According to science, the number one cause of dementia
according to Centers for Disease Control and PreventionThere are an estimated 5 million adults living with dementia— And that number is increasing every year. In fact, by 2060, that number is projected to grow to nearly 14 million. Dementia, sometimes referred to as illness or illness, is actually a general term for “decreased memory, thinking, and decision-making abilities that interfere with daily life.” Sometimes forgetting a name or misplaced a car key is a normal part of aging, but dementia is not. Here’s everything you need to know about this, including the number one cause of memory failure conditions. Read — and don’t miss these to ensure your health and the health of others Certain signs that you may already have a COVID..
according to National Institute on Aging, National Institute of Health, Dementia is defined by loss of cognitive function and can range from mild to severe. This includes thinking, memory, and reasoning, as well as the ability to act “to the extent that it interferes with one’s daily life and activities.” “These features include memory, language skills, vision, problem-solving, self-management, concentration and attention.” In addition, some people in this state have no control over their emotions and are holistic. Some people have the potential to change their personality. In the worst-case scenario, the person cannot live alone and must rely on others to help with the basic activities of life.
It is normal for neurons to be lost during aging, but in dementia, many of these previously healthy nerve cells cease to function, lose their connections to other brain cells, and die.
Another thing about dementia?Explain that it is progressive Carlin Fredericks, Maryland, Yale University Department of Neurology, Memory Loss Specialist. “Unfortunately, despite our best efforts, the symptoms of dementia worsen over time,” she says. Instead, eat this!
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As outlined by the CDC, there are several different types of neurodegeneration.
Alzheimer’s disease: Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia, accounting for 60 to 80 percent of cases. It is caused by certain changes in the brain. This usually manifests itself as a memory problem, such as having trouble remembering a recent event, such as a conversation that has just occurred. Then, after the disease has progressed, someone may have a hard time remembering a distant memory. Other problems (difficulty walking and talking, personality changes) are also common later. Maximum risk factor? Family history. “Having a first-degree relative with Alzheimer’s disease increases the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by 10 to 30 percent,” explains the CDC.
Vascular dementia: Stroke and other blood flow problems can also cause dementia in the form of so-called vascular dementia, accounting for about 10 percent of cases. Other risk factors include diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. “Symptoms depend on the area and size of the brain affected. The disease progresses in stages, which means that when an individual has more strokes or mini-strokes, the symptoms suddenly worsen,” explains the CDC. ..
Lewy body dementias: This form of dementia manifests not only in memory loss, but also in movement and balance problems such as stiffness and tremors. “Many people also experience arousal changes such as daytime sleepiness, confusion, and staring spells. Also, night sleep problems or visual hallucinations (those who are not really there, You may also experience (seeing things, shapes), “explains CDC.
Frontotemporal dementia: Personality and behavioral changes define frontotemporal dementia, named after the affected part of the brain. “People in this state can be embarrassed or behave inappropriately. For example, a previously cautious person may make offensive comments or neglect responsibility at home or at work. There can also be problems with language skills such as speaking and understanding, “CDC explained.
Mixed dementia: Individuals can experience multiple types of dementia in the brain, especially if they are over 80 years of age. “One type of dementia symptoms is the most prominent, or another type,” the CDC said. Also, if there are multiple types of dementia, the disease can progress much faster.
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According to the CDC, dementia has many symptoms, many of which are outlined above. The most common are memory loss, attention problems, communication problems, reasoning, judgment, and problem-solving problems, as well as vision beyond typical age-related changes in vision.
Certain signs that may indicate dementia include getting lost in a familiar neighborhood, using unusual words to refer to something close to you, forgetting the names of close family and friends, forgetting old memories, or For example, you cannot complete the task independently.
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According to the CDC, there are many risk factors for dementia.
Year: The older you are, the more likely you are to develop dementia.
Family history: According to the CDC, dementia occurs in the family. “People who have parents or siblings with dementia are more likely to develop dementia on their own,” they explain.
Race / Ethnicity: According to the CDC, older African Americans are twice as likely to have dementia as whites, and Hispanic Americans are 1.5 times more likely to have dementia than whites.
Heart health: People with poor cardiovascular health are more likely to develop dementia. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and smoking can all play a role.
Traumatic brain injury: “Head injuries can increase the risk of dementia, especially if they occur severely or repeatedly,” said the CDC.
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According to the CDC, aging is the number one cause of dementia, most often affecting people over the age of 65. Second? Family history.
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In most cases, dementia cannot be prevented, but Dr. Fredericks said, “There are many things that may be possible to do, such as improving exercise levels (especially cardiovascular health) and reducing heavy alcohol use. Explain that there are factors. Improve sleep (and treat if you have sleep aspiration), eat well (Mediterranean diet seems to be particularly helpful), and be aware of chronic diseases such as high blood pressure and high blood pressure. Make sure you’re working with a doctor to pay for cholesterol, and dementia, “she explains.
The Alzheimer’s Association details best practices for preventing dementia. 10 ways to love your brain.. “Growing evidence shows that people can reduce their risk of cognitive decline by adopting key lifestyle habits,” they explain.
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Unfortunately, according to the CDC, there is no cure for most types of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. However, there are drugs that help protect the brain and manage symptoms such as anxiety and behavioral changes.
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If you or your loved one seems to be showing symptoms of dementia, NIH (National Institutes of Health) We recommend that you contract with your healthcare provider for evaluation. “Don’t be afraid to check out early!” Encourage Dr. Fredericks. “As soon as possible, identify the cause of your symptoms by having an experienced doctor evaluate you and determine if more tests are needed, such as blood tests, brain imaging tests, and pen and paper neuropsychological tests. You can (and rest assured). If what you are experiencing is likely to be the result of normal aging (you) “and to overcome this pandemic in your healthiest condition. And don’t miss these 35 locations most likely to be infected with COVID..
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