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Gland plague returns to Inner Mongolia, China


According to a state-owned company, the incident was discovered in Bayanur City, northwest of Beijing. Xinhua News Agency.. The hospital alerted city officials on Saturday about the patient’s case. By Sunday, local authorities had issued a Level 3 warning throughout the city to prevent plague. This is the second lowest level in a 4-level system.

According to Xinhua, the warning will continue until the end of the year.

Plague, caused by bacteria and transmitted through fleas, bites and infected animals, is one of the worst bacterial infections in human history. During the Black Death of the Middle Ages, it killed an estimated 50 million people in Europe.

Glandular plague, one of the three forms of plague, causes painful swelling of lymph nodes, fever, chills, and cough.

The Bayan Nur health authorities are now asking people to take special precautions to minimize the risk of person-to-person transmission and to avoid hunting or eating animals that can cause the transmission.

“Currently there is a risk of human plague in the city. People need to raise awareness and capacity for self-defense and report abnormal health conditions quickly,” said local health officials. China Daily..

Bayanur authorities report finding a dead or sick marmot-a type of large ground squirrel that has been eaten in some parts of China and in neighboring Mongolia and has historically caused plague outbreaks in this area. Generally warned you to do so.

Talbaggan marmot in the grasslands around Lake Khufu in Mongolia.

Marmot is believed to have caused the 1911 pulmonary plague epidemic that killed approximately 63,000 people in northeastern China. It was hunted for its fur and soared in popularity among international traders. Diseased fur products were traded and shipped nationwide-infecting thousands on the way.

Although the epidemic was contained within a year, marmot-associated plague infections have continued for decades. Last week two cases of glandular plague were confirmed in Mongolia-a brother who both ate marmot meat, According to Xinhua..
Last May, a Mongolian couple Died of a gland plague After eating the raw kidneys of marmots, it is considered a folk remedy for good health. 2 more Lung plague-another illness that infects the lungs-after a few months, crossed the border of Inner Mongolia.

Why plague is still a problem?

With the advent of antibiotics that could be treated if most infections were detected early, the plague outbreak was curbed and the type of rapid witnesses in medieval Europe was thwarted.

But modern medicine was able to treat plague, but not eliminate it altogether-and it has undergone a recent resurgence, leading the World Health Organization (WHO) and classifying it as a re-emerging illness. Did.

According to the WHO, 1,000 to 2,000 people get plague every year. But since we haven’t considered the unreported cases, the sum is probably too conservative.

Every year, 1,000 to 2,000 people get the plague.

The three most prevalent nations, meaning the lasting plague, are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, and Peru.

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, several to dozens of plagues occur in the United States each year. In 2015, two people died of plague in Colorado, and eight years ago the state reported eight cases.

There is currently no effective vaccine against plague, but modern antibiotics can prevent complications and death if given promptly enough. Untreated gland plague becomes pulmonary plague, which quickly develops pneumonia after the bacteria have spread to the lungs.


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