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This straw is designed to cure hiccups instantly | SmartNews

This straw is designed to cure hiccups instantly | SmartNews


There is no shortage of ambiguous hiccups home remedies. Some people hold their breath and swear, while others recommend drinking water. Many people try to scare hiccups with shock or surprise. Or maybe he grabbed a spoonful of sugar or peanut butter to stop these involuntary cramps.

However, Ali Seifi, a neurosurgeon at the University of Texas at San Antonio Health Sciences, said Year Developing science-backed solutions: HiccAway, a straw-like device that distracts some of the nervous system involved in hiccups.

Preliminary survey published in the journal on June 18 JAMA network open Shows that HiccAway, also known as the “forced inspiratory suction and swallowing tool,” reduced 92% of user hiccups. Next, Seifi will conduct a more rigorous investigation with Japanese and Swiss hiccup experts.

Seifi recognized the need for reliable hiccup treatment while working in the intensive care unit.

“Many patients with brain damage, stroke, and cancer chemotherapy have hiccups on my floor,” Seifi tells Nicoletta Ranese. Live science on mail. Home remedies, such as drinking water from the other side of the cup, were frustrating for patients who recovered from surgery.

“I really decided I had to find a clear and easy solution,” he says, after finding hiccups while giving a presentation to a medical student. Live science..

Sudden contraction of the diaphragm causes hiccups and the body is rapidly inhaled. Then, when the epiglottis (the flap of the tissue that covers the trachea when swallowed) closes, you will hear a hiccuping “hiccup” sound.

The HiccAway is shaped like a wide, bent straw, with a mouthpiece on one end and a pressure valve on the other end. Hilary Brueck reports that when a person drinks water using a Hicc Away, he or she needs to smoke about four times stronger than when using a regular straw. insider.. All of that effort distracts the nerves that cause the diaphragm and epiglottis, called the phrenic and vagus nerves.

The device is “fooling the brain,” says Seifi. insider.. “The diaphragm continues to be occupied by our intention to aspirate water. After that, the brain forgets to keep sparging the diaphragm.”

Seifi developed HiccAway design between 2016 and 2020, KickStarter, The price of the device was $ 14. A total of 290 people who received the device volunteered to participate in the JAMA survey.

Four months after receiving the HiccAway, volunteers rated their experience on a five-point scale. A “1” means a strong preference for home remedies, and a “5” means a strong preference for HiccAway. The device stopped hiccups in 92% of cases, and about 90% of respondents rated HiccAway as better than home remedies for hiccup relief.

“Anything that can be inflated and swallowed works. The key behind,” Boo! “And the fingers in the ears do it to some extent – ​​and this is [device]A long, slow swallow would be a pretty powerful way to do that, “Lis Thomas, a neurologist at Newcastle University who wasn’t involved in the study, told Nikola Davis. Guardian.. But Thomas adds, “I think this is a solution to a problem that no one was looking for.”

The JAMA Network Open study lacks a control group and relies on the subjective response of volunteers, and the authors state that “future studies need to evaluate the effectiveness of FISST in randomized clinical trials.” I will.

Safe teaching Live science The research team began testing in the United States, Japan, and Switzerland, providing volunteers in one group with a fake device and the other group with a real HiccAway to measure effectiveness against control.


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