Washington woman with tuberculosis refuses treatment, prompts court order
Washington’s Tacoma-Pearce County Health Department Obtains Multiple Court Orders ask for Tacoma The resident is to receive treatment for her active tuberculosis, officials told NBC News on Friday.
The woman has so far refused to isolate or take the medication she needs, said Nigel Turner, director of infectious disease control.
“A court order was issued ordering isolation and quarantine,” Turner said. “We are working with her to assess her compliance with that.”
The News Tribune, a local news outlet, report On Friday, over the past year, the health department has repeatedly sought and received court orders to force women to be quarantined and treated for tuberculosis. The health department confirmed the Tribune’s report to NBC News.
A judge issued the latest order on January 20, giving the department powers to test, treat, and detain women starting next week.
Department store announced on monday He said he was monitoring the incident and was working with the woman’s family at the time to persuade him to accept treatment.
The department declined to provide any information as to why the woman refused treatment.
under Washington state lawPublic health officials have the legal authority to seek court orders when a person’s refusal to take a drug poses a threat to the public.
Tuberculosis can be lethal if left untreated, and levels can rise to that level because infected people risk spreading the disease further. The bacteria that cause tuberculosis can be spread through the air when an active person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
The treatment process can take 3-9 months. According to the Centers for Disease Control and PreventionPeople who stop taking medication before treatment is complete can also develop antibiotic resistance.
When it came to taking legal action, Turner said he was “clearly very reluctant to do so because we are balancing people’s civil liberties with protecting public health.” rice field.
Over the past 20 years, the agency said it had to enlist law enforcement to hold three people who refused treatment for TB until they were no longer contagious. Turner said departments typically take other steps, such as asking family members, health care providers, or infectious disease experts to account for patients before seeking court orders.
process Treatment for tuberculosis usually consists of taking antibiotics daily or weekly for several months. Infectious tuberculosis patients must be quarantined until they are no longer able to spread the disease to others. in most cases, cure with medicineaccording to the World Health Organization.
Turner said the length of treatment and possible side effects from antibiotics may discourage some people from accepting medication. , he said, due to possible reluctance to follow isolation guidelines, the health department could provide those resources.
Regarding current patients, he said the department is “really looking for every opportunity for them to comply and work with us to resolve this as soon as possible.”
tribune The woman had previously been to the emergency room after a car accident but had not disclosed her tuberculosis diagnosis to staff, according to January legal documents from the health department. A chest x-ray taken during the visit showed progression of the disease, the petition said, according to the Tribune. Tacoma’s health department confirmed the report to NBC News.
According to the CDC, symptoms of active tuberculosis include a bad cough that lasts longer than three weeks, chest pain, and coughing up blood or sputum.
Nationwide, tuberculosis cases have declined steadily since 1992, According to the CDC. America Recorded There are approximately 7,900 active cases in 2021. Tuberculosis vaccines are not widely administered in the United States because the disease is not prevalent and vaccination is not very effective in adults.
Pierce County sees approximately 20 cases of active tuberculosis each year. Said.
However, some people live with an underlying tuberculosis infection.That means the bacteria are inactive, the host is not contagious, and there are no symptoms. Up to 13 million people Approximately 5% to 10% of these potential cases develop active disease at some point in people’s lives if left untreated.
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