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Scotland was shaken by the second earthquake an hour after the 3.3-magnitude earthquake

Scotland was shaken by the second earthquake an hour after the 3.3-magnitude earthquake


Scotland was hit by a second earthquake just an hour after its first on Tuesday morning.

The first earthquake of magnitude 3.3 occurred near the town of Lochgilphead in Argyll and Bute at 1.44 am.

Locals compared the noise to an explosion, with one saying it felt “like a freight train”.

Less than an hour later – at 2.42 am – a second tremor of magnitude 1.6 was recorded at a depth of 7 km in the upland village of Roy Bridge.

The British Geological Survey said the first quake was felt by more than 30 people in Ashnamara, Tevalić, Lutschlevid, Tarbert, Ardreich and many other villages and hamlets in the area.

Some residents said they woke up to a “thunderclap”, while others said that “the house and windows shook” and “it was like thunder rumbled,” BGS said.

The first earthquake occurred near the town of Lochgilphead in Argyll and Bute and the second earthquake was recorded at Roybridge in the Highlands.

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The agency said that the earthquake occurred at a depth of 12 kilometers below the surface of the earth.

Rosemary Nigel, who lives on a farm in Kilmartin Glen near Lochgelvid, said the quake noise was so loud that she initially thought something had exploded in one of her barns.

She told the BBC’s Good Morning Scotland: “It just kept getting louder and the house shook. It kept gurgling for about 10 seconds after that, so it was pretty scary.

“I’ve tried them before here but not to this extent. The house has never shaken this way in the past.”

Locals described the first earthquake as being like an ‘explosion’.

Victoria Winters, 53, also felt the quake shook her home – describing it as “like a freight train”.

She said, “It woke us up a little bit from the start. It looks like a freight train suddenly appears and then starts shaking.”

“It looks like something really big is rushing towards you. I live in an old, big stone house, so it makes a lot of noise when it comes.

“It’s not the first time I’ve tested one here, so I knew what it was.

UK earthquake: Houses shook with a 3.1-magnitude earthquake that sent residents out of bed.

“I can imagine that if you had never experienced it before, it could be very scary.

“I’ve felt about four in the last 10 years. It’s been five or six seconds, enough to wake me up, keep going, and then I can tell when he’s been running through the house.

“She came from the bedroom. His voice rose, then the bed shook from side to side and the noise drifted up the hills.

“Nothing feels like it’s a squeaky house, so it makes some noise.”

By comparison, the largest known Scottish earthquake occurred near Loch in 1880, with a magnitude of 5.2.

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There are approximately 200-300 earthquakes in Britain each year, but the vast majority of earthquakes are so small that no one notices them. However, it is between 20-30 more than 2.0 degrees which can be felt over a wider area.

Earthquakes in Scotland are often attributed to ice rebounds. Until about 10,500 years ago, much of the north of the UK was covered by a thick layer of ice – pushing the rocks further down into the underlying mantle.

These rocks have been slowly rising again since the ice melted, causing occasional earthquakes in the process.

The United Kingdom is also subject to tectonic pressures from the expansion of the Atlantic Ocean, which is slowly pushing the entire region of Eurasia to the east, and from the northward movement of Africa, which is pushing towards Europe from the south.

The most devastating earthquake in the UK was in the Colchester area in 1884. About 1,200 buildings needed repairs, chimneys collapsed and walls cracked.

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