Laboratory-fed human breast milk could hit stores in stores within a few years-nationwide
North Carolina start up What is called BIOMILQ may have created a nutritionally comparable alternative to human breast milk. However, this milk is produced in the bioreactor, not the mammary glands.
For parents who can’t Breastfeeding Or, for those who have adopted or used surrogate, having another option for children besides powdered milk could be a game changer.It is also very common for women to not produce enough Breast milk By myself.
Leila Strickland, co-founder and director of BIOMILQ, faced her own problem of producing sufficient milk when she became a new mother in 2009.
“I wasn’t ready for it, so I realized it was really isolated. I felt something was wrong“Strickland told the Guardian.
So when Strickland heard about the first laboratory-grown burgers developed in 2013, he turned to adapting the technique to cultured milk-producing cells.
“Using the same techniques that we’ve used for decades to grow cells outside the body, we’ve recreated the behavior these cells have evolved over millions of years to meet the needs of babies. You can produce a quantity of ingredients, “says Strickland. Of her startup process.
“Female-owned, science-led, mother-centricThe startup was founded in 2020 and has since attracted the attention of billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates, who owns a US $ 3.5 million stake in the company.
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Strickland told CNN that it would still take another 3-5 years Before the first BIOMILQ product hits the market. In the meantime, startups need to increase production, reduce costs, and persuade regulators to liquidate their products for safe consumption.
“There is no real regulatory framework that exists,” says Strickland.
However, if the product is successfully approved by the government, BIOMILQ has the potential to have a wide range of impacts on the infant formula industry and infant nutrition.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) 2 out of 3 babies Do not receive the recommended amount of milk for the first 6 months. These low rates are partly due to the milk replacer industry. The milk replacer industry often uses misleading marketing strategies to convince parents to use powdered milk.
WHO claims that “breast milk is an ideal food for babies” so that children can grow with the nutrients and antibodies they need to grow healthy and strong. Studies have shown that breast-fed children perform better on intelligence tests and have a lower risk of diabetes and obesity.
Milk powder is often milk-based and provides a lot of nutrition to the baby, but lacks the “complexity of breast milk,” Strickland says.
In comparison, BIOMILQ’s nutritional profile is very similar to that of breast milk, with similar proportions of protein, carbohydrates and fat.
BIOMILQ produces laboratory-fed breast milk from breast tissue and milk cells donated by women in the community. The team then feeds the donated cells to grow in a flask and incubate in a bioreactor where the cells absorb more nutrients.
The bioreactor aims to mimic the environment of the breast, and when the “milk-producing cell culture medium” is pumped into the reactor, the cells begin to secrete milk.
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BIOMILQ is made from human tissue, but experts say it’s not as good as regular breast milk. Natalie Shenker, a Fellow at Imperial College London, says that normal breast milk also contains fatty acids and hormones from the mother’s blood that contribute to brain development.
BIOMILQ is very clear about not wanting to replace breastfeeding, and on its website, “we don’t dream of it.”
Instead, its mission is to “give parents new options for nutrition as close as possible to breast milk.”
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