The United States has to do some difficult things to defeat the Omicron variant, and experts explain how we get over it.
Even those who were cautious, the cycle of hope to return to normal and the subsequent disappointment of increasing cases has become frustrating.
But there is hope in the horizon. CNN spoke with Dr. Jonathan Reiner, a professor of medicine and surgery at George Washington University. He talked about what the United States can expect from a pandemic next and why it is necessary to continue working hard to control the virus.
This conversation has been lightly edited and summarized for clarity.
CNN: What does the health community think of the future of Covid-19?
Dr. Jonathan Reiner: In the short term, I think January will be a difficult month. We are basically in the race to determine whether the Omicron surge will peak or the hospital’s ability to care for people will be exhausted, which will happen first. Our hospital is full of patients and at the same time our staff are sick.
If the experience in South Africa and the experience in the United Kingdom are a precursor to the experience in the United States, we believe that the Omicron surge is relatively short-lived. Looking at the data in London today, it looks like the cases are starting to decline.
If you continue to follow the UK as in the past, you’ll see peaks in some parts of the country, especially where Omicron first hit, in the coming weeks.
It will be a challenge in the short term and our hospital will continue to be full of patients. After returning to the foothold that we used to do in the spring of 2020, the number of incidents begins to decline.
Fortunately, the severity of the general illness seems to be a little lower in Omicron than in other variants, but still the number of people admitted to the hospital and the staff of the hospital currently ill. The number will be the next few people in a very challenging week.
CNN: What about the long-term prognosis?
liner: There is reason to believe that as this wave begins to decline, incidents will continue to decline. The question is, is there another wave? Is there another variant that will take root? It’s unknown.
I think it will be difficult in the short term, but we will overcome it. Many people are still optimistic that we will probably be a much better place by spring.
CNN: In the short term, how do people need to adjust their approach when it comes to work, school, entertainment and travel?
liner: I think we live in the hottest moments of this pandemic. This is the highest viral load the country has ever seen during this pandemic. It doesn’t make sense to me that we’re trying to get into business, pretending that everything is open.
We need to tell the public that the next few weeks will be difficult, but we’re going to get over it, and to help us get over it, everyone we You should wear a mask everywhere you go Work from home as much as possible.
It’s hard to imagine keeping people packed into the theater. The idea that a bar is open in New York City is crazy for me. Our leadership basically didn’t want to tell people that they had to do difficult things.
CNN: Many experts say that the pandemic is unlikely to be completely resolved, but it will lead to a nasty problem. Is it still possible?
liner: In the end, I think it will settle down.
Basically, the technology to eliminate this is imminent, and it is called the pancoronavirus vaccine. There are various labs working on this.
A proof-of-concept paper published by Duke University earlier this year demonstrates the ability to create effective vaccines against all coronavirus variants, now, past and even in the future. I think there is hope in getting rid of this pandemic.
Most people expect that we will have an endemic virus with us for an indefinite future where we must live together and learn to mitigate its effects. Vaccines basically allow us to co-exist with this virus by preventing it from becoming a serious illness if we are infected with it. And you will learn to live with it in the same way you learned to live with the flu.
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