Lessons from Oregon’s July COVID-19 groundbreaking report
One-fifth of the COVID-19 infections reported in Oregon in July were groundbreaking cases. Diagnosed in fully vaccinated people, according to the Oregon Department of Health. This is a disappointing number, but it has a silver lining. Only one in ten people died from COVID-19 was vaccinated. Most of the groundbreaking incidents that led to death were only the elderly.
Cases of COVID-19 are proliferating in Oregon and across the country, boosted by more contagious and more serious delta mutations. Hospitals in Oregon quickly reach capacity, and many counties have more hospitalizations than in December, before vaccination was available. The delta variant appears to be 2-3 times more infectious than other COVID-19 variants. “For unvaccinated individuals, the risk of COVID-19 is higher than ever,” said Dr. Melissa Sutton, director of medical care for respiratory viral pathogens at the Oregon Department of Health, at a press conference on Friday. “.
As state and local officials hesitate to pass new orders, Oregons remain trying to make decisions for themselves about the types of risks they are willing to take. However, there are some lessons that can be learned from Oregon’s COVID-19 data about vaccines, masks, and steps that can be taken to maintain safety.
It can be difficult to derive lessons from such data. It is collected in the real world and the data is as good as the system that collects it.
At a press conference on Friday, Sutton said Oregon’s data need attention. Not all cases are reported, and breakthrough cases are likely to be mild and therefore less likely to be reported.
what do you mean? This means that there are probably more breakthrough cases of COVID-19 than reported. But that also means that the rate of breakthroughs leading to death is not as high as it looks.
Lesson 1:
According to Oregon data, you are six times more likely to get COVID-19 if you are not vaccinated.
“Vaccines save lives every day in Oregon,” Sutton said. “”[The vaccine] It will continue to be the best way to protect yourself from COVID-19. “
One caveat: it’s no longer the best way to protect others. Although vaccinated is much less likely to be infected with COVID-19, studies have shown that vaccinated people infected with the delta mutant can be very infectious.
Lesson 2:
“The percentage of breakthrough cases can increase as transmission increases,” Sutton said.
In other words, the more cases of COVID-19 around you, the more likely the vaccinated person will get sick.
The more coins you throw, the more likely you are to land on your head. The more times you roll the dice, the more likely you are to roll a 6. And the more often you are exposed to COVID-19, the more likely you are to inhale enough virus to overcome your body’s defenses.
In other words, even if you are vaccinated, you need to take steps to protect yourself and others for fear of COVID-19 outbreaks in your community.
Lesson 3:
Vaccines are ineffective for older people who are more likely to die from breakthrough infections. However, it still reduces the risk for older people.
All groundbreaking cases reported in July were elderly. The older the person, the less active the immune response. The COVID-19 vaccine is neither the first vaccine nor the last vaccine, which becomes less effective with age. However, in diseases that previously had an overwhelming impact on the elderly, the protection provided by the vaccine can be the difference between life and death.
Lesson 4:
Delta Variant has changed the game and now young people are seriously ill.
Last week, four COVID-19 deaths were reported. Of those who died, two were 67, one was 48, and one was 25. At the age of 48, there was no underlying condition. It is corroborated by what doctors see in hospitals and the patients they treat: they are younger than ever.
Lesson 5:
Vaccinated parents of unvaccinated children can take the virus home.
One in five COVID-19 cases recorded in July, or 20%, was vaccinated. So the risk of getting COVID-19 during vaccination is small but not important. Early data suggested that the virus was very unlikely to be transmitted when vaccinated, but recent data from the CDC show that vaccinated people are very unlikely to get sick. It becomes easy to get infected with.
Lesson 6:
You still need to take precautions to keep yourself and others safe.
“We request vaccination of all people in Oregon,” Sutton said.
But she also urged people to “protect those who can’t, such as children under the age of 12, by covering them up indoors, keeping them away, and avoiding large gatherings.”
So what do you do?
One month after the vaccine obligation was rolled back, Oregon saw a dramatic increase in COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations. Some hospitals in southern Oregon are full. Others are almost full.
When the state lifted Maskman Date, they left control of the pandemic response to the county and local governments. But if there is no obligation, it is unclear what that means.
“Given the amount of infection in our community, I think it’s clear to recommend masking in indoor spaces, for example,” says Sutton. “At this point, this is a recommendation and it’s up to the local government to actually implement it.”
She suggested that some counties are fed up with more obligations and that other ways to reduce risk include working with businesses, communities, and the health system.
“To make sure there are changes in thinking and behavior,” Sutton said. “I think that’s all we can do at this point in the pandemic.”
The Deschutes County St. Charles Medical System has entered crisis management mode and has canceled elective surgery.
This weekend, the Les Schwab Amphitheater, also in Deshuts, will be reopened for a concert. The first is this Sunday. The venue’s safety page states that it follows current state guidelines: “Oregon has reached a 70% threshold for adult vaccination, so face masks, vaccination proofs, and social distance. , No COVID test negative, etc. is required. “
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