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Implementing a National Obesity Strategy: No Time to Waste

Implementing a National Obesity Strategy: No Time to Waste


Last week, on World Obesity Day, the long-awaited National Obesity Strategy Launched by the Morrison Government, Australia’s first.. The Minister of Health acknowledged that it has an ambitious purpose: stop rising, reverse the prevalence of obesity in adults, and by 2030 overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Reduce by at least 5%.

This strategy was initially developed as an obesity prevention strategy, including secondary prevention. However, the final version, developed without public consultation at the end of 2021, saw significant changes in the importance of treatment and management, personal empowerment, and coping with stigma.

First launched by the Australian Government Council in 2018, this recent strategy is co-owned by state, territory, and federal governments and is currently overseen by the health ministers of each jurisdiction.It was developed after both Turn over the scale consensusOver 35 communities, health, academic institutions, and Senate Special Committee Makes Obese The report called for the formulation of a national strategy. It provides a roadmap for all levels of government, National preventive health strategy With an aligned target.

However, this is not the first strategy aimed at preventing overweight and obesity. Over the last 25 years, there have been two parliamentary investigations into obesity and potential solutions. 1997, Act on Australia’s Weight: Strategic Plans to Prevent Overweight and Obesity Has been released. Given the incomplete implementation of the strategy, some say it is “waiting for Australia to act.”

Following this, in 2009, there was a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to obesity prevention. National Preventive Health Strategy: Australia is the healthiest country by 2020.. Ann Progress analysis Ten years later, it turned out that the removal of funds caused a stagnation, although many were initiated to meet recommendations for reducing and managing obesity. Only one of the 27 recommended actions was fully completed, 20 had limited progress, and 6 had no progress at all.

Meanwhile, the prevalence of overweight and obesity is stable in children, but continues to increase in adults, especially in the obesity category. Like many health risks, it is socially patterned and shows higher prevalence in rural and remote communities, as well as lower socio-economic groups.We are also seeing a worrying trend Cohort study It shows that Australians are in the category of unhealthy weight at a young age.This is connected to 46% of 18-24 year olds In 2017-18, you will become overweight in adulthood and are at increased risk of living with illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes, and the associated disability at a young age. The Latest data on illness burden In Australia, overweight (including obesity) has shown to be very close to smoking as a major modifiable risk factor for the burden of illness.

Three ambitions are built into national strategy. The third is most interesting to medical professionals. Early intervention and supportive medical care are available to all Australians..This section recognizes many of the recent barriers InSight + article It is related to raising weight, diet and health issues, and the opportunity to train and improve health professionals to engage in these conversations. The only national approach to the development and dissemination of training, tailored to different health environments, will be more effective. The intent of the proposed behavior is also to establish a better understanding by health professionals about stigma, interactions with mental health, and other effects of obesity. If this ambition is incorporated into the approach of providing care outlined in the strategy, it will be of considerable benefit to the patient. Interaction between weight disgrace and health consequences Interaction with Mental health and physical health..

This strategy outlines targeted and coordinated interventions that require more assistance and address unfair access to a range of evidence-based treatments, including obesity surgery.

It also points out the development and updating of practice norms. There was some discussion with the federal government on reviewing the guidelines of the National Health and Medical Research Council on the treatment and management of obesity. Updating these guidelines will provide the basis for many aspirations for this ambition. Given that there was no announcement from the federal government as part of the announcement of the strategy, it would be timely to see the funding commitment to update these guidelines in the next federal budget.

There is an opportunity to improve the referral route, including providing the equivalent of QuitlineTelephone support and counseling services to help people quit smoking with coordinated advice from trained professionals. There are several similar services, but they are localized or have strict entry criteria (rather than a truly preventative approach). Developing a national approach will make it fair, generate efficiency and clarify the path of care. With over 12.5 million Australians over healthy weight, different management and treatment options are needed to meet the different life stages and needs of these individuals.

However, from a review of evidence and recommendations from institutions such as the World Health Organization, simply focusing on changes in individual behavior and seeing this issue as a failure of individual and group will is not a widespread approach. You can see that there is no such thing. Changes in the health of the population.

We need to urgently implement policies and regulations that act to create an environment that supports a healthy diet and a lively life. This is essential to success and should be a priority. These are the means for:

  • Reduce children’s exposure to unhealthy food marketing. This is the wallpaper of their lives, tracking online and reaching children through sports sponsorship, television, and community signs.
  • By imposing a health tax on sweet drink manufacturers, which are currently in place in more than 50 countries, sugar consumption has been reduced and products have been reorganized.
  • It limits the harmful sugars that can be added to infant foods and helps you get the best start in your life.
  • Make sure that the packaging Health Star rating is mandatory and consistent with the evidence. When,
  • Consider further steps to promote reforms and demand the most effective labeling to inform consumers.

Measures that focus on impacting the environment through system changes are more effective and less likely to increase inequality. Policy and regulatory initiatives to create a healthier environment are also undertaken by the ultra-processed food industry along with other vested interests. Fight the hardest Because they are most likely to succeed in reducing the demand for their super-processed foods.

We must learn from the experience of the last 10 years. Beyond a healthy weight is the norm in society, and if you want to change the course, you need to act decisively and swiftly. Future federal budgets will need to allocate funds to support implementation, including treatment and management, and during the election year, political parties will need to consider how policy platforms reflect strategic ambitions. I have. this is, Future costs as a result of obesity to wipe out the increase in GDP As a buildback after COVID. The purpose of the national obesity strategy is ambitious, but let’s not repeat history. I was given the opportunity not to waste it.

Jane Martin is the Executive Manager of the Obesity Policy Coalition. She is the president of the Australian New Zealand Obesity Association. Head of Obesity and Alcohol Program at Cancer Council, Victoria.

The statements or opinions expressed in this article reflect the views of the author and do not represent AMA’s official policy. My A Also InSight + Unless otherwise stated.




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