Mind control in ‘The Last of Us’ isn’t real, but fungal threat to human health
In HBO’s show The Last of Us, characters identify zombies by the fungus that bursts from their bodies, and fungal parasites manipulate humans to infect the surrounding communities.
In real life, the fungal species that inspired the story were: ophiocordyceps, which infects insects and does not cause problems for humans. HBO, like CNN, is a division of Warner Bros. Discovery.
But experts say the threat posed by fungal pathogens is growing, and could be even worse in a warm, wet and disease-ridden world.
“We are always surrounded by fungal spores. We had to adapt this sophisticated immune system that we had to defend against, because many of the spores could be pathogenic. Imperial College London Its research focuses on emerging pathogens.
“Fungi are only looking for food sources, and in the eyes of many saprophytic fungi, we are just food,” he added. represents.)
Millions of fungi are good for the environment, but hundreds can cause disease in humans.
Scientists are discovering new fungi all the time – They found four last year – but not all of them pose a threat to humans.
Of the approximately 4 million diverse fungal species, scientists have We have identified just 300 human pathogens that can cause disease.
More than 1 billion people each year Society of Microbiology considers a “superficial” fungal infection.
Athlete’s foota scaly rash that can cause itching and stinging. thrushwhite lesions occurring on the inside of the tongue or cheeks; and even Dandruff It is mainly caused by one of these superficial fungal infections. They get frustrated, but luckily the treatment still works for them.
Some infections can be much more serious, even life-threatening.
World wide, About 1.5 million people died According to the Microbiology Society, few, if any, effective treatments are available.
Last year, the World Health Organization considered fungal pathogens to be a “significant threat” to public health and, for the first time, its release 19 priority lists for the world to watch out for.
One of four on the WHO list of the most important species is Cryptococcus neoformans, a soil-dwelling pathogenic yeast. People can inhale the fungal cells and most people do not get sick. However, in people with suppressed immune systems, it can affect the lungs and spread to the nervous system and blood. became.
the other one is white earsa yeast that remains on surfaces and medical devices and can spread rapidly from person to person. ever-growing number Outbreaks in hospitals worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic. of According to the CDC This may be due in part to changes in routine infection control practices. Infections can affect the heart, central nervous system, eyes, bones, and internal organs. It is resistant to many classes of antifungal treatments, but can sometimes be treated with antifungal drugs called echinocandins.
smoke roofThe ubiquitous mold can cause lung disease in people with weakened immune systems. According to WHO, it has been shown to have increased antifungal resistance due to its widespread use. azole fungicide To prevent spread to crops.
the fourth pathogen, Candida albicans, is another yeast that is typically part of a healthy human microbiome. It lives in the mouth, intestines and skin. Bacteria in the body keep it in check, but when the system is out of balance, the yeast overgrows, resulting in vaginal yeast infections, diaper rash, thrush or other conditions. It can also be a severe infection that targets the system, eyes, bones, and internal organs..
There are no vaccines for any of the four fungal infections on the critical list.
Fischer said that while our bodies are generally very good at defending against fungal infections, “it creates a gap in the immune system.”
“Then it can have fatal consequences,” he said.
People at greatest risk of serious fungal infections are those with underlying medical conditions such as HIV, cancer, diabetes, and those whose immune systems are compromised due to age, illness, or medications they are taking. .
Others are vulnerable to the more serious consequences of fungal infections because they do not have access to drugs more commonly available in the West. is the leading cause of death. because they don’t get treatment. research has found.
The number of serious fungal infections is on the rise, partly due to the growing number of immunosuppressed people. Research shows.
“What’s changing is that more people exposed have those high risk factors. and clinical antifungal agents are being degraded by antimicrobial resistance,” Fisher said.
There were also more opportunistic fungal infections during the Covid-19 pandemic, as there were after influenza epidemics, he said. West Virginia University.
“Viruses suppress the immune response in this way, and some of the drugs we use to fight viruses also have the effect of making it easier for fungi to enter,” he said.
black mold Thousands will die in India in 2021, 85% of them Covid-19 patients.
Fischer said some fungi, such as Candida auris, “appear out of nowhere” and “very quietly spread around the world, causing silent pandemics.”
In addition, the climate crisis has exacerbated the spread of fungal infections.
“The world is getting warmer and wetter, and that just means more burden for mold spores,” Fisher said.
WHO encourages countries to improve diagnostic capacity and strengthen surveillance for fungal infections. It also recommends spending more money on research, medicine, and testing for these infectious diseases. Currently, fungal infections receive less than 1.5% of all infectious disease research funding, WHO said.
Developing antifungal treatments is difficult because, in the words of Matt Nelsen, a researcher at the Field Museum in Chicago, “animals and fungi are each other’s closest relatives.”
“We share many biochemical similarities, so when trying to kill a fungus, we have to be careful not to kill ourselves.
One of the best defenses against fungal infections is to keep your immune system strong.
Fisher advises parents to let their children play outside a lot so they are exposed to a variety of fungi to help develop a healthy immune system. , must be dry.
Kasson thinks the attention from “The Last of Us” and other shows means “the fungi are having fun for a little while,” but hopes that isn’t exaggerated.
Shark hunting increased when the movie Jaws was released. In fact, sharks have almost become extinct.
Kasson points out that millions of fungi are good. They break down wood and can be used in food and human medicine.
“Fungal infections are certainly a serious concern, and unless we really start to recognize the links between how we manage crops, how we manage human diseases, and how we manage wildlife diseases, I think things will get worse.” I think. They’re all interrelated,” he said. “I think the sooner we realize that, the sooner we can come up with a solution that will help everyone involved.”
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