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What is norovirus, how does it spread and how long is the incubation period?

What is norovirus, how does it spread and how long is the incubation period?


The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) warns: Norovirus Case More than doubled in the UK in the second week of MarchWinter vomiting insects spread in nursery centers, schools and elderly housing with care.

According to UKHSA, this increase is primarily due to an increase in outbreaks in educational settings, which account for 54% of cases, and an increase in long-term care facilities, which account for 38% of cases.

The body warned the public to take precautions to limit its spread diseaseIncludes washing hands with soap and water rather than antibacterial gel, and includes taking special care to protect the vulnerable from infection.

It suggested that the rise came as a result of mitigation COVID-19 He warned of the rules of social distance and the potential “abnormal or out-of-season” surge in cases in the coming weeks.

“Norovirus was at lower than normal levels throughout the pandemic, but as people began to mix more, the number of outbreaks began to increase again.” Said Professor Saheer Gharbia of the UKHSA Gastrointestinal Pathogens and Food Safety Agency.

With that in mind, here’s everything you need to know about this unpleasant but relatively short-lived illness.

How does it spread?

Norovirus is highly contagious, so by contacting someone who is already sick (often a child infected by one of the playmates), touching surfaces or objects that come into contact, or eating food. , Can catch norovirus. Or drinking water handled by someone who has it.

Infectious people release billions of norovirus particles that cannot be seen without a microscope, but only a few of them are needed to make others sick.

What are the symptoms?

There is 6 major norovirus symptoms According to Professor Gharbia, caution is required.

These are nausea, vomiting of projectiles, diarrhea, high temperatures, intolerable abdominal pain, and pain in the limbs.

How long is the incubation period?

Norovirus symptoms usually begin to appear Within 1-2 days According to the infected NHS..

However, the virus usually passes quickly. This means that in most cases you are unlikely to get sick for more than a couple of days.

That said, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns that some studies have shown that norovirus can still spread. 2 weeks or more After feeling better.

How is it treated?

The NHS allows cases of norovirus to be treated at home, and patients leave school or work and visit care facilities or hospitals to limit the risk of transmission to others, except in emergencies. I advise you not to.

It is recommended that those who are suffering return to the communal setting only after the symptoms have subsided, rest until the condition is gone and drink plenty of liquid.

It is also highly recommended to clean the potentially contaminated surface with a bleach-based detergent and hot water.

Commonly used household toilets, faucets, telephones, door handles, and kitchen surfaces should all be thoroughly disinfected while wearing gloves and clothing. Ideally, bedding should be washed at 60 ° C to kill the virus.

If you are looking for more information, I recommend you to go to Or call 111.




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