Thanks to Nebraska’s mother, 61, for forcing COVID-19 to go to the appointment that led to her diagnosis of cancer.Importance of Breast Cancer Screening
Importance of Breast Cancer Screening
- A woman in Omaha, Nebraska says the diagnosis of COVID-19 led to the detection of breast cancer. She went to the doctor because of the symptoms of COVID-19, which she made an appointment for the first time in 10 years. On that visit, her doctor performed a delinquency test, including a mammogram, which led to the detection of breast cancer and the abnormal growth of her uterus.
- She said she had successfully operated on both the uterus and breasts and the mammogram returned vividly.
- Mammograms, standard breast cancer screening procedures, and self-breast examinations can save lives.The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends starting breast cancer mammogram screening at age 45 if women are at average risk for breast cancer.
At SurvivorNet, we always emphasize the importance of prioritizing health. Boidee Siso, the mother of Omaha, Nebraska, recently recalled this lesson after seeing a doctor for prolonged symptoms of COVID-19 and being diagnosed with breast cancer. Now she shares her story and encourages others to manage her health.
Boidee Siso caught a case of COVID-19 around October 2020.
“I couldn’t move, [I was] It was as if I was very tired and the breathing part was hard for me. I know you are praying to God to help me. That was the scary part, the breathing part. ” She said about her symptoms.. “The food wasn’t delicious, everything stinked, it was terrible … and I couldn’t get out of bed.”
It took nearly three weeks for the perilla to recover from her symptoms, but due to the long-term nature of her illness, she was taken to a doctor. She regained her promise for the first time in 10 years.
“The COVID at that moment was terrible, I didn’t want anyone [to] I have it, but at the same time it was a blessing to me, “she said.
After the doctor performed various tests, including mammograms, she received two important diagnoses instead of one. One is abnormal growth of the uterus and the other is breast cancer. After that, Perilla had surgery on both the uterus and the breast. She was also told that she should be exposed to radiation, but declined treatment.
Fast forwarding in October of this year, Siso faced a heavier mammogram than the first mammogram.
“Through the glory of God, everything is clearly back,” she said.
It may seem strange, but Siso has revealed that the diagnosis of COVID-19 has succeeded in defeating the cancer. If she hadn’t asked for a doctor’s appointment after her severe viral symptoms, Shiso might not have found her cancer early enough for her doctor to have a successful surgery. After all has happened, her message to others is simple: prioritize your health and have a little faith.
“Young people remember, old people forget it,” Shiso said of an important visit to the clinic. “Write it down! Write it down, I need to make this promise, that promise, you know, work is important. Money is important. It’s not as important as your health.”
Understand breast cancer
Breast cancer is a common cancer that has been the subject of much research. Many women develop breast cancer each year, but men can also develop this cancer. However, it is rare due to the simple fact that there is little breast tissue.
There are many treatment options for people with this disease, but the treatment depends heavily on the details of each case. Identifying these details means examining whether cancer cells have specific receptors.They are Receptors-estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, HER2 receptor – Helps identify the unique characteristics of the cancer and personalize the treatment.
“I would like to imagine these receptors as small hands on the outside of the cell, but you can grab what are called ligands. These ligands are essentially hormones that circulate in the bloodstream. It can attract this. It is a cancer cell and is used as a fertilizer and as a cell growth support. ” Dr. Elizabeth ComenA medical oncologist at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center told SurvivorNet earlier.
Unique Features of Breast Cancer: Determining the Right Treatment Policy
One example of a type of ligand that can stimulate cancer cells is the hormone estrogen, which is why estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer grows when stimulated by estrogen. In these cases, your doctor may offer treatments that specifically target the estrogen receptor. However, for HER2-positive breast cancer, treatments that uniquely target the HER2 receptor may be most beneficial.
Importance of Breast Cancer Screening
Breast cancer screening is usually done through a mammogram that looks for lumps in the breast tissue or signs of cancer. Mammograms aren’t perfect, but they’re still a great way to start screening each year. The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that women begin breast cancer mammogram screening at age 45 if they are at average risk for breast cancer.
For screening purposes, a woman is considered to be at average risk in the absence of a personal history of breast cancer, a strong family history of breast cancer, or a genetic mutation known to increase the risk of breast cancer. BRCA mutation Or a medical history involving chest radiation therapy under the age of 30. Beyond genetics, family history and radiation therapy experience, even if you experience menstruation at an early age (before the age of 12) or have a dense chest High risk category.. If you are at high risk of developing breast cancer, you should start screening early.
In a previous interview with SurvivorNet, Dr. Connie LehmanHead of Breast Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital, said people who have not yet reached menopause should prioritize obtaining mammograms each year.
When do I need to get a mammogram?
“We know that cancer grows faster in younger patients, and having that annual mammogram can save lives,” said Dr. Lehman. “It may be perfectly acceptable to reduce the frequency every two years after menopause, but what I am most worried about is the mammogram, a woman who has not been screened for two, three or four years. A woman who has never received it. We all agree that regular screening mammography will save lives. “
It is also important to be on top of a self-examination. If you feel a lump in your breast, be cautious and consult your doctor immediately. Expressing your concerns as soon as you have them can lead to faster cancer detection, which in turn can lead to better results.
Find out more about SurvivorNet’s rigorous medical review process.
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