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U.S. Coronavirus: Two Texas ERs temporarily suspended due to US Covid-19 hospitalization and mortality doubling in two weeks

U.S. Coronavirus: Two Texas ERs temporarily suspended due to US Covid-19 hospitalization and mortality doubling in two weeks


Commerce’s Hunting Regional Medical Center said the ER was temporarily closed “due to a significant Covid surge.”

Those receiving emergency treatment should “go to the nearest emergency room in Greenville or Quinlan,” the hospital said.

Rockwall’s Texas Health Hospital said the temporary ER closure would move medical staff to the hospital’s main campus, where it “provides pandemic-related care,” according to the hospital’s website.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, the United States currently records an average of over 108,000 Covid-19 cases per day in the past week. This is the best in about 6 months.

The rates of hospitalization and death have almost doubled in the last two weeks.More than 67,000 people are currently hospitalized with Covid-19, according to data from Ministry of Health and Social Welfare..

According to Johns Hopkins, about 514 Americans die from Covid-19 every day.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the majority of Covid-19 hospitalizations and deaths are in those who are not completely vaccinated.

Over 99.99% of people who are fully vaccinated against Covid-19 There were no groundbreaking incidents CNN analysis of new CDC data leads to hospitalization or death.
As of August 2, more than 164 million people in the United States have been fully vaccinated. According to CDC data.. Less than 0.005% (7,101) of vaccinated people were hospitalized with Covid-19 and less than 0.001% (1,507) died of Covid-19.

According to the CDC, about 74% of all breakthrough infections reported were older than 65 years.

Republican Governor: “Run over the fire and get vaccinated”

“If you’re not vaccinated, you’re in great danger,” West Virginia Governor Jim Justice said on Monday, with all the data and knowledge.

The governor referred to children over the age of 12 and said, “Why we don’t run in the world … to get the children vaccinated.”

Yes, children can be affected by Covid-19.That's why doctors say they need to be protected

“And if you haven’t vaccinated yourself, you don’t know why you aren’t running to be vaccinated with all this information in front of you today.”

The judge said he did not want to issue a mask mandate, but may have to do so if the crisis worsens.

“We are on the clash course here,” said the Republican governor.

“I’m telling you as your governor, as your friend, as someone you really trust. Now you put this as a top priority in your life and run on fire for vaccination. Must be received. “

Most of the United States have “high” or “substantial” infections

Over 95% of the U.S. population lives in the county Where people need to wear masks indoors in public placesAccording to the guidance from CDC.

According to the CDC, people in counties with “high” or “substantial” coronavirus infections should be masked indoors.

Michael Sweat, team leader of the team, said: Covid-19 Epidemiology Intelligence Project At South Carolina Medical College.

“In early July, we fell to the lowest (pandemic) level from the beginning,” he said.

& # 39; All beds are occupied by Covid victims & # 39 ;: Southern hospitals lack space or staff

“Now, in just a few weeks, we’re approaching the maximum number of cases from the beginning.”

Over 90% of hospitalized people are not vaccinated-reflecting national statistics from the CDC.

“But there are some patients who are younger than we’ve seen in the past,” Sweat said.

“I think this is mainly due to the very high immunization rates of people over the age of 60. However, many teenagers are seen. There are some pediatric cases. , Shifting from what I’ve seen before. “

Get vaccinated before another variant develops, Fauci says

The longer the virus spreads and replicates among unvaccinated people, the longer Likely to have to mutate..

And when mutations give the virus a benefit, more aggressive variants can emerge, such as those that may evade the vaccine.

Norwegian Cruise Line may require proof of Covid-19 vaccination in Florida, federal judge rules
“Then all of us who are protected from Delta may not be protected from other varieties,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said in a Q & A. USA Today Published on Sunday.

If the overwhelming majority of the population is vaccinated, the virus will disappear in the country, said the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

However, having only a partially vaccinated population means that smoldering levels of infection will be introduced in the fall, Fauci told USA Today. The Covid-19 infection is then confused with the flu this winter and may recover in the spring.

And if other parts of the world aren’t vaccinated for the next few years, more circulation could mean more variants, Fauci warned.

In many parts of the country, especially in the south Hospitalization is increasing rapidly.. Louisiana set a new record for Covid-19 hospitalization last week. Florida hospitalizations have recently surpassed their previous peak in 2020 by 13%. The Houston hospital said Sunday morning that there were no beds left in the facility.

“We’ve lost more patients in the last 12 hours, in the last 5-6 weeks …” said Dr. Joseph Baron, chief of staff at the United Memorial Medical Center in Houston.

Experts are not yet worried about vaccine protection

Some have questioned the risk of the new Lambda (C.37) mutant, but researchers say they are not yet seriously concerned that the current vaccine will not work against the Lambda and Delta mutants. Said Dr. Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health. ABC on Sunday.

What experts are learning about the coronavirus

“We are all worried about the arrival of variants that will make the vaccine ineffective,” Collins said. “The best way to reduce it happening is to reduce the number of infections. That’s how varieties happen.

“Especially why we have to do everything we can to reduce the wildlife of the Delta so that nothing more dangerous happens.”

But public health officials are closely watching the effectiveness of the vaccine, including how protection declines over time, Forch told CNN.

Health officials will recommend boosters to the general public when data show that protection falls below a certain threshold, Forch said on Sunday.

Pfizer states that the Covid-19 vaccine appears to remain 84% effective after 6 months.

Moderna said last week that the Covid-19 vaccine was 93% effective against symptomatological disorders in 6 months.

Boosters can be too late for people with immunodeficiency

Vaccine protection concerns vary by those who are immunocompromised, who have had a transplant, or who are being treated for cancer.

“I’m sure they didn’t get the right response. Most, if not all, of them,” Fauci said.

“We need to look at them from a different perspective than the endurance of the average person, which means that we will almost certainly increase them before increasing the number of people who are vaccinated. Probably. ”

Approximately 1,500 healthcare systems across the United States require Covid-19 vaccination

According to a study published in the JAMA Network Open, it is estimated that 6 million people in the United States are taking immunosuppressive drugs that can interfere with the vaccine.

The FDA is moving fast to determine a Covid-19 vaccine booster for people with a weakened immune system, and the decision could be made before early September, Biden officials said. Told CNN.

According to former FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb, the immediate decision may not be sufficient for people who are immunocompromised in the epidemic of delta mutants.

“By the time we actually make that decision and put the booster campaign into operation, if the decision is made in September, we can probably start boosting a significant number of people in late October, he said. “There is,” said Gottlieb. I told CBS on Sunday.

“It will take time for it to stand up and take people to the clinic to receive injections, and it will take weeks for immunity to mature.”

CNN’s Deidre McPhillips, Camille Furst, Jessica Firger, Jennifer Henderson and Lauren Mascarenhas contributed to this report.





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