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lung cancer does not discriminate

lung cancer does not discriminate


A common misconception about lung cancer is that it only affects certain people, such as the elderly and those who have a history of smoking.

But lung cancer questions are no longer just “Do you smoke?” The reality is that even non-smokers who lead a healthy lifestyle can be diagnosed with lung cancer.

Just as no one is completely immune to the Covid-19 virus, everyone is susceptible to lung cancer, men and women, young and old, smokers and non-smokers alike.

lung cancer does not discriminate

Although smoking remains the most common cause of lung cancer in Malaysia, the anecdotal experience of Malaysian practitioners shows that the number of non-smokers diagnosed with lung cancer has increased in recent years.

“Up to a third of patients with confirmed lung cancer are never or never smokers,” said Dr. Anand Sachitanandan, Cardiothoracic Surgeon, Chairman and Consultant, Lung Cancer Network Malaysia (LCNM). .

Dr. Tho Lye Mun, Vice President of LCNM and Senior Consultant Clinical Oncologist, found that throughout his practice, 50% of his patients were never or very light smokers and surprisingly , said most of them were women.

Smoking is the most common risk factor for lung cancer, but if you have a family history of cancer, you may also be more susceptible to lung cancer. Based on TALENT, study abroad in taiwanan individual’s risk of lung cancer increases with having a first-degree relative with lung cancer.

The environment in which we live also poses risks.If you are constantly or frequently exposed to secondhand smoke from smokers around you asbestos at workare more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer.

actual, The World Health Organization (WHO) recently confirmed An established and relevant link between air pollution and lung cancer.

Lung cancer often sneaks up on you without you even knowing it

Compared to other types of cancer, such as breast and prostate cancer, most people Lung cancer is usually only diagnosed at a late stage.

According to Dr Tho, over 90% of the overwhelming majority of lung cancer patients he encounters are stages III and IV, and stage IV disease is considered incurable.

Diagnosis is delayed because symptoms of lung cancer can be difficult to spot. They are usually vague or non-specific and can be easily dismissed as far less malicious.

“It can be confused with a simple cough or cold,” Dr Toh said, adding that if the individual is a smoker, it can be confused with everyday, routine symptoms, which can make things worse. I added that there is

of lung cancer symptoms Cough, chest pain, weight loss, cough, and shortness of breath.

Do most of these symptoms sound familiar to you? Do they sound like common symptoms of Covid-19? urged the public not to ignore symptoms of

“It’s imperative that you see your doctor and have your symptoms investigated if necessary,” Dr Toh said.

Lung cancer can be detected early

Symptoms are difficult to detect, but the good news is that lung cancer can be detected early, even before symptoms appear.

Dr Tho said: If detected early, lung cancer can be cured. ”

According to Dr. Anand, LDCT scans are the gold standard for lung cancer screening. Compared to conventional his CT scans, which require several hours of fasting before the scan and use contrast agents, LDCT scans are “quick, painless, require no needles, and require minimal radiation. Done.”

He further assured me that no fasting or blood work was required prior to the scan.The LDCT scan is a single-breath technique that acquires images of the lungs very quickly.

LCNM has partnered with AstraZeneca, Qualitas, and several hospitals to offer LDCT scans at very low prices. Currently, LDCT scans are for men and women from age 45 to age 75 who have smoked for 20 years or more.

There are now artificial intelligence (AI) programs that help detect the risk of developing lung cancer for the general public who have never smoked.

“Because our technology system is based on deep learning algorithms, it automatically scans and quickly reads a patient’s chest x-ray with more accuracy than the human eye and generates a detailed report,” said Dr. Anand. increase.

This is an important breakthrough in the medical field as it helps general practitioners detect lung cancer locally. If the AI ​​software detects anything abnormal in her X-rays, the patient is referred to one of the participating specialty hospitals and a detailed LDCT scan is performed on her.

LDCT scans can detect stage I lung cancer in the very early stages, says Dr. Anand, so patients can get the treatment they need before it’s too late.

The world doesn’t end when you’re diagnosed with lung cancer

Many people either believe that being diagnosed with lung cancer is like receiving a death sentence and that there is no point in treating it, or they share a common misconception.

According to Dr Tho, this has been true in the past, when the expected survival rate for stage IV lung cancer patients was six months. However, thanks to major advances in the lung cancer treatment landscape, such as immunotherapy and targeted therapies, the situation has changed.

“We now have patients with stage IV who have survived for more than five years and have a pretty good quality of life,” said Dr. Anand.

According to Dr. Anand, treatment for lung cancer can even exceed six figures, depending on the stage.

If the disease is caught early, treatment costs are generally less. So, this is another benefit of the public taking advantage of these state-of-the-art, subsidized imaging and scanning initiatives being put in place to detect lung cancer early.

fighting lung cancer

Dr. Anand and Dr. To shared the inspiring story of how one of the youngest lung cancer patients fought the disease successfully. The woman, who was 30 years old at the time, had no smoking history, no history of cancer in her family, and no symptoms of lung cancer prior to her diagnosis.

It was an unexpected discovery during a regular check-up. After screening, she was diagnosed with early stage IV lung cancer.

According to Dr Tho, the medical team performed genetic testing and found a working mutation in her tumor. They prescribed her oral targeted therapy and following a good response, Dr. Anand was able to successfully operate on her and completely remove the tumor. It remains cancer-free and is growing well.

to be Number one gun killer Lung cancer may creep up on the world without you even knowing it. Get tested as soon as you start having symptoms.

Doctors say lung cancer survival is better when diagnosed early, and early diagnosis is only possible with early and regular screening. When asked about how anyone can effectively prevent lung cancer, Dr. Anand urged the general public to avoid or quit smoking because smoking is preventable.

The ‘New Normal Same Cancer’ public service campaign by AstraZeneca, in partnership with LCNM and the National Cancer Society Malaysia, is offering lung cancer screening vouchers at more than 20 participating hospitals across the may Download Screening Voucher For discounted examinations at nearby hospitals.

of the campaign microsite It also provides information about lung cancer.

“Traditionally, lung cancer was perceived as a disease of male smokers, but it is no longer discriminatory. Surprisingly, women with healthy lifestyles and non-smokers are now diagnosed as well. We are,” said Dr. Anand.

Just as lung cancer does not discriminate, neither should we discriminate against smokers in our joint struggle to improve lung cancer outcomes in Malaysia.



2/ https://codeblue.galenorg/2022/11/21/lung-cancer-does-not-discriminate/

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