 20 different colleges and universities, including the first-ever Rhodes Scholar from Eastern Mennonite University in Virginia and the first-ever elected scholar from Pepperdine University in California.

Harvard University tops the list, with five American Rhodes winners. Four scholars were selected this year by the U.S. Military Academy, the most at West Point since 1959. Stanford University also had four U.S. scholars, followed by Yale University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, with two each.

The value of a Rhodes Scholarship depends on the academic field and degree (bachelor's, master's, doctorate) chosen by the student. The award includes payment of all Oxford tuition and fees, a stipend to cover necessary expenses during residency at Oxford and during vacations, and transportation to and from England.

The total value of the Rhodes Scholarship averages about $75,000 per year and can reach up to $250,000 for students who stay at Oxford for four years in certain departments.

The selection follows a two-step process. First, applicants submit an application package, which must include an endorsement from their home college or university. Then, the 16 selection committees interview the candidates deemed the strongest and make the final choices.

The selection criteria emphasize:

academic excellence; the energy needed to fully utilize one’s talents; attributes such as truth, courage, kindness, and devotion to duty; and the moral strength of character and the instinct to lead.

In a statement, Dr. Doyle said a Rhodes Scholar should have high ambition for social impact and a rare ability to work with others to achieve their goals. They must be committed to making a big difference for the good of the world, care about the well-being of others and be fully aware of inequalities.

She added that while the Trust strives to achieve the most inclusive pool of applicants possible through outreach and other efforts, consideration of balance or diversity is not a selection factor at the national or district level in the United States. A Rhodes Scholar must demonstrate great promise of leadership and character as well as an exceptionally strong commitment to service.

Initially, in accordance with Rhodes' wishes, scholarships were awarded only to male students, a restriction that remained in effect until 1976. Since then, 675 American women have won a Rhodes Scholarship.

The scholarship has also been criticized due to Rhodes' white supremacist views and the historical absence of black beneficiaries, an exclusion that only began to change in the second half of the 1900s.

The 2025 scholarship holders

The full list of United States Rhodes Scholars can be viewed here. As usual, the Class of 2025 is a diverse group in terms of backgrounds, interests, and activities. It includes amateur boxers; interns at the White House, ABC News, the United Nations, the Department of Energy, and the State Department; a paramedic; community volunteers; a bluegrass musician; a novelist; a weightlifter; a skydiver and the founders of various start-ups.

This class of American .Rhodes Scholars will pursue studies in the social sciences, humanities, and biological and physical sciences. For example:

Lena R. Ashooh designed and pursued Harvard's first animal studies major. A former member of the 4H club, she will study for her B.Phil. in political theory at Oxford.

Gabriella M. Sorrentino is a senior at the United States Military Academy and a member of the West Points boxing team. Specializing in philosophy and American history, her research is highlighted in the forthcoming book, Henry O. Flipper, West Point's First Black Graduate: An Annotated Autobiography. At Oxford, Sorrentino plans to pursue a master's degree in science. in migration studies followed by a master's degree in public policy.

Aneesh C. Muppidi graduated from Harvard University with a major in computer science and neuroscience. He served as president of the Harvard Computational Neuroscience Undergraduate Society. At Oxford he will pursue a Master of Science degree. in advanced computer science and a master’s degree in public policy.

David C. Oluigbo is a senior at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he specializes in artificial intelligence and decision making. He has published numerous peer-reviewed articles and conducts research on the application of artificial intelligence to complex medical problems and systemic healthcare challenges. At Oxford he will pursue a Master of Science degree. in applied digital health followed by an M.Sc. in modeling for global health.

Angelin T. Mathew, a graduate of Yale University, has a double major in humanities and molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Her medical research, for which she has won international awards, focuses on palliative care and cancer treatment. She also launched a lip care startup focused on the needs of chemotherapy patients. At Oxford, she will pursue an M.St. in religious studies and an M.Sc. in medical anthropology.

Meredith GM Lehman is a graduate of Eastern Mennonite University, where she majored in biology and political science. His research on anticancer drug delivery systems was funded by the National Science Foundation. Meredith is president of her university's student government association. She plans to complete an M.Phil. in international relations.

Katherine G. Ameku graduated with a degree in mathematics from Coe College, where her academic work focused on computational materials science, x-ray spectroscopy, and numismatics of Japanese-American internment camps. Katherine also serves as president of the Coe Colleges Physics Club and became the youngest elected official in the state of Missouri, serving on two Democratic committees. At Oxford, she will pursue a bachelor's degree in philosophy, politics and economics.

With the selections announced Saturday, 3,674 Americans have now won Rhodes Scholarships, representing 329 colleges and universities. More than 2,000 U.S. Rhodes Scholars live in every region of the United States and abroad.




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