Mary Tadal of Robinsville aims to educate children and empower women
In 2017, Robinsville-based cosmetologist Marie Tadal visited her native Haiti, curious about the case of her former primary school, Ecole Mer Louise, since the country’s earthquake in 2010. That visit changed her life.
After leaving Haiti at the age of 13, Thaddal arrived in Port-au-Prince to discover that the school was destroyed by the earthquake, so Thaddal asked to know where the school was to be rebuilt. Speaking to the school principal, Sister Elizabeth Paul, and other sisters who worked in the new facility, she felt frustrated with the issues of poverty and the absence of economic and educational growth in the country.
“They used to say that every time they took a step forward, they took two steps back,” said Thaddal. “They also told me that there are about 100 children who face difficulties in paying school fees.”
There are very few public schools in Haiti – 90 percent of schools are private or run by the church.
“You have to pay annual or monthly tuition fees to go to school in Haiti,” said Tidal. Mary said at that moment that she knew that she should try to do something to help.
Thaddal, who moved to Robinsville right after college (got degrees in Biochemistry and Cosmetic Science from Rutgers and Fairly Dickinson, and an MBA from Ryder University) went back to the states and met a group of friends to discuss creating a nonprofit fundraising organization for just such children .
The non-profit Itiah Angels for Learning program (Itaia is “Haiti” written in reverse) was launched in 2018, with a message statement that included “Changing children’s lives by providing educational tools to poor communities”.
Haddal said that the organization, which consists of a board of directors and members of all volunteers, is still in its early stages.
She said: “The initiatives we have discussed and we will put into practice include events we are planning, a campaign on social media and infrastructure building.” “But the good news is that board members have made enough donations so far so that we can care for at least 10 children [out of the 100 students at École Mère Louise] In terms of paying tuition fees. “
Under a separate goal, Thaddal created, with her friend and collaborator Melanie Mitchell, the Ita Angelis Beauty Project initiative, designed to educate women in under-served countries like Haiti, Panama and Kenya on how to make and then market essential skin care products.
Mary Thadall
“Melanie and I know a lot about cosmetic business, so we introduce the Cosmetic Science program and teach these women how to make basic skin care and cosmetics,” said Tidal. “We teach them as much as possible, as a way to achieve self-sufficiency in a sustainable way.
“We show them things that don’t have heat or a lot of mixing. Sometimes we might take some local oil and mix it with the fragrance to create something new that they can pack and sell. But we also want to make them feel support and beauty, so we give them a great program too. We have a photo session too. In addition, they sometimes entertain us with local rituals: they may cook for us or take us on tours around their villages to learn about their culture. ”
In all, the beauty project includes aesthetic workshops, sparkle sessions, and entrepreneur seminars that provide business opportunities and potential sources of income for local women.
Thaddal and her group, other members of the cosmetic industry, visited Haiti and Panama through this project, and they were planning a trip to Kenya this summer before the outbreak of the coronavirus. More than 100 women are scheduled to go on the trip, including the 23-year-old daughter of Thaddal Julia, a graduate of Robinsville High School and the Rochester Institute of Technology, who accompanied her mother on her trips to Panama and Haiti.
Not all visits are related to plastic surgery. The group also participates in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (STEM) through Robinsville High School to work with the children of women who meet Thaddal and her group.
“I raised my kids here in Robinsville,” said Thaddal. “My daughter Julia participated in the robotics program at Robinsville High School, and traveled with her group to various competitions. It was Julia who proposed a partnership with the RHS Robotics team to help these children. Disadvantaged. “
The high school immediately jumped on the idea. Before the trip, high school students send a video to children in Kenya to show them how to build a robot, with instructions translated in Swahili. In addition, African children will get “Scribble Robot Kits” to build the robot that is also writing, along with a group of Legos that will be distributed to children to encourage them to learn new skills. The Robotics team ran a Lego campaign in Robbinsville to collect Legos.
On trips, while mothers participate in Glamor sessions, children can participate in experiential learning activities involving robotics and engineering.
The trip to Kenya came through an invitation from Lillian Kirongo, a prominent scientist from Peretz Biz, who currently lives in North Carolina but is originally from Casey in western Kenya. Over the past few years, Kirongo has worked with the Ekerore Satellite Women Group, which is made up of African women who are interested in learning new skills, with the aim of becoming entrepreneurs as a viable source of income for their families.
Thaddal also speeds up the appreciation of Mitchell, who has been instrumental in creating the Ita Engels Beauty Projects initiative. Mitchell, coordinator of the Itaia beauty project, “He is a wonderful and detail-oriented person. She goes with us everywhere. I met her at a huge cosmetic trade show in Las Vegas: One thing led to another, we talked, and now we are friends and colleagues.”
The ability to help both women and children from disadvantaged societies around the world greatly satisfies Thaddal. “We want to take care of children, but I love the fact that we can also help their mothers and other women in their cities by teaching new skills so they can enter the market and support themselves,” said Tidal. “This way, the entire community can benefit.”
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