Scientists learn how music relieves pain in the body
Surprisingly, music is a proven cure for healing from a scientific point of view.Numerous studies support its benefits Combination with other treatmentsEven as that way.. Still, I’m not sure about the mechanism. I know that sound has physiological benefits, but I don’t know how.
New research in mice, Published in the journal on Thursday ChemistryReveals recipes for leveraging music as a potential analgesic to provide a low-cost, widely accessible alternative to traditional medicines.
A team of neuroscientists in China and the United States injected the complete Freund’s adjuvant, a solution that causes inflammation and pain, into the hind legs of laboratory mice. Next, they stick out their hind paws and observe the threshold at which the mouse flutters. It provides a measure of each animal’s tolerance to pain.
The team also played sounds at levels slightly higher than the background noise and observed how these sounds affect the pain tolerance of the mouse. The mouse did not seem to be a music eavesdropper. When each played 5 dB above the ambient noise, it responded equally to classical music, dissonance, and white noise.
Whatever the music, the overall effect was remarkable. The sound played significantly reduced the level of pain in the mice, and the results persisted after 2 days.
“In the future, these discoveries may spur the development of alternative interventions to treat pain,” the author writes in a new treatise.
Once there was evidence that music therapy worked, researchers looked into the mouse’s brain and recorded the areas that were lit when they made a pleasing sound. They tracked effects through areas called the neocortex, thalamus, and brainstem, and showed how music competed with pain signals from the feet and broadcast time in the brain.
according to Accompanying outlook article Chemistry The previous account of the pain-relieving properties of music, written by biologists Rohini Kuner and Thomas Kuner of the University of Heidelberg, focused on the ability of the sound to distract the audience. Sound “is likely to contribute to distraction,” but they wrote that the study details new and clear pathways for pain control.
They also speculated that the secret source explaining the effect of 5 decibels was the ability to elicit the defensive instinct of mice. If so, the fight-or-flight response would have reduced awareness of pain, as the mouse focused on more pressing concerns, such as avoiding potential threats. “From an evolutionary point of view, it makes sense that sound-based defensive behavior is accompanied by rapid pain suppression,” Kuners wrote.
Still, this phenomenon needs to be studied more deeply before it begins to make pain-relieving sounds to patients in need.
“Using rodents to study how music and sound relate to pain presents a major challenge, especially since it is unclear how animals perceive music. “Masu,” writes Kuners.
In this regard, the Chinese and American teams seem to agree. “The neural mechanisms underlying human music-induced analgesia are arguably more complex than those revealed in mice,” they write.
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