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Monkeypox cases are triple in Europe, WHO says; Africa of concern

Monkeypox cases are triple in Europe, WHO says; Africa of concern


The World Health Organization’s European chief warned on Friday that monkeypox cases in the region have tripled in the last two weeks, and more to prevent previously rare illnesses from colonizing the continent. I urged each country to do that.

African health officials have also treated the growing monkeypox outbreak as an emergency and shared a limited supply of vaccines to avoid the equity issues seen during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are calling on a rich country.

WHO Europe Chief Dr. Hans Kluge said in a statement that despite last week’s UN Health Organization decision, the expanding outbreak still does not justify declaring a global health emergency. Said.

“If we turn corners in a race to reverse the ongoing spread of the disease, urgent and collaborative action is essential,” said Kruge.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 5,000 cases of monkeypox have been reported from 51 countries around the world, and the disease is usually not reported. According to Kruge, the number of infections in Europe accounts for about 90% of the world total, and cases have been identified in 31 countries in WHO’s European region.

According to Kruge, 99% of cases are men, most of whom have sex with men, according to data reported to WHO. However, he said there were currently “small” cases among household contacts, including children. Most people reported symptoms such as rash, fever, malaise, myalgia, vomiting, and chills.

Scientists warn that anyone in close physical contact with monkeypox or anyone with clothing or sheets is at risk of infection. Vulnerable populations such as children and pregnant women are considered more likely to have a serious illness.

Approximately 10% of patients were hospitalized for treatment or isolation, and one was admitted to the intensive care unit. No deaths have been reported.

File-This 2003 electron micrograph, made available by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, shows a mature oval monkeypox virion (left) and a spherical immature virion (right).

File-This 2003 electron micrograph, made available by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, shows a mature oval monkeypox virion (left) and a spherical immature virion (right).

Kruge said the issue of stigma in some countries could warn some people of seeking medical care, and WHO is working with partners, including the organizers of gay pride events. Said.

In the UK, which has the largest outbreak of monkeypox beyond Africa, authorities have pointed out that the disease has spread to “a defined sexual network of men who have sex with gay, bisexual, or men.” increase. British health officials said there were no signs of persistent infection beyond these populations.

A major WHO adviser said in May that the surge in incidents in Europe was likely related to male sexual activity at two rave parties in Spain and Belgium.

Prior to this weekend’s gay pride event in the UK, London’s top public health doctors asked people with monkeypox symptoms such as swollen glands and blisters to stay home.

Nevertheless, in Africa, detailed data on cases of monkeypox in Ghana show that it is divided almost evenly between men and women, and that it has been detected to spread among men who have sex with men. WHO says.

Kruge, director of WHO Europe, also said that vaccine procurement “must apply the principles of equity.”

The main vaccine used against monkeypox was originally developed for smallpox, and the European Medicines Agency said this week it began assessing whether it should be approved for monkeypox. I did. WHO states that the supply of Bavarian Scandinavian vaccines is very limited.

Countries, including the United Kingdom and Germany, have already begun vaccination against people at high risk of monkeypox. The UK has recently expanded its immune program to most gay and bisexual men who have multiple sexual partners and are considered to be the most vulnerable.

Until May, monkeypox was not known to cause large-scale outbreaks across parts of Central and West Africa that had sickened people for decades.

To date, there have been approximately 1,800 suspected monkeypox cases in Africa, including more than 70 deaths, but only 109 have been identified in the lab. Lack of diagnosis and weak monitoring in the laboratory means that many cases are undetected.

“For us, this particular outbreak means an emergency,” said Ahmed Ogwell, Deputy Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Africa.

According to WHO, monkeypox has spread to previously unseen African countries such as South Africa, Ghana and Morocco. However, according to Dr. Moeti Matshidiso, director of WHO Africa, more than 90% of continental infections occur in Congo and Nigeria.

Vaccines have never been used to stop the outbreak of monkeypox in Africa. Authorities have relied primarily on contact tracing and quarantine.

WHO said that countries supplying monkeypox vaccines have not yet shared them with Africa, similar to last year’s scrambled COVID-19 vaccine.

“No donations have been donated to (poor) countries,” said Fiona Braka, head of the WHO emergency response team in Africa. “We know that those countries that have some stocks reserve them primarily for their own population.”

Matshidiso said WHO is in talks with in-stock manufacturers and countries to see if they are shared.

“We hope that the global spotlight on monkeypox will act as a catalyst to completely defeat the disease in Africa,” she said Thursday.




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