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The government is lagging behind in earthquake preparedness

The government is lagging behind in earthquake preparedness


A mild earthquake that shook Dhaka on the morning of May 4 left disaster experts worried as they found it to be a sign of a massive earthquake in the making. The Bangladesh Meteorological Department says the epicenter of the 4.3-magnitude earthquake was 14 kilometers southeast of Dhaka in Dohar state and this is a new epicenter as no tectonic plates or faults have been identified there. From January 2018 to September 2021, the Meteorological Department recorded 47 earthquakes, 16 of which originated within the country and the rest either in India, Myanmar or the Bay of Bengal. There are three tectonic plates in the region that meet at the Bangladesh border and five major fault zones in and around Bangladesh, mostly in the eastern parts. A scientific assessment of earthquake vulnerability by Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha recently said that if a magnitude 6.9 earthquake occurs along the Madhupur fault line, which is very close to Dhaka, about 865,000 buildings will collapse, about 210,000 people will die and the losses will be financial. Incurred will be about $ 25 billion. Available data and expert opinions indicate that Bangladesh is vulnerable to a massive earthquake, but the government’s preparedness does not reflect the seriousness of the risks.

There are two phases of seismic disaster management. Pre-earthquake preventive measures include strict rules and regulations, monitoring and an early signal system. The second phase is post-earthquake which requires capacity building for rapid response, rescue and evacuation operations and appropriate treatment facilities in hospitals. There remains a time period of 20 to 60 seconds, when actions such as turning off all electric, gas and water lines can be arranged through a built-in automated process. The disaster management earlier requested the gas supply authorities to install an automatic shut-off system, but there was no progress in this direction. In order to resist earthquakes, experts recommend avoiding the use of burnt bricks and replacing them with concrete tiles, which are cheaper, environmentally friendly, and give greater ability to absorb shocks during tremors, but the use of bricks continued unabated. However, the most important task is to ensure earthquake-resistant buildings where government performance is poor. It has guidelines and plans in place such as the National Building Code 2015 to deal with earthquake fallout. There are also guidelines for making hazardous buildings earthquake-resistant through “retrofitting”. All these rules and regulations have so far been a complete failure.

Geologists have long warned that Bangladesh is at risk of a massive earthquake. They said this by analyzing earthquake records, recent seismic activity, and the country’s geological and tectonic setting. Therefore, it is high time that the government takes the issue of earthquake preparedness seriously and ensures that building codes are strictly followed when it comes to the earthquake resistance of buildings. Disaster management for earthquakes is a cross-sectoral concern and, as such, every government agency has to play its part. Utility providers, particularly gas and power authorities, should immediately install an automatic shutdown system, which could reduce the human cost of the disaster.




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