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200+ rattle earthquakes in the Aloha State

200+ rattle earthquakes in the Aloha State


219 earthquakes have struck Hawaii in the last 7 days, all of which struck on or near the Big Island of Hawaii. Each dot represents the epicenter, with the orange dots representing recent earthquakes. Photo: USGS

The Aloha State in Hawaii has been rocking a bit lately; According to the USGS, there have been 219 earthquakes over the past seven days, all of which have been on or around the Big Island of Hawaii. The island of Hawaii is the largest of the island chain and is also the most volcanically active; The island is home to the active Hualalai, Mauna Loa, and Kilauea volcanoes. There is no volcano erupting on the island, but earthquakes may be an indicator that can change.

The USGS has the alert level set to “advisory” and the color code to “yellow” at Kilauea volcano, which indicates seismic activity there.

In the United States, USGS Volcano and Observatory units are responsible for issuing aviation codes and volcanic activity alert levels. Flight icons are green, yellow, orange or red. When ground instruments are not sufficient to establish that a volcano is at a typical background activity level, it is simply “not allocated”. While green means typical activity associated with a non-volcanic condition, yellow means that the volcano is showing signs of unrest rising above known background levels. When a volcano shows mounting or surging unrest with an increased likelihood of an eruption, it jumps orange. Finally, when an eruption is imminent with a large emission of volcanic ash expected into the atmosphere or an eruption occurs with a large emission of volcanic ash into the atmosphere, the icon becomes red. Volcanic activity alert levels are normal, advisory, watch or warning. As with aeronautical codes, if the data is insufficient it is simply categorized as “unidentified”. When a volcano is in typical posterior activity in a non-eruptive state, it is considered normal. If the volcano shows signs of unrest rising above the background level, a warning will be issued. If a volcano shows rising or rising unrest, a watch is issued while issuing a warning when a dangerous volcanic eruption is imminent.

“Kīlauea volcano is not erupting, and no active lava has been observed since March 7, 2023,” the USGS’ Hawaiian Volcano Observatory reports in the observatory’s daily update May 1. “Inclinometers in the summit area are not tracking any substantial changes at this time, but the seismicity at the summit is still slightly elevated. No significant changes were observed along any of the fault zones over the past day.” The US Geological Survey has posted daily updates about the volcano starting April 21.

The slope gauge in the apex region did not track any significant changes since the downturn yesterday morning. Small earthquake waves have occurred infrequently under Halemaʻumaʻu and Keanakākoi Crater and the southern margin of Kaluapele (Kīlauea caldera) since April 16. Seismic rates at the summit remain high, and seismic tremors can continue. The most recent emission rate of sulfur dioxide (SO2) was measured at about 75 tons per day on April 26.

For the first time since 1984, visitors to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park can see two erupting volcanoes. In this image, you can see the glow from Kilauea volcano on the left while the glow from the fissure and lava flow from Mauna Loa lights up the sky on the right. Photo: HVNPS

According to the USGS and their HVO unit, recent eruptions at the summit of Kīlauea Volcano have been occurring within an enclosed area of ​​Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. High levels of volcanic gas are the main hazard of concern, as this hazard can have far-reaching downwind effects. Large amounts of volcanic gas – primarily water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2) – are continually released during Kīlauea eruptions. When sulfur dioxide is released from the summit, it reacts in the atmosphere to create the visible haze known as smog or volcanic smog that is observed downwind of the volcano. Vog creates the potential for airborne health hazards to residents and visitors, harms agricultural crops and other vegetation, and affects livestock.

While Kilauea could come back to life, there is no concern about the other active volcanoes on the island. The Hualalai Revolt last erupted in 1801, devastating areas on the north side of modern-day Kona and creating the area of ​​land that is now home to the Kona Airport. It last erupted on Mauna Loa in November/December of last year; Usually several years pass between eruptions at that volcano, which is the largest in the world.

Meanwhile, scientists continue to see if the recent earthquake activity will lead to something more fundamental at Kilauea. “It is possible for a subsurface pyroclastic spill or pyroclastic eruption on the surface to occur with little or no warning. Additional messages will be issued depending on what the volcanic activities warrant,” Hawaii Volcanoes National Park warned in April.




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