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Impact of seasonal allergies on mental health

Impact of seasonal allergies on mental health


Seasonal allergies can be devastating. Sneezing, stuffy nose, itchy and watery eyes feel like a bad cold, especially now that pollen season is over. longer and harder.

Not only are the physical symptoms exhausting, but allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hay fever, anxiety and depression.

The relationship between allergens and mood disorders is “really under-recognised, not only among the general public, but even among health care professionals,” New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

But given that millions of Americans suffer from seasonal allergies, an important link both doctors and patients understand so they can talk openly about their mental health concerns and ensure the best possible treatment he added.

Allergies often make us feel clumsy. They affect our sleep, our energy levels, our sense of smell, clear mind And productivity — it can affect our mental health, Dr. Gudis said.

“Anytime you don’t feel well, it’s a psychological stressor,” he added.

However, since allergic rhinitis is a chronic inflammatory disease, experts inflammation is also to blame.

For example, someone is allergic to tree pollen, and when that pollen reaches the membranes lining the nose, it prompts the immune system to release a cocktail of substances that can cause inflammation. in the airways of the body and brain.

Dr. Todd Gould, professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said: “These cytokines activate areas of the brain that control depression and anxiety.”

Since it’s impossible to see direct evidence of this in human studies, researchers turned to rodents to get a better idea of ​​the mechanisms at work. mouse and rat, Dr. Gould and his collaborators repeatedly exposed the noses of rodents to allergens and then dissected the brains. Not only did the rodents show signs of anxiety, researchers also found increased production of cytokines in the brain and higher levels of stress hormones.

There is no evidence that seasonal allergies alone cause mood disorders, but experts around the world repetition found connection between the two.

For example, research in the United States suggests that allergy sufferers are around 1.5 times more likely I have major depression, there is a link especially strong against womenObservational research has found Allergic rhinitis is associated with a higher risk of anxiety. Taiwanese researcher Allergic rhinitis has been reported to be associated with an increased risk of psychiatric disorders in adults.

moreover, small numbers of the study offal was suggested there may be link between The potential relationship between high pollen counts and suicidal risk is still poorly understood.

“It’s important to keep in mind that there are many different risk factors involved in suicide risk,” said Christopher Lowry, an associate professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado Boulder who has studied the relationship between mental illness and allergies. He added that future research is needed to better understand the specific role of allergens in influencing human behavior.

When you’re feeling down because of allergies, it can be hard to tell if you’re feeling down or if you’re feeling like, “Hmm, I’m so tired because I’m not feeling well,” says the professor. Philip R. Musquin, Ph.D. Department of Psychiatry, Columbia University Irving Medical Center.

If you’re not feeling like yourself, see an allergist or your primary care doctor right away. Be as specific as possible about your symptoms and their duration. For example, are you sleeping less or are you losing interest in things you used to enjoy?

Also, ask your doctor about any allergy medications you are currently taking. To alleviate allergy symptoms, it’s important to treat them, Dr. Gudis said. But you should also know that certain allergy medications can affect your mood.

For example, the antihistamines used in NyQuil and Benadryl are sedating and can make people feel “tired,” says Dr. Muskin. Also, oral corticosteroids like prednisone, which are commonly used to treat severe allergies, can cause hypersensitivity and increase your risk of developing symptoms of anxiety and depression.Sudafed and Sudafed PE Nasal decongestants, such as those found in anxiety, nervousness, insomnia.

Patients should also be aware of the risks associated with the allergy and asthma drug Singulair. 2020, Food and Drug Administration Added prominent warning We decided that the drug package should not be the first-line treatment for mild allergic rhinitis, citing serious changes in behavior and mood, as well as the potential risk of suicide.




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