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Turkey and Syria earthquake: how to help

Turkey and Syria earthquake: how to help


A major earthquake hits Turkey and Syria, killing and injuring thousands of people, and leading to what could be a major humanitarian catastrophe. Project HOPE is responding and has a team on the way. Donate now.

One of the most powerful earthquakes to hit Turkey (formerly Turkey) killed thousands of people with their numbers expected to rise dramatically. Project HOPE is responding to this emergency and has staff on the ground now.

More than 20,000 people were killed and thousands more injured following a series of major earthquakes in Turkey and Syria on February 6. The strongest earthquakes ever recorded in the country.

>> Your support saves lives. Help us reach those affected by the Turkish earthquakes, Syria and other crises today.

Project HOPE is responding to this emergency and has deployed emergency response teams to the affected areas. We have staff on the ground with additional teams on the way as we continue to coordinate with partners to respond to the most pressing needs.

There for those in need

The impact of these earthquakes will have a significant impact on the most vulnerable Turkish communities in Syria, particularly those affected by nearly 12 years of war inside Syria. Turkey is the world’s largest refugee-hosting country and is home to more than 3.6 million Syrian refugees, many of whom live in tents or precarious buildings.

“There is no electricity, no food, no electricity, no water, and most of the highways are out of order,” said Ezzedin Sultan Salih, an emergency responder with Project Hope in Gaziantep. “It’s really a crisis, so it’s going to take a lot of time [to recover]. “

Gaziantep, where the first 7.8-magnitude earthquake struck, is home to nearly half a million refugees, who may be particularly vulnerable to this emergency.

said Rabih Turbay, HOPE’s Project President and CEO. “With temperatures approaching freezing, airports closed, and blizzards delayed in arriving, Project HOPE has built an emergency response effort and is working with local and international partners to respond to urgent needs.”

We expect our initial response to this emergency to include the distribution of urgent medicines, emergency supplies, and medical supplies. We are coordinating with partners on the ground as we continue to monitor the situation and are ready to deploy additional teams as needed.

Destruction in Antakya, Turkey in the aftermath of cascading earthquakes of magnitude 7.8 and 7.5 on February 6, 2023. Photo by Sultan Salih for Project Hope, 2023. How Project HOPE is responding

The HOPE Project Emergency Response Team was on the ground in Gaziantep within 12 hours of the initial earthquake. In the first 24 hours, Project HOPE responders began helping survivors from the rubble and directing people to medical services. The team conducted needs assessments and identified access points in Gaziantep, Adana, Adiyaman, Kahramanmaras and Antakya to inform response activities and re-establish supply chain pathways.

Project HOPE has partnered with SAMU, a humanitarian response organization based in Spain, and Dünya Doktorları Derneği, a local relief organization. Through our collaboration with these partners, we have a K-9 search and rescue team on the ground in Turkey conducting life-saving operations at this critical time. The team was in Adiyaman on Thursday when a nearby building collapsed and was able to launch an immediate response. Unfortunately, there were no survivors among the 11 individuals found by the SAMU team, which sent their effort transitioning from search and rescue to a respectable recovery. This tragedy underscores the structural instability of many buildings in the affected areas and the constant dangers they pose, driving survivors back into the cold.

Our emergency response team is reaching out to partners operating in Syria to respond to urgent health needs.

Through our partners, Project HOPE is providing direct medical and psychosocial support in affected areas, serving the large crowds huddled around collapsed buildings and living in their cars, many of whom are hoping for news of loved ones who are still trapped. The 12-person response team includes caseworkers, a midwife, psychologists, and logistics experts. A child friendly space will open by the end of the week for play therapy.

Due to the significant damage to the healthcare infrastructure in the region, the HOPE project is coordinating with partners to ship emergency health kits, medical supplies and urgent medicines to the affected areas. Our Emergency Response Team is preparing three Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHKs) containing over three tons of essential medicines and medical devices. These include oral and topical medications, medical supplies and equipment to support a population of 30,000 people for up to three months. These groups will support the priority health needs of the local Turkish population who were affected by the earthquake and have limited access to healthcare services. In addition to the IEHKs, the team is preparing emergency health packs that contain essential oral medications and could provide up to 498 courses of treatment in the disaster area. Project HOPE is also working quickly to provide at least 5,000 disaster hygiene kits that will include a toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap, among other things, and will support basic hygiene needs after a disaster. The emergency response team has identified a need for incubators and is mobilizing 100 people for transport to the hardest-hit areas.

Project HOPE continues to work with our partners to respond to immediate needs, including the deployment of a Type 1 mobile medical team on standby pending government approval. The emergency response team is also mobilizing additional support for the surge.

>> Your support saves lives. Help us reach those affected by the Turkish earthquakes, Syria and other crises today.

History of the HOPE Emergency Response Project

Project HOPE first began providing medical support in Turkey in 1987 and has responded to previous crises there including the 1999 earthquake and the response to Syrian refugees in 2013-2015. The HOPE Project has a long history of responding to emergencies around the world, including past earthquakes in Haiti and Puerto Rico. Learn more about the history of emergency response here.

February 8, 2023: State of emergency declared in 10 provinces in Turkey

A state of emergency has been declared in 10 provinces in southeastern Turkey, which are home to 15 million people, including 1.7 Syrian refugees. In every province, infrastructure has been damaged or broken, including major airports. The massive destruction has impeded the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the area. Gaziantep Oguzeli International Airport closed all air traffic except for planes carrying emergency aid and search and rescue personnel. The nearby port of Iskenderun, which was damaged by the earthquake, suffered a major fire on Tuesday, rendering it unusable as a port of entry for humanitarian supplies. Many major roads in Hatay Province are either closed or impassable. Those that aren’t blocked are crammed with emergency responders and people fleeing.

Project HOPE has partnered with SAMU, a humanitarian response organization based in Spain, and Dünya Doktorları Derneği, a local relief organization. Through our collaboration with these partners, we have sent a K-9 search and rescue team to the earthquake zone in Turkey to conduct life saving operations at this critical time.

Due to the significant damage to the healthcare infrastructure in the region, the HOPE project is coordinating with partners to ship emergency health kits, medical supplies and urgent medicines to the affected areas. Our Emergency Response Team is preparing three Interagency Emergency Health Kits (IEHKs) containing over three tons of essential medicines and medical devices. These include oral and topical medications, medical supplies and equipment to support a population of 30,000 people for up to three months. These groups will support the priority health needs of the local Turkish population who were affected by the earthquake and have limited access to healthcare services.

Get the full update by reading the latest situation report here.




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