How to use a mask during a coronavirus pandemic
The mask worn for everyday protection against COVID-19 is incomplete, at least for now. The most effective mask type, the supply of N95 masks, should reach those who are in close daily contact with infected people. This requirement leaves the rest of us with reusable cloth face covers and disposable paper surgical masks. (The latter is also in high demand by people at the forefront, so if you are considering buying, get a fabric mask.)
“These aren’t completely efficient,” says Kirsten Köhler, an industry and public health expert who studies personal protection at Johns Hopkins University. However, it helps limit the circulation of the virus, especially if it is worn by someone infected with the new coronavirus. Many can be asymptomatic. “We are working to prevent the spread of the disease to other people,” says Keller. “Hopefully, masks can also help protect us.” She adds, she needs to continue to carry out social distance and isolation even when our faces are covered. A few best practices will help you get the most out of incomplete personal protection.
How to put on a mask
How to put on a mask
The mask should fit tightly and completely cover the nose and mouth. Be especially careful to fit snugly on the bridge of the nose. If your mask doesn’t have a flexible wire built in, you might be able to use a pipe cleaner, a coffee bag tie, or other object for your role in MacGyver.
Are there any special precautions a bearded individual should take? Keller doesn’t think so. “None of us puts a perfect seal around our nose anyway,” she says. “It shouldn’t be so different.”
If the mask is turned on correctly, air will pass through rather than around the mask. Your breath will probably make it feel a kind of damp and “moist”.
Time to remove the mask
There are not many data on how long masks can be worn effectively. According to the World Health Organization, the face cover should be replaced when it breathes through it sufficiently to become moist. The effect can only occur after a few hours. For a trip to the grocery store, perhaps one mask is enough. If it will be longer, bring a spare if possible.
How to remove the mask
How to clean a reusable mask
Immediately after removing the cloth mask, putting it in a paper bag has two purposes. One is to isolate the mask from accidental handling of the mask and the other is to keep the paper dry. Leave it on warm paper for 2-3 days before putting the cover back on. (The science here is in its early stages, but in one study Coronavirus reaches undetectable levels After 2 days on dough. After one week, the level inside the surgical mask was not detected, but on the outside it remained. It is advisable to put the paper bag in a sunny windowsill or in the car’s natural oven as the virus will inactivate faster at higher temperatures. Alternatively, if you have your own laundry facility, you can put the used masks in a regular washing machine directly into the washing machine. A bag for washing delicates prevents the tie of the mask from tying the entire luggage knot. You can also Wash the mask by hand: Soak in bleach suitable for disinfection for 5 minutes and rinse well. The face covering should be decontaminated after each use. If you plan to go out more often than your decontamination schedule allows, please have a few on hand.
How to avoid overcast glasses
For those who are wearing glasses between us, the frosted glass struggle is real. And in general, that means your mask doesn’t fit very well. If the material is tight on the nose, no air is leaking from the top. Here are some ideas for improving that fit.
Organization: The part of the facial tissue that is sandwiched between the glasses and the mask will push the latter more snugly and prevent the exhalation from rising.
Tape: Apply a little medical tape over the top of the mask to secure your face to your cheeks.
Soap: A small amount of soap can be attached to the inside of the lens to prevent fog. 1 paper recommended Soak the inside with soapy water Then air dry it. Another option is pinky fingernail liquid soap that rubs directly inside the lens.
Material and effectiveness
The science of mask effectiveness is uneven. Several laboratory studies are investigating how fabrics are protected from particles of various sizes. They were mainly conducted to investigate air pollution and flu before COVID-19. However, the gold standard of medicine (a randomized controlled trial of masks used on a daily basis) is difficult and requires conscious exposure of people to pathogens and pollutants, which raises ethical concerns. Nonetheless, existing laboratory research has helped teach researchers much about how particles interact with fabrics and paper.
Are paper and cloth masks more effective?
One study compared the capabilities of cloth and paper surgical masks. Filter air pollution.. Researchers examined the material under a microscope and found that the cloth was a more open structure, often with larger holes, larger than the droplets believed to carry the coronavirus. These droplets cover a huge size range. Wider than 100 microns, large enough to see when popping out, and capable of sub-micron scale.
Another study found Paper masks were more effective than cloth masks For influenza prevention. However, there are other considerations besides the material. Fabric masks are usually sewn in two layers, so they can trap more particles than if you had just one cross layer.
Generally, they have a shorter lifespan than cloth masks, even though paper surface covers are more effective. And they are in high demand. Although supplies of surgical masks are starting to recover, Koehler still recommends the use of cloth masks. “We want to make sure healthcare professionals have access to the supplies they need,” she explains.
So what should I look for in a cloth mask?
Whether you get it from someone or create it yourself, there are some things to keep in mind. The fabric must be of high quality and well woven. In woven fabric, the fibers intersect at right angles, but the knit structure contains small V yarns. Look for right-angle weaves and avoid knits. Tight weaves, like those found in high-end pillowcases, block most of the light when placed over a window. Of course, these are properties that are difficult to evaluate when buying online.
The shape of the mask should fit your face well. Rectangular covers usually have wires built into them so they can be molded to fit the face, while curved designs cover slightly up from the nose.
To create your own cover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website Some designs For different levels of crafting skills. Curved style cloth mask designs are also quite popular.
Experts should be citizens Avoid masks with built-in valves.. They are designed to release air when the wearer exhales, which not only lowers humidity, but allows unfiltered breathing to exit the cover.
Is a mask intended to protect the wearer or his/her surroundings?
Both. They are most effective in preventing infected mask wearers from spreading the virus to others. However, ideally it can also provide protection against splashes containing viruses.
The droplets evaporate as they travel through the air, maximizing when you first cough. Crossmasks are effective at blocking large particles, so they are most effective at stopping spreading if the droplet stops at its source.
Did you prove that the mask itself is of great use? Or do mask wearers generally tend to be more cautious?
By randomized controlled trial, Wearing a mask is certainly effective against the flu, But no such trial currently exists for masks and coronaviruses. “The evidence isn’t always as perfect as we want,” says Keller. “Based on aerosol science, we know that masks will help reduce the penetration of these particles. Is it 100% effective? Maybe not. But does it help? I I think so.”
Read more about the outbreak of coronavirus From Scientific american here.. And read coverage from us Click here for the international magazine network..
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