Shedding light on slow plate-slip tectonic movement in southwestern Japan – Eurasia Review
Within the next 30 years, the massive, devastating Nankai Troh earthquake is expected to hit southwestern Japan. Understanding the long-range slow-slide events (L-SSE (*1)) that occur along the plate interface between the Philippine Sea outflow plate and the Amur platen overflow under the Bungo Channel is essential for determining when such an earthquake occurred. To this end, Kobe University Professor Yoshika Shuichi (Urban Safety and Security Research Center) and SESHIMO Yukinari (First-Year Master’s Student, Department of Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science) analyzed the 2018-2019 Bungo Channel L-SSE using longitudinal GNSS data ( *2) Provided by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan.
They reveal that while the 2018-2019 event was shorter than previous L-SSEs in this region, it was also larger in terms of slip amount and slip velocity, as well as seismic moments and torque magnitude. These and other findings from their findings provide further insight into the behavior of L-SSEs in the Bungo channel.
These results were published in the online journal “Scientific Reports” on January 10, 2022 at 10 AM GMT. This journal is published by the Nature Publishing Group (UK).
the main points
Illuminating the Bungo Channel slow-slip distribution is important for understanding the causal mechanism behind the Nankai Trough mega-earthquake, which is expected to occur in the near future.
This research group has highlighted the spatiotemporal distribution of the slow slip event that occurred in 2018-2019
Although occurring in the shortest time period, the 2018-2019 event was the highest recorded to date in terms of slip amount and slip velocity, as well as seismic moment (*3) and moment magnitude (*4) compared to past slow slip events in the Bungo Channel .
The 2018-2019 event is similar to the 2002-2004 slow slide in terms of starting location, coupon distribution, and order of subsidiary events.
Search background
In the Bungo Channel, located between Shikoku and Kyushu in southwestern Japan, the Philippine Sea plate descends in a northwesterly direction under the Amurian plate. Every 6 years or so, long-term slow slip events (L-SSE) frequently occur along the plate interface below this region. Each of these L-SSEs lasts anywhere from several months to two years.
The studies performed to date have analyzed the sliding distributions of L-SSEs that occurred in the following periods: 1996–1998, 2002–2004, and 2009–2011. It has been suggested that there is a possible relationship between these events and the occurrence of the Nankai Troh mega earthquake.
Illuminating the slip distributions of L-SSE in the Bungo channel is vital to understanding how such a massive earthquake occurs. Therefore, Kobe University researchers decided to conduct a new analysis of the L-SSE that occurred during the period 2018-2019.
Research Methodology and Results
Using longitudinal GNSS data, the researchers calculated the spatiotemporal distribution of the Bungo Channel L-SSE that occurred in 2018-2019. From the results, they understood that this event could be divided into two sub-events; The first sub-event ran from March to July 2018 (0.1 of the year = 36.5 days) and occurred under the southwest side of the Bungo Canal, and the second sub-event that occurred from August 2018 to April 2019 directly below the central part of the channel.
The 2018-2019 L-SSE lasted, for one year, for the shortest period of time compared to the previous Bungo Channel L-SSEs analyzed. Despite this, the L-SSE 2018-2019 was the largest event in terms of slip amount and slip velocity, as well as earthquakes amount and moment. Furthermore, the researchers also discovered that the 2018-2019 L-SSE was similar to the 2002-2004 L-SSE in terms of initiation site, slip distribution, and the order in which the sub-events occurred. In the past, there were approximate time periods. 6 years between each L-SSE occurrence, but the 2018-2019 L-SSE occurred about 8 years after the previous event, which was in 2009-2011.
More research
Bungo Channel L-SSEs have occurred at the lower slope of the plate interface adjacent to the epicenter of the Nankai Trough mega earthquake, which is estimated to occur with a probability of 70~80% in the next 30 years. Observing the spatiotemporal changes in the behavior of these types of slow (*5) earthquakes is vital to enable seismologists to detect early signs of a massive bottom earthquake. These observations revealed spatiotemporal changes in the slip distribution of the Bungo Channel L-SSE 2018-2019, highlighting the great importance of comparing recent L-SSE to past events. Next, the researchers will observe slipping and sticking as the plates intersect under the Bongo Channel. By enhancing their analysis, they hope to shed light on the mechanisms by which earthquakes occur and enable early detection of the next massive Nankai Trough earthquake.
glossary of terms
1. Long-term slow slip event (L-SSE): This phenomenon occurs at the subduction interface (where one plate is pushed below the other). Over a period of a few months to a few years, a portion of the front of the board slowly slips off – this is the L-SSE.
2. Longitudinal GNSS data: The Geospatial Information Authority of Japan has about 1,300 GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) stations located throughout Japan that collect temporal data on seismic shifts.
3. Seismic moment: This is a measure of the magnitude of an earthquake based on the area of the fault rupture, the average amount of slip, and the force required to overcome the friction sticking the rocks together
4. Moment magnitude: the amount that is calculated based on long seismic waves (more than 10 seconds in duration) and the shape of these waves. It can also be determined from seismic moments.
5. Slow earthquake: a seismic phenomenon in which a gradual faulting occurs. Slow earthquake is a general term for a variety of time-stationary phenomena in which a fault slips; Including low-frequency earthquakes, low-frequency tremors and seismicity, and short- and long-term slow-slip events.
Sources 2/ https://www.eurasiareview.com/14022022-better-prediction-of-megathrust-earthquakes-illuminating-slow-slip-plate-tectonics-in-south-western-japan/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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