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What if I catch influenza and COVID-19 at the same time? Here’s what we know about “Furrona”:

What if I catch influenza and COVID-19 at the same time?  Here’s what we know about “Furrona”:


Despite concerns, Fururona is not a recent development, nor is it a new virus or disease. Rather, Fururona is a co-infection of influenza and coronavirus. Similar cases have been reported since the first pandemic in early 2020.

So what do we know about Fururona? And how serious is it? The following are:

Why are these cases getting widespread attention now?

Israeli Authorities confirmed the first domestic case of an individual infected with both seasonal influenza and COVID-19 simultaneously in December. The female showed only mild symptoms and was released in “good condition”. Times of Israel report. In the country, the number of cases of influenza has skyrocketed in recent weeks, increasing the risk of a “cold”. Did not happen last year..

Some outlets It was reported to be the first such case of Fururona in the world — multiple studies have Including one from Wuhan, China, Where COVID-19 is believed to have occurred, concludes that it is not. Atlantic He reported on the “Double Warmy” in November and pointed out that the entire family in New York City was infected with COVID and the flu. February 2020..

Cases have been reported in several states throughout the United States. California, Texas, When Kansas..Other countries, among them Brazil, Hungary, When Spain Cases of coinfection have also been confirmed.

Will Fururona become more common this year?

The simple answer is: do not understand. However, due to the increased activity of influenza compared to last year, an increase in full lona may be seen.

Warning of potential twin epidemics Experts feared that the health system could be overwhelmed along with the individual’s immune system, which never paid off last winter. Coronavirus safety protocols such as social distance and mask wearing, and the subsequent emergence of vaccines, De facto disappearance of influenza virus in early 2020, May have helped prevent double infections.

The CDC expects Both influenza and coronaviruses are widespread this winter. Influenza activity in the United States has already increased after a period of less epidemic. Massachusetts recently The best activity of influenza After April 2020.

According to the CDC, previously implemented coronavirus safety measures, such as a stay-at-home order and school closures, have been relaxed nationwide, and may even “increase influenza activity.”

“These precautions may have helped reduce the number of hospitalizations for both influenza and coronavirus,” according to the CDC. “Without these precautions, the annual incidence of hospitalizations associated with COVID-19 would have been much higher than the incidence of influenza during the typical influenza season.”

Even a few people Get a flu shot Compared to the previous year, a significant part of the country Not fully vaccinated yet Against the coronavirus, according to the CDC. This happens when the number of cases of COVID is increasing nationwide. This is mainly due to the appearance of Omicron.

“The reason we don’t talk much about it is that it hasn’t been clinically challenged yet,” said Dr. Jonathan D. Grein, Physician for Infectious Diseases and Director of Hospital Epidemiology at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. Said: New York Times.. “We expect coinfection to increase as the flu spreads.”

Will you get more sick if you get both?

Health experts are still studying how Fururona affects people, According to the CDC.. With so few known cases, it is unclear whether people have become ill or whether the severity of either illness can increase during coinfection.

However, based on previous studies, coinfection does not necessarily mean that you will experience worse results than if you had only one illness. Previous research Some scenarios have shown that viral infections can actually help activate a strong immune response in the body and may help repel or mitigate the effects of a later second infection. ..

What are the symptoms of Fururona?

Influenza and COVID-19 are both infectious respiratory diseases, caused by various viruses, but share similar symptoms. These symptoms include fever, cough, shortness of breath, malaise, muscle aches and body aches. According to the CDC..Both illnesses It can also cause complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure.

According to the CDC, compared to the flu, the coronavirus can cause more serious illnesses in some people and appears to spread more easily. Also, people can take longer to experience symptoms and they can be transmitted for a longer period of time. Most people who get the flu recover spontaneously within two weeks.

According to the CDC, the symptoms are so similar that tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis. The treatment plan depends on the patient’s situation.

Who has the highest risk of developing a coinfection?

Children and unvaccinated people are most likely to be infected with both COVID and influenza at the same time.

Researchers have found that coinfection with many respiratory viruses is “Substantially more generalChildren, especially children under the age of five. The child is “Small bacterial factoryBy people in the medical community, they are exposed to more bacteria and tend to get sick more often. ” However, children tend to be more resilient than sick adults.

People under the age of 5 are also more susceptible to infection because they are not eligible to be vaccinated against the coronavirus. The number of hospitalizations for infants infected with COVID-19 has risen to the highest level since the start of the pandemic last week. According to the CDC..

For both COVID and influenza Those who have not been vaccinated They are much more likely to get seriously ill and develop an infection than those who have been vaccinated. People who refuse to be vaccinated against the coronavirus May resist Influenza vaccines and other vaccines make you more susceptible to both illnesses.

Elderly people, health care workers, pregnant people, and people with underlying health are also at high risk for each virus. World Health Organization..

What can you do to protect yourself from Fururona?

The most effective way to prevent the development of either influenza or COVID-19 is to get vaccinated.Both are airborne viruses, so public health professionals are at a social distance. Wear a mask When the situation requires it.

Exposure to the coronavirus can be limited by paying attention to the activities involved and testing for exposure to people infected with the virus, especially given the recent surge in Omicron.

Shannon Larson can be reached at [email protected].. Follow her on Twitter @ shannonlarson98..




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