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Old dogs with dementia sleep as lightly as humans | Smart News

Old dogs with dementia sleep as lightly as humans | Smart News


dog and two researchers

One of the participants in the study was Ufus, a 15-year-old Basset Hound mix dog.
John Joyner / North Carolina Vet

Older dogs with cognitive decline have the same sleep problems as humans with dementia, according to a recent study published in the journal Frontiers of veterinary medicine.

As dogs age, they may develop symptoms such as: Cognitive dysfunction syndrome in dogs (CCDS), which looks like this: Alzheimer’s disease in humans. Researchers have previously identified the following relationships: Dementia and sleep deprivation And now, we find evidence to suggest that the same association exists in dogs. If this knowledge is true, scientists say, pet owners may be able to detect cognitive decline earlier and start treating their dogs sooner.

To understand how the cognitive functions of man’s best friend are related to sleep, researchers asked 28 older dogs to: EEG (EEG) electrodes were attached to the head to non-invasively record brain activity while the animals took a 2-hour nap. The dogs dozed off in the lab, but the scientists tried to make them comfortable. The dogs were safely tucked into beds from their homes, with white noise playing in the background and staff nearby to ensure their safety. Electrodes tracked the time dogs spent in different stages of sleep and wakefulness. This process is known as “sleep”. sleep polygraphy.

Dogs ranged in age from 10 to 16 years. Males and females, and mixed and purebred dogs participated in the study.

Separately, the researchers conducted a battery of tests on each dog and asked their human owners to ” Questionnaire on Canine Dementia Scale.

A dog on a leash walks by a cone as researchers look on

The researchers put the dogs through a cognitive test and measured brain waves during sleep.

John Joyner / North Carolina Vet

After comparing the results of these two experiments and considering the age of each animal, the scientists noted a correlation. Cognitively impaired dogs spent less time in both experiments. non-rapid eye movements (nonrem) and rapid eye movement (rem) sleep. During that time, the brain performs important functions that can fight the symptoms of dementia.

“In NREM, the brain clears toxins, including the beta-amyloid protein, which is implicated in diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease,” study co-authors say. Alejandra Mondinoa veterinary neurologist at the North Carolina State University of Veterinary Medicine, statement. “REM sleep is when dreams occur, and this stage is very important for memory consolidation.”

For owners of dogs with CCDS, this finding may not come as a surprise. Owners may have experienced first-hand sleeplessness as their pet’s cognitive decline. Dogs with this disease are often awake at night, walking around and vocalizing even while their owners are trying to sleep. Dogs with CCSD stay awake longer, and even if they do manage to doze off, “the brain isn’t really asleep,” Mondino said in a statement.

The results do not explain why sleep and dementia are associated. However, it can help veterinarians and pet parents identify cognitive decline, which may aid in treatment.

“Chronic illness neurodegeneration Of course, we hope that sooner or later we will be able to intervene,” said the study’s co-authors. Natasha OlbyA neurologist at the North Carolina State College of Veterinary Medicine said: CNNSandy Lamott.

While the researchers have not found a cure for dementia in humans or dogs, veterinarians may be able to prescribe medications and suggest treatment options such as changing an animal’s diet or encouraging more exercise. be. It can also relieve symptoms of insomnia and sleep disorders, such as melatonin and anti-anxiety medications.

Nick Sutton, a health informant at the UK Kennel Club who was not involved in the study, said dog owners should consult their veterinarians if they start noticing changes in their pet’s sleep patterns or other behaviors. says it’s the best.of GuardianNicola Davis.

“People with dementia often have their sleep disturbed, but this study suggests we are not alone,” he says. Guardian. “The finding that dogs with dementia may spend less time in certain key stages of sleep is an interesting finding, and it is important to consult a veterinarian if you notice any changes that concern you in your dog. showing gender.”

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