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CDC warns of possible MPOX resurgence

CDC warns of possible MPOX resurgence


As CDC investigates a cluster of mpox cases in the Chicago area, CDC is urging clinicians and public health agencies to be alert for additional local outbreaks.

and Health Action Network update The CDC said Monday that the number of cases of mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) has declined from its peak last summer, but “the epidemic is not over.” Community transmission continues, and during the spring and summer months “populations at festivals and other events may lead to a resurgence of mpx,” officials wrote.

The alert was prompted in part by 13 cases reported to the Chicago Public Health Department between April 17 and May 5, nine (69%) of which were the modified vaccinia Ankara Bavarian Nordic vaccine (Jynneos ) in fully inoculated individuals.

“Vaccine immunity is not complete, but vaccination remains one of the most important preventive measures,” the CDC said, adding that people who complete two doses “may not experience as severe symptoms.” added.

All infected people in the Chicago area were symptomatic, but none required hospitalization. Nine of the cases were white men, and two were black and Asian men. Of the nine cases with known travel histories, four had recently traveled to New Orleans, New York City and Mexico.

ever since Global epidemic started in 2022is more than 30,000 mpox cases Infections have also been confirmed in the United States, and in August 2022, the number of infected people per day reached 460. A disproportionate number of infected people affect men who have sex with men (MSM).

In the last few months, the number of cases has been so low that mpox has largely disappeared from public view. The US ended the public health emergency for mpox in March 2019. The end of Januaryand the World Health Organization last week He said the outbreak was no longer a global health emergency.

But as spring approaches and summer approaches, the CDC is urging clinicians to be on the lookout for new cases, including those who were previously vaccinated or infected.

Typical symptoms mpox includes deep bullous or pustular lesions, and the differential diagnosis includes herpes zoster, chickenpox, molluscum contagiosum, scabies, allergic skin rashes, and other sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes simplex virus and syphilis. Includes infections (STIs). In the warning, the CDC also suggested that clinicians be reminded of recommended treatments. specimen collection and Laboratory test procedure.

Regarding vaccination, Jynneos target risk groups include those with known or suspected exposure to MPOX, MSM, or those who have had sex with multiple partners in the past 6 months or have developed a new STI. transgender people, sex workers, people with HIV infection or other immunosuppressive conditions and potential exposures. Severe mpox cases Many have involved people living with HIV.

Patients diagnosed with mpox may require supportive care and pain management with local or systemic strategies.

tecovirimat (Tpoxx) is not specifically approved for mpox, but is considered the first choice for mpox. processand the CDC suggested that clinicians consider enrolling patients in the STOMP (Techovirimat Study Against Human Monkeypox Virus) trial so that efficacy of smallpox drugs can be properly assessed.

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    Ian Ingram He is editor-in-chief of MedPage Today and contributes to the site’s oncology coverage.




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