Poor road conditions found in constituencies that elected reform UK candidates | british reform
Every constituency that elected a new British reform candidate at the general election suffered congestion due to long delays in road improvement plans, the report found. This may be a clue that the appeal of populist parties is growing.
The report added that a series of other places where Nigel Farage's party is currently polling well also lack transport infrastructure. He added that local residents' perception that decisions made in London are making their lives more difficult could lead them to abandon the main political parties. .
The report prepared by consulting firm Stonehaven emphasized that it does not claim that the presence or absence of roads is the root cause of populism or recommend the construction of specific roads.
But it argues that the lack of good transport links to the outside world, especially by roads, is one place where populist criticism rings true.
British Reform Party leader Nigel Farage is launching his general election campaign. The report also found that transport infrastructure is lacking in other areas where the party is currently polling. Photo: James Manning/PA
This demonstrable link between physical infrastructure and the rise of populist parties was particularly resonant in the case of Keir Starmers Downing Street. His team believed that if they could not make real improvements to the lives of their voters, they could lose many of their reform seats in the next election. There are many Labor Party members.
The report found the road to be a particularly important symbol for areas that feel neglected and failed by central government, particularly areas where there is a lack of good public transport and the need for many people to travel to work outside the city causes regular traffic congestion. They claim to see it.
Reform won five seats in July, including Ashfield, which the party had already held since Lee Anderson defected from the Conservatives four months before the election.
Of the other four seats, the report lists the Norfolk town of Great Yarmouth, now represented by Reforms Rupert Lowe, as a particularly good example of the idea, while the A47 Acle Straight, the route to Norwich, is a single carriageway despite years of local operation. The campaign is running and 22,000 vehicles are using it every day.
Residents of Claxon-on-Sea in Essex, whose current MP is Farage, rely heavily on the A133 road, and the abandonment of improvement plans is evident in the ghost bridges built for the proposed scheme but never used, the report points out.
Reform took second place in the general election with 98 seats.
Likewise, Skegness, whose district Richard Tice represents, is part of Lincolnshire, which has very poor road links and where the campaign to widen the M11 motorway was unsuccessful.
South Basildon, won by James McMurdock, has better connectivity but the situation is made worse by high freight volumes and long delays to the Lower Thames Crossing.
The report used a constituency-level MRP poll conducted last month which found that five out of six Labor MPs from constituencies bordering the A1(M) around Doncaster, an increasingly congested route that has not seen much improvement since it opened in 1961, currently hold the seat. It was estimated that they would lose . reform
Robert Ford, a professor of political science at the University of Manchester, said the study offers clues as to why the Reformists and their predecessors, Ukip and the Brexit party, tend to do disproportionately well on Britain's east coast. He said he thought it was provided. Transport links in the area are poor.
Vehicles travel along the snow-covered A1 motorway, which has not been upgraded since 1961. Photo: Owen Humphreys/PA
Poor transport is not only a source of frustration in itself, but is also likely to exacerbate economic decline and encourage the exodus of younger, more enthusiastic local residents, Ford added.
But there is one potential advantage to this for mainstream parties seeking to take on populists, he said. The A1(M), which has not been upgraded since 1961, is a very specific and real concern that can be addressed in a very specific way. This may not be the only or most important driver of this kind of support, but it is something that politicians can really identify.
While it's somewhat difficult to know what the policy response should be when people say they don't like the way society is changing, in this case it's rather easy.
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