Skull channels are the key to detecting brain infections and injuries – Harvard Gazette
Researchers led by a team at Massachusetts General Hospital previously discovered small channels in the skull, but cerebrospinal fluid (also known as “brain water”) passes through these channels to the bone marrow of the skull. I found that I could leave.
This finding, published in Nature Neuroscience, is important because immune cells produced in the spongy tissue of the bone marrow of the skull can screen cerebrospinal fluid for signs of infection and other threats to the brain.
In 2018, a group led by Matthias Nahrendorf, a researcher at MGH’s Center for Systems Biology and a professor of radiology at Harvard Medical School, discovered that immune cells that respond to brain infections and damage originate from the bone marrow of the skull. bottom. Hundreds of previously unknown small channels that connect the bone marrow of the skull to the outer layer of the membrane that lines the brain (called the meninges). Until then, the bone marrow throughout the body was thought to respond to injuries and infections everywhere, but the skull was found to play a special role because it is close to the brain and has a connection to the meninges.
In this latest study, the team will allow immune cells to flow from the bone marrow of the skull to the meninges, as well as cerebrospinal fluid from the brain to the bones of the skull in the opposite direction. Demonstrated bone marrow. The team was led by Nahrendorf, Charles P. Lin, leader of the Advanced Microscopy Group at MGH’s Systems Biology Center, and Michael A. Moskowitz, a MGH physician investigator who won the 2021 Lundbeck Brain Prize.
“Now we know that the brain can signal this immune hub, in other words, screaming for help in case of problems such as infection or inflammation. The cells monitor the cerebrospinal fluid leaving the brain through previously discovered skull channels, “says Narendorf. “This can have a significant impact on illnesses such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, as they have an inflammatory component.”
Nahrendorf and his colleagues, including lead author and MGH researcher Fadi E. Pulous, also found that bacteria that cause meningitis (meningeal inflammation) migrate through channels and enter the bone marrow of the skull. .. This causes the cells in the bone marrow to generate more immune cells to counter the invasion. A better understanding of these processes may lead to new strategies for treating meningitis.
“Our research may also be useful in studying situations where the immune response is detrimental, such as when immune cells from the bone marrow of the skull damage the brain and surrounding nerves. What is neuroinflammation? Understanding what encourages is the first step in adjusting it well, “says Narendorf.
This work was partially funded by US Federal Funding from the National Institutes of Health.
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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online
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