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Jessica Weston Special Earthquake Pillar: July 4, 2019 to July 4, 2020: “What a long strange journey” – News – Mount Shasta Herald – Mount Shasta, CA


A year ago, July 5, I was stumbling on foot through warm asphalt in flimsy shoes to film a fire at home while writing to Sports Correspondent Lauren Jennings right after the second Ridgecrest earthquake. As a joke I wrote: “Is it too late to return to the first page?” With a picture of fire.

I was joking but that’s pretty much what I did. In a moment of super-adaptation, Lauren added a remarkable update to our latest version of our 7.1 earthquake report, while working from a brewery – I didn’t know this last detail until I saw her interview with NBCLA’s Kristen Kim on TV later.

The speed and response of DI impressed CNN so much that they wrote an article in our newsroom and my photos of fire around the world were used as one of the first images of the largest earthquake in California for 20 years.

It was not like anything I had experienced before, a more surreal experience. I had no doubt that this weekend would become the weirdest period of my life, but I was wrong.

If someone told me a year later, and I would have reported a one-year anniversary of the aforementioned earthquakes from home because a deadly pandemic swept the world causing a health crisis of historical proportions, I would have assumed that we all travel down some Alice-in-Wonderland wormhole where any Something possible.

That may be true, but here we are. It’s the anniversary of the now called Ridgecrest Earthquake sequence, and I’m supposed to write something about my experience at that time.

I narrated a hit on what I went through at the time, so this will be more impressionable. To locate my seismic credentials, yes I was at Ridgecrest for both earthquakes and reporting all the time. It was long hours, not much sleep, and what I remember now are little bits. Everything was an experience out of time.

I remember driving from the office at 4 am on July 6, after hanging around photographing the morning CNN show on Skype. I remember the absolute silence, the warmth of summer, and seeing people sleeping in their yards because they were afraid to go back inside.

Other memories include attending the press conference with Governor Newsom, seeing the leaders of our city swinging behind him in the city hall and knowing that they sleep less than I was.

Newsom talked about California as an earthquake zone and how this is somehow related to what makes our country so magical. I agree. I also remember the sermon of pastor Eddie Thomas at the Victory Baptist Church the next day, where he addressed the same question from a theological perspective. These two moments stand out as a first challenge to action through experience on a philosophical level. I felt hanging around and distressed every time. Before that I was just interacting, interacting, working in action.

The most painful memory for me was the time lapse between the first and second earthquakes. If you are not here it is impossible to describe. We had a 5.4 earthquake and the steadfastness was escalating. People were cleaning things and feeling comfortable. But something hangs in the air, not just later. Hundreds of aftershocks continued. That was worrisome. Those stats we’ve been hearing looked like one in 15 chances of a bigger event, but it felt more certain than that. Some people had a bad feeling that this was not over.

And they were right. When Akbar hit, there was a feeling “I knew it was coming” at least for me. My mom and I drove the car from dinner at Casa Coruna, which is a good place for a last meal. I had my camera. My mom stopped by the roadside, the car bounced up and down and the rest is history. It wasn’t that bad. At least until the work started.

My mom’s alternative plan for that night was to take a movie. The assistant director Amanda Diaz who decided to close Ridgecrest Cinemas may have saved her life, along with many others.

But the period between the two earthquakes is still waiting for me. Part of me wonders why not all get out of dodge? I know I won’t. I would stay and do my job. But it is disturbing to realize that we can have.

He also chases me because the cyclone’s eye, the calmness between quiet storms reminds me of what we’re going through now, with COVID-19. We are waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Today in history

One of my DI’s jobs is to place a section titled “Today in History”. If you read the paper, you may have seen it. Part of the section includes listings for “ten years ago”, “five years ago”, etc.

I wondered if anything that I am part of would make this list. But she surprised me when she did.

Today’s list says, “One year ago. The strongest earthquake in 20 years shook a large area of ​​southern California and parts of Nevada, causing injuries and damage in the town of Ridgecrest, near the epicenter. (It will be followed by a stronger earthquake a day later).”

So I think it’s official. It would be nice if they mentioned us, but we are part of history.

I cannot wait to see what he will bring next year.

Jessica Weston is an award-winning columnist and Daily Independent newspaper editor. It can be accessed at [email protected]

—— The opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Daily Independent.

What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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