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Covid-19 immunity from antibodies may last for only a few months, a UK study suggests


paper, Released on medical server On Saturday, though not yet published in peer-reviewed medical journals, it suggests that antibody responses may begin to decline 20-30 days after Covid-19 symptoms develop. Antibodies are proteins that the body makes to fight infection.

“It shows that the binding reaction between IgM and IgA is reduced after 20 to 30 days,” wrote a researcher at a UK research institute, which states that the severity of Covid-19 symptoms determines the magnitude of the antibody response. I also knew I could make a decision.

The new study included 65 patients with confirmed Covid-19 up to 94 days from the onset of symptoms, and 31 healthcare workers who received antibody tests every 1-2 weeks from March to June. Samples collected from individuals were included.

Early in the pandemic, the World Health Organization warned that people infected with Covid-19 are not necessarily immune because they get the virus again.

However, the new study had some limitations. This will require further research to determine if similar results will occur in a larger group of patients, which could provide data over time on infection with the coronavirus SARS-CoV. Is included-2.

“This study has important implications when considering the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection protection and vaccine protection,” the researchers wrote.

What this means for the Covid-19 vaccine

Although not yet peer-reviewed, “the importance of this work is clear and it has been rigorous,” said Steven Griffins. Leeds University School of Medicine In the UK, which was not involved in the new study, a written statement Distributed by UK-based Science Media Center on Monday.
WHO says there is no evidence that coronavirus prevents a second infection

“This study confirms that protective antibody responses in individuals infected with SARS-COV2, a coronavirus that causes COVID-19, appear to be rapidly diminished. It’s still a matter of months,” said Griffins.

“Similar short-term responses are seen primarily against other human coronaviruses that cause only mild disease. That is, as time goes by and outbreaks adopt seasonality, It can be infected. The more serious and sometimes fatal consequences of SARS-COV2, this is certainly a nuisance,” he said. “A vaccine in development may need to provide stronger and lasting protection than natural infections, or may need to be vaccinated on a regular basis.”

As of Monday, there were 23 Covid-19 candidate vaccines in clinical use worldwide. According to WHO..
“Even if circulating antibodies are not detected, it is possible that there are memory immune cells (B cells and T cells) that can quickly initiate a new immune response, so there is no protective immunity. Re-encounter can lead to a more mild infection,” said Dr. Malamaini, a professor of viral immunology and a consultant. University of London In England, also stated in a statement Distributed by Science Media Center on Monday.
B cells Produces antibodies that neutralize infectious organisms, Like a virus, and T cells attack the infection directly and help control the immune response.. If a person has been previously infected, those cells can become infected and amplify the immune response, possibly leading to reinfection that is less severe than in other cases.

“But this study reinforces the message that people with COVID-19 don’t think they can get it again just because they first became antibody-positive,” he said. Maini said. “This also means that we couldn’t rule out that we had COVID-19 a few months ago, because the antibody test was negative. And, the vaccine induces antibodies that last longer than natural infections.” It may or may not be needed at that dose. Repeated to maintain immunity.”

“Incomplete, temporary, and disappearing”

A new paper suggests that antibody-mediated innate immunity to Covid-19 may not last as long as expected, and that the level of severity of early coronavirus infection may be related to the extent of antibody response. We are increasing the number of evidences that suggest that there is.

68% of New York clinic patients tested positive for coronavirus antibodies

A small study in June found that people who develop no symptoms of coronavirus infection may have a weaker immune response to the virus.

That research, Published in Journal Nature MedicineFound that a group of about 30 Covid-19 patients who were asymptomatic had significantly lower antibody levels than those found among patients with mild symptoms -Discovery suggesting asymptomatic patients have weaker immune responses
Then, last week, according to a survey by the Spanish government, 5% of people in Spain have coronavirus antibodies Research is a potentially worrisome development of people Immunity to coronavirus declines after only a few weeks.. The results show that 95% of the Spanish population is susceptible to the virus.

This means that the perceived immunity “is incomplete and transient, and may then disappear.” Dr Raquel Yotti, head of the Carlos III Health Institute, the research-led government agency, said at a press conference at the time.

The survey “reflects the difficulty of getting herd immunity in the short term,” the Ministry of Health said in a statement. Collective immunity is achieved when a sufficient population becomes infected with a virus or bacterium, or when it is vaccinated against it, when it stops its circulation.

Over 61,000 participants were involved in the Spanish study from April to June. This is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said, CNN seems to be the largest ever in Europe.


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