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Should the Covid-19 booster dose be different from the first vaccine?

Should the Covid-19 booster dose be different from the first vaccine?


Members of the Center’s expert body for monitoring the Covid-19 said the latest Covovax shots, which received an emergency permit from the WHO, are a better booster-effective choice than the majority of eligible Indians, the Covishield. I have stated that I received it. Mixed-and-match shots of the primary, double-dose vaccine have been considered, but it is generally customary to give the same vaccine twice. However, for boost immunization, subsequent doses should be different from those used for primary vaccination. This is what we know about the approach being discussed while Indian authorities are exploring the need for boosters.

Why do you need a booster shot?

according to Expert, “Lower defense is the main reason for getting booster shots.” Antibodies produced by vaccination are usually known to last for 6-8 months and then decrease in levels. who (WHO) states: “Data on the immunogenicity of some vaccines suggest that the antibody lasts for at least 6 months. [and] A decrease in neutralizing antibodies has been reported. “

However, health agencies around the world have been approved for emergency use, even if “data consistently show reduced vaccine efficacy against infection and a milder form of Covid-19 over time.” All vaccines have added that they provide an additional layer of protection in a way. Of T and B cells.

“Current data show an overall high level of efficacy with respect to the duration of protection for diseases requiring hospitalization,” WHO said. “Protection for severe diseases is pre-existing humoral. And by cell-mediated immunity, it is more permanently retained. ”

According to WHO, a booster is the dose given to a person who has completed a primary vaccination series. That is, depending on the product, give the Covid-19 vaccine once or twice. The goal behind the booster is “to restore the effectiveness of the vaccine from what is no longer considered sufficient.”

However, boost immunization is not the same as the “boost dose” of the vaccine. This may be necessary for some individuals who are “considered to have an inadequate immune response rate following the standard primary series.” “People with immunodeficiency often fail to initiate a defensive immune response after a standard primary series, but older people may also not respond well to a standard primary series,” says WHO.

Will the rise of new variants require boosters?

Experts point out that “another reason for booster shots is to protect yourself from other mutants.” New mutants like Omicron have been created to target spikes and are expected to be able to evade antibodies produced by current vaccines. New colonoviruses attack human cells and latch. An early mutant protein that was found to have altered subsequent mutations.

However, as WHO points out, “the current main goal of immunization is to protect against hospitalization, serious illness, and death.” In light of this, “additional immunization may be needed only if there is evidence of inadequate protection against the consequences of these diseases.”

Some countries, such as the United States, are promoting booster immunization of the population. In the United States, it is recommended for people over the age of 18 who have completed the mRNA series at least 6 months ago or have been vaccinated with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine at least twice. months ago.

As the Illinois Public Health Service points out, vaccination “Currently approved in the United States continues to be effective in reducing the risk of serious illness, hospitalization, and death, including protection against delta variants. Many vaccines provide protection over time. It will drop. ”

How can it help to use a booster that is different from the primary dose?

Anurag Agrawal, director of the CSIR Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology and a member of the Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics Consortium, a national genome monitoring panel, said the protein subunit vaccine Covovax is more effective as a booster. I am. Adenovirus-based viral vector shots rather than Covishield.

Covovax — Created by US-based Novavax — Like Covishield, there is a Pune-based Serum Institute of India (SII) as a licensed producer. Also known as NVX-CoV2373, this vaccine is a recombinant protein vaccine with a platform that makes it easy to tune vaccines that target new mutants.

Agrawal Said In a series of tweets after Covovax became the ninth shot cleared for emergency use by WHO, he said, “It’s better than the third dose AstraZeneca / Covishield as a booster.” However, in the rise of Omicron, he does not believe that “approved versions based on ancestral peplomer proteins are directly very effective against Omicron.”

Citing a study conducted in the United Kingdom, he said, “Immune enhancement after two doses of AZ / Covishield was much better than the inactivated virus vaccine … and because of the variant-specific immune response. Rapid modification of the protein is possible. “

Experts say that boost immunization is jab with only one dose, regardless of the primary dose, even if the initial recommendation for the vaccine is two doses for complete vaccination. Is called. Therefore, if one is completely jabed with two doses of Covishield, the booster will consist of one additional jab, even with another two doses of vaccine.

Experts told the US-based non-profit Mayo Clinic that “all boosters dramatically increase antibody response,” but booster decisions are based on how they responded to the first vaccine they obtained. He said he needed to do it. Young men who were initially vaccinated with the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine may need a J & J booster because the mRNA vaccine is associated with a small risk of heart inflammation called myocarditis. Women under the age of 50 may wish to have a Moderna or Pfizer booster. The J & J vaccine is associated with a slightly higher risk of rare blood clotting in young women, “said Dr. Gregory Poland, Head of the Mayo Clinic Vaccine Research Group.

What’s the idea behind the individual Vax for boosters?

Mixed-and-match doses are a strategy that has been considered for primary vaccination against Covid, the first dose of one vaccine followed by a second dose of another. However, WHO said that the “homologous vaccination” in which the same vaccine is used throughout is given that the primary and booster doses were “mostly evaluated using the same vaccine product throughout the dosing series”. “Currently considered standard practice,” he said.

Listing the reasons for mixing vaccines can range from “lack of availability of the same vaccine product” due to unpredictable supplies to “decreased responsiveness, increased immunogenicity, and increased vaccine efficacy”. It states that you can rely on the reasons up to.

However, while “supporting a flexible approach to allogeneic and heterologous vaccine schedules,” combination vaccines “should only be implemented with careful consideration of current vaccine supply and vaccine supply forecasts …” [and] Potential benefits and risks of the particular product used. “

In response to Twitter’s question about booster selection, Agrawal said, “Given all factors, including age group, risk, availability, etc., the relevant committee will call immediately.” According to the Vaccine Platform Report, there is a consensus among Indian authorities that the first and third booster dose, if cleared, should be a different vaccine than the flagship Covishield, Covaxin and Sputnik V. there is. Of the national Covid vaccination campaign.

Explaining the logic behind this, experts said India Express Vaccines like the Covishield use an attenuated virus that catches colds in chimpanzees, but because they are harmless to humans, they are used as a means of introducing the new coronavirus spike protein into the human immune system. Virus — The extra jab of the vaccine also has the effect of strengthening the immune response to the chimpanzee virus. In that regard, it may be better to use a different type of vaccine for the third dose.

According to the report, the protein-based vaccines Corbevax and Covovax, manufactured by Hyderabad-based Biological E, are “India’s best bet against booster shots.”

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