‘I Gave Them A Free Advice’: Seismologist Dave Dwayne Johnson Offers Reality Test After ‘The Rock’ Argued $474 Million Disaster Film Is Scientifically Accurate
Dwayne Johnson is one of the hottest action stars in Hollywood right now. From Skyscraper to Black Adam and more, his films mostly cater to a commercial audience and aim to provide an enjoyable time in the theater. So it is not recommended to think about physics and realism while watching a Dwayne Johnson movie.
However, there was one action film in which Johnson and the director sought professional advice. The goal was to ensure that the project was still based on realism. However, in the end, one of the scientists complained that neither of them paid much attention to his words.
Dwayne Johnson refused to listen to Disaster Professional for his action movie Carla Gugino, Alexandra Daddario and Dwayne Johnson in San Andreas
San Andreas (2015) starring Dwayne Johnson, Carla Gugino, and Alexandra Daddario is an action film that grossed $474 million worldwide on a budget of $110 million. It follows Raymond Gaines (Johnson), a Los Angeles helicopter rescue pilot, who tries to navigate a devastating earthquake that collapses buildings and triggers a tsunami. Gugino plays his wife, while Daddario portrays their daughter.
In the movie, the earthquake spreads from Los Angeles to San Francisco, destroying everything in its path. So there are a lot of visual scenes that happen in the movie. But The Rock wanted to make sure that the events shown in the film, especially the science shown regarding the earthquake, remained somewhat realistic. So the director called Brad Peyton at USC seismologists and Caltech seismologists.
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Dwayne Johnson in San Andreas
They concluded that the events shown in the film could have happened. But there was one scholar who did not agree with the others. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Thomas Jordan, a USC professor and director of the Southern California Earthquake Center, said, “I gave them free advice, they took some…but a lot of it didn’t — a magnitude 9 is bigger than San Andreas, and it can’t produce a tsunami.” big “.
But Jordan wasn’t completely dismissive. He praised the movie for what it was – an entertaining action movie. But he emphasized again that this was not realistic. He said, “It’s good motion and amazing special effects…but it’s not realistic from an earthquakes point of view.” But Johnson paid no heed to the scientist’s words.
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Dwayne Johnson reveals a massive earthquake could hit the US any day Dwayne Johnson in San Andreas
In an interview with The Independent, Dwayne Johnson revealed that the country could experience a massive earthquake, similar to the one seen in San Andreas. He said, “The scientists we worked with said that everything in the script could really happen. It sounds like a movie line but it’s not a matter of if but a matter of when. We’re 100 years late.” So it seems The Rock doesn’t care about Thomas Jordan’s point of view.
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Dwayne Johnson
But rock fans were skeptical of his words. But they hoped the sequel, which was announced in 2016, would encourage Johnson to make a movie more in line with what could actually happen. But it’s been about 6 years and yet no sequel has materialized yet.
The last anyone ever heard of was in 2021 when Johnson’s business partner, Hiram Garcia, announced that Warner Bros. was still on board for a sequel. It was their company, Seven Bucks Productions, that held them back to develop other projects. It remains to be seen whether or not we’ll see San Andreas 2 any day.
San Andreas is available on HBO Max.
Source: The Independent and Los Angeles Times
Sources 2/ https://fandomwire.com/i-gave-them-free-advice-earthquake-expert-gave-dwayne-johnson-a-reality-check-after-the-rock-argued-474-million-san-andreas-disaster-movie-was-scientifically-accurate/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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