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Dr. Dan Brennan: Become My Hero — Get the Flu Vaccine and Become a “Floo Fighter” (2021 Edition) | Your Health

Dr. Dan Brennan: Become My Hero — Get the Flu Vaccine and Become a “Floo Fighter” (2021 Edition) | Your Health


It’s time to write a column that reminds me of getting a flu shot. After writing a boring flu vaccine column for years In my lifeAs a homage to one of my favorite rock bands (and with humor myself), I decided to do my first Floo Fighters column in 2019.

After 2019 Coronavirus pandemic (And a new album by Foo), so I decided to give you an updated version.

for The best you People who enjoy again Dave Grohl And that Foo Fighters, you’re welcome. The title of Foo’s song is italic.. For those who do not, consider getting a flu shot before we get a flu shot. Occur..

Such an era

NS Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Every year End of summer (October) The flu virus makes millions sick, hospitalizes hundreds of thousands, and kills thousands (sometimes tens of thousands).

To combat this potentially deadly virus, new influenza vaccines are being developed based on influenza strains that are predicted to prevail each year from October to May.This means that a new flu vaccine will be created next year..

What is influenza?

Influenza is a seasonal virus that causes the sudden onset of high fever, body aches, headaches, coughs, runny nose, sore throat, malaise, vomiting, or diarrhea.Some people Lonely like you You can feel it and complain “My poor brain hurts.” You may wake up to wake up yourself Midnight medicine..

Symptoms are worse than a common cold and the fever seems to persist Everlong, Like causing hallucinations Chasing birds, Leave you my, And feelings Exhausted Weeks before you come back Toward the better..

People at high risk, such as young children, people with weak immunity, and people with chronic health, may become ill, develop pneumonia, dehydration, or require hospitalization.

2021-22 Recommendations

In 2020, we were all at home, masked, distanced and benefited from the very mild flu season.Schools reopened and respiratory virus is already widespread set fire, More flu was seen this season.

However Cheer up, boy, There are still ways to prevent the flu! Since 2010, the CDC has recommended that virtually everyone over 6 months receive the flu vaccine each year.

Vaccine efficacy

One year, the flu vaccine has proven to be more effective than others. A few years ago, the flu vaccine was about 50% effective. What do you mean?Not miracleApproximately 50% of vaccinated people did not develop the flu or had very mild cases.

Of the other 50%, it may be far less symptomatic or less likely to infect and infect others with the virus.

The more people who get the flu vaccine each season, the less likely it is that the flu virus will spread throughout our community and find people who are medically vulnerable. Low I have immunity or cannot get the flu vaccine.

This is the principle of “flock”, “community”, or as Foo might call it. “congregation” Immunity.

Scientists predict which strains are likely to appear in the United States each year. Examples are H1N1 and H3N2 (A320 is not an influenza strain).

The virus may mutate or new strains of influenza may appear. If you come into contact with a mutated (or new strain), your vaccine may not provide you much protection.

Types of influenza vaccine

Several versions of the influenza vaccine are available, including an inactivated vaccine for people over 6 months (a “inactivated” virus that protects against several strains of influenza).There is also a high dose “Big Me” A version of the flu vaccine for people over the age of 65.

They are “Raise your arms” Injectable influenza vaccination options.

For those who dislike shots, live vaccines (attenuated virus) between the ages of 2 and 49 are approved (except during pregnancy or with certain medical conditions).

Pediatric considerations

Influenza complications are more common in younger and older people. Virtually all children over the age of 6 months should be vaccinated against the flu every year.

Children under the age of 9 who have been vaccinated with the first flu vaccine are advised to receive another flu vaccine 4 weeks after the first vaccination. This booster dose provides enhanced immunity.

Does a flu shot give you flu?

The answer is no. (put in Endless sigh Although it may have a bad reputation, the inactivated influenza vaccine is an empty-handed vaccine that does not cause illness.

Sometimes my patients report side effects of feeling pain and fever after one day.You are not yet Good off There are days of mild pain instead of 2 weeks hell..

Keep in mind that flu vaccines are often given during the cold and flu seasons, so it is possible to catch non-flu viruses at about the same time.

Does the flu vaccine prevent me from getting “sick” this winter?

The answer is also NO.I wish you could promise to be perfect Explicitly..

The flu vaccine reduces your chances of getting the flu, but it does not provide protection against the common cold or stomach virus (sometimes mistakenly labeled as “stomach flu”), COVID-19.

The best way to stay healthy is to wash your hands, mask indoors, and stay away from sick people.

When and where should I get the flu vaccine?

Now is the time.You may want Run, No walk To the nearest clinic, drug store, or health fair. In a normal year, we want everyone to be vaccinated by the end of October.

But don’t worry Enough space For you and your family at the upcoming Regional Influenza Clinic.You don’t have to Back..

Learn to fly With Floo Fighters

Due to the pandemic, hospital capacity and staffing are already tense.The last thing you need to do this winter Waiting for war Address the influenza and COVID-19 twin epidemics.

please do not Pretender..Don’t get the flu monkey wrench To your plan.that is Shame, shame If you miss the opportunity to protect yourself or others.

We hope that all qualified individuals will be vaccinated against both COVID-19 and influenza.I can promise you that I have no son Go without both vaccines.

Instead of saying “I should have known” Direct you to the flu Bone and skin,please My hero Please inoculate the vaccine.

— Dr. Dan Brennan is a board-certified pediatrician at the San Sam Clinic from Santa Barbara, who enjoys relaxing with his wife and three boys.





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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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