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“Isolation is our biggest fear”: the valley town lives in fear of earthquakes

“Isolation is our biggest fear”: the valley town lives in fear of earthquakes


The people of Matucana, a town in the Andes mountains three hours from Peru’s capital Lima, live in constant fear of earthquakes.

The city lies on a geographical fault line and is surrounded by mountains with huge boulders embedded in the cliffs.

The danger is exacerbated by poor urban planning. Poorly constructed tall buildings loom over the central plaza that contains the Ricardo Bentin School.

Every year volunteers and local authorities conduct an exercise to prepare for the inevitability. Schoolchildren hold hands and are led into open spaces, while the mobile phone’s automated warning system is triggered.

Huge boulders loom over the city, a major concern in the event of an earthquake

(practical procedure)

A simulated victim was hospitalized during training

(practical procedure)

Music is an essential part of communicating safety messages to children

(practical procedure)

Jose Vicona, municipal disaster risk management coordinator, said: “The main risk is that Matucana is a small town with only two main roads, so we have very few evacuation routes.

“We are surrounded by mountains and rocks. I am afraid we will become isolated when an earthquake strikes.”

Jose also says that school children receive emotional support after rehearsals so that they are not traumatized by the event.

During the 2007 earthquake that devastated Peru, killing 519 people across the country, Matucana was left without government assistance for a week.

Jose Vicona, Municipal Disaster Risk Management Coordinator

(practical procedure)

An automated safety alert was part of the training

(practical procedure)

Earthquakes destroyed Matokana in the past

(practical procedure)

Schoolchildren are being counseled due to the risk of earthquakes

(practical procedure)

The 8.0-magnitude earthquake, which experts say produces about once every 100 years, hit the central coast of Peru on August 15 and lasted two minutes.

The city of Pisco, located 160 miles southeast of Lima, was the hardest hit. About 85 percent of its buildings were destroyed, as many as 430 residents died, and 148 people were killed when the cathedral collapsed in the city’s main square.

Matucana, like many mountain communities in Peru, is also vulnerable to flooding due to unstable precipitation patterns caused by climate change.

Sam Webb traveled to Peru with the Practical Action charity.




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