Oregon Hospital reports an outbreak of a rare super bug Candida auris
Salem, Oregon — Two patients in a hospital in Oregon The Oregon Department of Health reported on Tuesday during the “outbreak” of Candida auris, a rare yeast in the United States.
The first case found in Oregon was detected in Salem Health on December 11, and was confirmed in an individual who received “recent international medical exposure” on December 17.
After that, two patients who were already hospitalized became infected on December 23 and 27.
Salem Health and OHA are working to notify medical facilities that have accepted transfer patients from Salem Health’s “affected units.” It was not immediately clear which unit of Salem Health was affected by the outbreak.
This fungus, also known as C. aris, can cause infections in wounds and bloodstream, and is the OHA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Otherwise the risk of transmission to healthy people is “very low”.
Since 2013, approximately 1,150 clinical cases of Candida auris have been confirmed in the United States. The CDC describes it as presenting it “A serious global health threat.”
“Candida auris is a new concern as it can cause serious infections, especially in people with serious medical problems, and may be resistant to antifungal drugs that need to be treated. It’s a pathogen, “OHA said.
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Pierce went on to say that the fungus in the Salem Health case was responding to existing treatments.
OHA, CDC and Salem Health have developed and are implementing plans to stop the spread of Candida auris in hospitals, said Jasmin Chaudhary, director of infection prevention and medical care at Salem Health.
Measures taken include: Ensuring frequent disinfection of the patient’s medical environment. Use infection-based precautions for people infected or colonized with Candida auris. Adhere to the hand-washing protocol.
What is Candida auris?
A fungal disease that spreads to the medical field and causes invasive infections. Candida auris, first identified in Japan in 2009, began to occur in the United States in 2015.
CDC is C. I am particularly concerned because auris is difficult to diagnose, requires work in a specialized laboratory, and requires prompt action to prevent it from spreading. In addition, most of the strains have been shown to be resistant to at least one antifungal drug.
Who will it affect?
Candida auris usually preys on patients who already have a serious medical condition or weakened immunity, especially those who need invasive treatment by inserting a tube into the body.
Healthy people are usually not infected, but when they come in contact with sick patients or room surfaces or equipment, they should clean their hands with soap and water or hand sanitizers.
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CDC is C. He states that 30-60% of people with auris infection have died, but he also points out that many people are at high risk because of a serious illness.
What are the symptoms?
Symptoms vary, but the most common are fever and chills, which do not respond to antibiotics. In such cases, specialized lab testing is required to see if the condition is Candida auris. The disease often causes infections in the bloodstream, ears, or wounds.
How is it treated?
According to the CDC, C. The majority of auris infections respond to treatment with a class of antifungal drugs known as echinocandin. However, some strains are resistant to all three major classes of drugs, requiring multiple drugs to be given at higher doses.
How to avoid it?
If you are around a patient with C. auris, wash your hands and ask other exposed people, including health care workers, to do the same.
The CDC recommends that patients with Candida auris be placed in a single room that may need to be frequently washed with high quality disinfectants.
USA Today reporter Jorge L. Ortiz contributed to this article.
Follow Connor Radnovich on Twitter. @CDRadnovich.
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