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Asian Tiger Mosquito: One bite can contract five deadly

Asian Tiger Mosquito: One bite can contract five deadly


The Asian tiger mosquito or Aedes albopictus is an aggressive daytime bite that feeds on humans and sometimes other mammals and can cause fatal complications in humans. It is native, but has spread to European countries and the Americas due to the movement of goods and overseas travel. A 27-year-old German man fell into a coma and had two toes amputated after undergoing 30 surgeries after being bitten by an Asian tiger mosquito, the Daily Star reports. , the bite ate almost half of his left thigh with malignant bacteria, and he had to undergo a skin graft to remove an abscess that had formed in that area. (Please also read: What is DENV-2, a deadly and rapidly spreading dengue subspecies? know the symptoms, causes and treatments)

Asian Tiger Mosquito Facts

The Asian tiger mosquito, also known as the forest mosquito, is an invasive species that gets its “tiger” name from the single white stripe on the center of its head and back. Native to Southeast Asia, this daytime stinging insect can carry harmful diseases such as Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya fever, and dengue fever. However, in the past few centuries, the species has spread to European countries and the United States through transportation of goods and travel abroad.

“The Asian tiger mosquito, or Aedes aegypti, is a forest species adapted to urban environments. It feeds on people, but has an aggressive daytime bite that can eat many other mammals. Aedes aegypti may be mistaken for the latter when the scales and other morphological markings are scraped off. , of Aedes aegypti, it is completely black with no scales. , Fortis Hospital Noida.

Asian tiger mosquito disease

Dr. Ajay Agarwal describes five deadly diseases caused by Asian tiger mosquito bites.

1. Dengue fever

After Aedes Aegypti, Aedes albopictus is one of the important vectors of dengue fever in India, especially in the northeastern states and rural areas. Severe dengue fever, such as dengue shock syndrome, presents with symptoms such as shock, hemorrhage and metabolic acidosis, and given the high incidence of this disease in India, the mortality and morbidity associated with this disease is significant. is.

2. Chikungunya

Chikungunya fever is a debilitating but not fatal viral disease spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Similar to dengue fever. Chikungunya virus is transmitted to humans primarily through the bites of infected mosquitoes, mainly Aedes aegypti and Aedes aegypti. It resembles dengue fever with severe joint pain (arthritis) as the most common feature of the disease. Chikungunya fever occurs mainly in Africa, India, and Southeast Asia. Most people recover at home with anti-inflammatory medications, but some develop persistent arthritis that requires treatment.

3. West Nile fever

West Nile fever can be defined as a WNV illness that causes fever and nonspecific symptoms (eg, headache, myalgia, rash, neck stiffness, vomiting). However, more severe forms of West Nile encephalitis can cause altered mental status, confusion, lethargy, seizures, focal paresthesia, and/or movement disorders, and 9% of neuroinvasive disease cases are fatal. It arrives.fatality rate is

Increased age. The main vector for this disease is rarely Aedes. Febrile illness and sporadic encephalitis are found in Africa, Asia, parts of Europe, and the late United States. Treatment of West Nile encephalitis (WNE) consists of prevention followed by supportive care.

The mainstay of prevention is to limit an individual’s chances of being bitten by a mosquito.

4. Eastern equine encephalitis

Eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) is caused by an arthropod-borne alphavirus. It is always fatal in horses and rare in humans, but is associated with similarly high mortality and morbidity. often lead to confusion, somnolence, and even coma.

EEE is endemic in the United States, the Gulf region (Mexico, the northern coast of South America, the Caribbean, etc.).

The average duration of hospitalization is 16-20 days. The prognosis for infected patients is very poor. His 50-70% of patients die. It has a prevalence of approximately 90% and represents a wide range of disabilities from mild to severe. Only 10% of patients make a full recovery.

5. Zika virus

Zika virus infection usually causes a mild, self-limited illness, but Zika virus can be sexually transmitted and is associated with congenital brain defects in pregnant women infected early in pregnancy. ) and Aedes albopictus (minor) were recognized as vectors for Zika virus transmission. The global prevalence of Zika virus infection is due to the asymptomatic clinical course, clinical similarities to other infections by other viruses (dengue, chikungunya), and the difficulty of confirming the diagnosis. have not been widely reported. Most cases of Zika virus infection are mild and self-limited, but serious neurological complications such as Guillain-Barré syndrome have been reported in rare cases. In addition, adverse effects of pregnancy due to vertical transmission of Zika virus and congenital Zika syndrome are the greatest concerns for poor long-term prognosis.

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