Study Finds Adults Sleeping 5 Hours Or Less Are At Higher Risk Of Chronic Diseases
Getting five hours or less of sleep per night may increase your risk of two or more chronic diseases as you age, new research reveals.
However, some experts say we should be more concerned about the effects of smoking, high blood pressure, and lack of exercise.
A study published in the journal today pros medicinetracked 7,000 men and women employed as UK civil servants for over 30 years, Track the amount of sleep they had and the chronic diseases they developed.
Their sleep was measured six times between 1985 and 2016 and correlated with chronic disease onset at three specific ages.
“Less sleep duration at age 50, 60, or 70 was associated with a 30 to 40 percent increase in multimorbidity. [developing more than one chronic illness]said lead author Severine Sabia. He is an epidemiologist at Université Paris-Cité, Inselm University and University College London.
The study considered people who slept five hours or less as “short sleepers” and compared disease risk with those who slept the recommended seven hours.
Although some evidence links sleep duration to individual chronic illnesses, Illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, arthritis, depression and diabetes – Dr. Sabia said this is the first prospective study to look at its association with multiple chronic diseases.
“In real life, as people get older, they get some diseases,” she said, noting that it’s estimated that more than half of older people in high-income countries suffer from at least two chronic diseases. Added.
Not surprisingly, the shorter the sleep time, the higher the risk of death. This is mainly due to the increased risk of chronic diseases.
Researchers have also found that sleep disturbances are associated with multiple diseases.
Dr. Sabia and colleagues also examined the effects of sleeping longer than recommended.
They found that nine or more hours of sleep appeared to be associated with more chronic disease, but this trend was inexplicably observed only in the 60- and 70-year-old groups.
When they looked closely, those who slept longer were already in poor health, and it is possible that their illness was the cause of their long sleep, not the other way around.
“It could be due to medication or illness-related fatigue,” Dr. Sabia said.
The “chicken and egg” dilemma
Gemma Paich, a sleep researcher at Newcastle University who was not involved in the study, said the study’s findings support previous studies that have linked sleep duration and quality to disease.
That said, she added, there’s always been a “chicken or egg” problem in sleep research.
“We know that people who don’t get enough sleep can have health problems, but if they have health problems, they’re often sleep deprived as well,” Dr. Paech said. Stated.
“I don’t think we can clearly define the cause.”
She said the researchers used “self-reports” from people about how long they slept, which could be unreliable, but the sheer size of the study compensated for this.
“Obtaining a large sample size balances out subjective reports, some overestimate others, some underestimate,” says Dr. Paech.
Dr. Maximilian De Corten of the Mitchell Institute for Education and Health Policy at the University of Victoria agreed that the new findings about the effects of short sleep duration are promising.
However, the absolute risk of multiple chronic diseases is low for people who sleep less, he said, affecting less than 1 in 10 people.
“Smoking, blood pressure, and lack of exercise are more of a concern,” said Professor de Koten.
Other public health experts, such as Rob Moody, professor of public health at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, said the findings suggest that sleep time could be linked to diabetes, obesity and heart disease. , says it has strengthened research linking it to depression.
He believed that we should be more aware of the importance of sleep and that sleep should be included in research. global burden of disease.
“We haven’t talked about it enough,” Professor Moody said.
There are still many things I don’t know
Professor de Courten said more research is needed to better understand the role of different sleep patterns and sleep durations in health.
“It’s still an emerging field,” he said.
In fact, researchers are beginning to question the long-held assumption that people should always get seven hours of sleep per hit, Dr. Paech said.
She added that there are several theories that breaking it up into smaller chunks over a 24-hour period might work for some people.
Dr. Paech said we should try to sleep when we are sleepy. Whatever you do, don’t worry.
“The more you think or worry about how much sleep you’re getting or how much you’re not getting, the more elusive sleep becomes.”
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