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Rainy side view: Earthquakes and Hawaii go together

Rainy side view: Earthquakes and Hawaii go together


Whether you’ve been on this island for a while or just arrived, you’ve likely experienced an earthquake, which is one of the advantages of living with active volcanoes.

Kilauea and Mauna Loa always seem ready to hit the ground running, and the jerks are Pele’s warnings to get ready. We never know when she’ll go big, but I’m thinking of “Quakes” as a way to shake herself awake to prepare for another award-winning performance.

When I was in elementary school in Hilo, we had an earthquake as well as a fire drill. Get under the desk! Stand in the entrance!

Decades later, the official US government website,, warns us not to get too close because modern homes are not strong enough to withstand earthquakes. Looking at old farmhouse style island homes with dozens of stairs up to the main floor, lucky we’re still alive.

Earthquakes in Hawaii are frequent, but in Seattle? No, except on February 28, 2001, when a really big event surprised us, measuring 6.8 on the Richter scale. It is named Nisqually for its center in southern Puget Sound near the river and tribal lands.

I hit 10:54 AM (Mahalo, Wikipedia) as I was getting ready for class in my college office. The sirens went off, but we ignored them because of the regular false alarms, pulled by scammers who don’t want a test or assignment handover. One day, when there is a real fire, the faculty will be found sitting in front of their computers, burnt to the point of brittleness.

Being so familiar with earthquakes, I didn’t think much about it until I noticed people near my office window, frantically racing like chickens on the lam. When I realized what was happening, I opened the door and saw security men everywhere shouting, “Get out! Out!”

Uh… wait. Shouldn’t I crawl under my desk? But who had time to make quiet decisions when the building was swaying and the books were falling, so I joined the fray. And since our college is a five-story brick building, perhaps flying together outside on the sidewalk would have been less dangerous.

Here are some earthquake tips from the indomitable web: If we’re taking a shower and an “earthquake” occurs, it’s advised to “stay in the booth or tub if you’re in the middle of suds to avoid things falling”.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm…But if we are “in the middle of the foam”, are we ourselves in danger of becoming the fallen thing? And what if I haven’t done soap yet?

Since I’m not supposed to stand in any hallway, do I wrap a towel around my birthday suit, or do I run outside naked and scare the cats? Needless to say, I found this tip funny but not helpful.

Sometimes useful information can be found on the Internet, here are some of them.

In the event of an earthquake:

– get down and take cover under a desk or table;

– Stay inside until the shaking stops and it’s safe to go outside;

– stay away from libraries and furniture that may fall on you;

Keep away from windows and lamps.

– If you are in bed, hold on and stay there;

– But if you take a shower, you are on your own (I added this).

Earthquakes are like newborns, arriving at all hours of the day or night. Here on the island of Hawaii, we can always anticipate them and must make a plan to prepare for the next big step.

And I’ll let you know when I figure out what to do with the lather.

Born in Hilo, Rochelle Dela Cruz graduated from Hilo High School, then left to go to university. After teaching for 30 years in Seattle, Washington, she retired and returned to her home in Hawaii. Your comments are welcomed at [email protected]. Her column appears every two days.

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