Experts React: Most New Type 2 Diabetes Caused by ‘Suboptimal Diet’
Three new papers published in leading international journals show the potential for changing what we eat to prevent and treat type 2 diabetes, calling for urgent action by governments.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious but largely preventable disease, and there is now good evidence of how it can be prevented. A study containing data from 184 countries, just published in the prestigious international journal Nature Medicine, found that seven of his 10 cases of type 2 diabetes were attributed to a small list of dietary factors. These same dietary factors are also associated with some cancers and coronary heart disease.
New Zealand scientists at the forefront of diabetes research, Dr. Andrew Reynolds and Professor Jim Mann of the University of Otago-based Edgar Diabetes and Obesity Research Center, were invited to write a commentary on the study. Published alongside an article in Nature Medicine.
“This study shows that eating lots of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. White rice), red or processed meats (such as salami and bacon), or fruit juices are associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes,” says Dr. Reynolds.
The number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide and is believed to have reached pandemic proportions. Worldwide, he estimates that 483 million people have her type 2 diabetes. Some 250,000 New Zealanders now have her type 2 diabetes, according to a recent report revealing a “rapidly spreading” diabetes crisis in the UK.
Education and personal action alone will not be enough to tackle the type 2 diabetes pandemic, according to a 2021 PwC report commissioned by researchers and their partner organizations.
“We need a whole-of-government approach to stem the tide of the diabetes pandemic. Evidence from many countries shows that government-led initiatives for the benefit of all populations can help achieve dietary changes.” There is,” says Professor Mann.
“Improving the ‘food environments’ we encounter on a daily basis, such as schools, workplaces, and other public spaces, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and prevent heart disease and some forms of cancer. It may be useful for
Studies show that foods that prevent type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer have a lower impact on the environment and therefore lower greenhouse gas emissions.
“Climate change is a big focus for Aotearoa New Zealand right now and many of the dietary changes that help prevent type 2 diabetes are actually good for the environment. We were able to do that,” says Dr. Reynolds.
Reynolds and Mann also contributed significantly to newly updated European guidelines for the management of type 2 diabetes, published today in the international journal Diabetologia.
“These updated guidelines endorse the importance of dietary fiber (such as vegetables and fruits) and carbohydrate quality (whole grain selection) in the management of people with diabetes and, for the first time, aim to achieve significant weight loss. It includes the potential for a controlled diet to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes,” says Dr. Reynolds.
Professor Jim Mann emphasizes the need for strategy and large-scale government action to create a sustainable, health-promoting food environment to prevent type 2 diabetes.
“Developing a national food strategy will help address several major interrelated issues: food security during this time of global uncertainty; greenhouse gas emissions from food production; emissions, and the food environment that undermines the health of New Zealanders.” Professor Mann.
“We are calling for a Ministerial Task Force to develop a National Food Strategy and consider implementing the necessary measures to prevent type 2 diabetes. We are lagging behind and risk overwhelming an already expanded healthcare system (due to the multiple medical complications of type 2 diabetes) if we do not start these measures soon.”
“Self-regulation and restructuring of the food industry has a role to play, but the ultimate goal of these companies is to make a profit. “It is essential to protect New Zealanders from the effects of harmful food, as well as the measures we are taking.The maintenance of the future capacity of our health system depends on this,” said Professor Mann. increase.
Another urgent initiative is to increase the number of nutritionists in training in Aotearoa, New Zealand, and increase the funding places for nutritionists in the health system, says Professor Mann.
“For New Zealanders who have already been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, or who are found to have pre-diabetes through a screening programme, it is essential to have a properly trained health professional to prescribe medical nutrition therapy. It is essential. The current number of nutritionists in New Zealand is simply inadequate for this purpose.”
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