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The genomic basis of the bat superpower may provide new insights into coronavirus resistance


Species: Myotis myotis (Large mouse ear bat) [Olivier Farcy]

Studies that have sequenced the genomes of six widely diverging living bat species, including Phyllostomus discoloration and pale-lancet bats, have survived deadly viruses and used sound to move in the dark, etc. , Reveals the genetics behind some of the bat’superpowers’. [Brock and Sherri Fenton]

For the first time, scientists have sequenced the genetic material that encodes the bat’s unique adaptation and psychic potential. For example, fly, move easily in complete darkness with sound, endure and endure deadly illness, resist aging and cancer. .. The results have been reported by researchers working at the Bat1K Consortium. They generated and analyzed six highly accurate Bat genomes that were 10 times more complete than any published Bat genome to date.

In their findings, researchers identified evolution due to gene expansion and loss in the APOBEC3 gene family, which is known to play an important role in immunizing against other mammalian viruses. New insights to investigate how these genetic alterations, found in bats but not in other mammals, can help prevent the worst consequences of viral disease in other mammals, including humans. You can lay the foundation.

“Given these exquisite bat genomes, we can better understand how bats have survived viruses, delayed aging, and evolved flight and echolocation,” says Bat1K. Founder and lead author, Dr. Emma Teeling of the University of Dublin, said: Team published papers Nature.. “These genomes are the tools we need to identify genetic solutions that have evolved in bats and ultimately can be used to mitigate human aging and disease.” Bat1K has 1,421 animals. A global consortium of scientists dedicated to sequencing the genome of every single living bat. Teeling and international colleaguesSix reference-quality genomes reveal evolution of bat adaptation“In summary, they conclude that these genomes are comparable to the best reference-quality genomes ever produced for eukaryotes with giga-based size genomes.”

To date, more than 1400 species of bat species have been identified, and these animals make up more than 20% of all living mammalian species, the authors write. Bat species are found throughout the world and occupy many different ecological niches. “Their global successes include powered flight, laryngeal echolocation, voice learning, extraordinary longevity, and possibly bat-causing viruses that kill other mammals (severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus, Middle East breathing). Organ syndrome-associated coronavirus, and Ebola virus).”

Bats are therefore an important model system for studying properties such as lengthening health and enhanced resistance to disease, but scientists need to understand high-quality bats to understand the evolution of bats and the molecular basis of these properties. You need to be able to analyze your genome. To generate these exquisite bat genomes, Teeling and colleagues used the latest technology from the shared technology resource, the DRESDEN Concept Genome Center, to sequence bat DNA and then order the fragments in the correct order. Generated a new way to assemble. Identify the genes that are present. Previous efforts have identified genes that could influence the unique biology of bats, but uncovering how gene duplication contributes to this unique biology is Complicated by an incomplete genome.

“Using the latest DNA sequencing technology and new computing techniques for such data, we hold 96-99% of each bat’s genome at the chromosomal rearrangement. The result is unprecedented quality, similar to the current human genome reference: Co-Senior Author Dr. Eugene Myers, Director of the Institute for Molecular and Cellular Biology and Genetics, Max Planck, and Center for Systems Biology “Thus, these bat genomes provide an excellent basis for and evolutionary studies of the bat’s fascinating capabilities and physiological properties.”

“We have increasingly discovered that gene duplication and loss are key processes in the evolution of new features and functions throughout the tree of life,” said evolutionary biologist and co-author Liliana M. Davalos. He is a Professor of Ecology and Evolution of the School of Arts and Sciences at Stony Brook University. “But when the genome is incomplete, it’s more difficult to determine when a gene has been replicated, and even harder to understand if the gene is lost. The genome is unquestionable for important gene family changes not otherwise found in poor-quality genomes.”

Species: Rhinolophus ferrumequinum [Credit: Daniel Whitby]

The team addressed the question of where bats are located in the tree of mammalian life by comparing the bat’s genome to 42 other mammals. The team uses new phylogenetic methods and a comprehensive molecular dataset to group bats into groups called Ferreuungulata, which consist of carnivores (including species such as dogs, cats, seals), pangolins, and whales. Found to be closely related to ungulates (hoofed mammals).

To elucidate the genomic alterations that contribute to the unique adaptations found in bats, the team systematically searched for genetic differences between bats and other mammals and identified regions of the genome that evolved differently in bats. We have identified and identified loss and gain of genes that may drive unique characteristics of bats. “Our conservative, genome-wide screen investigating gene gain, loss, and selection has revealed novel candidate genes likely to contribute to resistance to viral infection among bats.” The team wrote. “We also discovered a gene involved in hearing that exhibits mutations specific to the laryngeal echo bat and ancestor selection patterns.”

“Our genome scan reveals changes in auditory genes that bats use to hunt and move in total darkness, which may contribute to echolocation.” Biology and Genetics , Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems, and Systems Biology Center. In addition, we discovered the spread of antiviral genes, unique selection of immune genes, and loss of genes involved in bat inflammation. These changes contribute to the exceptional immunity of bats and may indicate resistance to coronaviruses. “

Investigators have found evidence that the bat’s ability to tolerate the virus is reflected in their genome. Exquisite genome reveals “fossilized virus”, evidence of persistence of past viral infections, bat genome is more diverse in viral remnants than other species, and genomic record of historical resistance to viral infection Have been provided. “…We also found that the bat genome contains a great variety of endogenous viruses,” the researchers say. The genome has also revealed the signatures of many other genetic elements other than ancient viral insertions, including “jumping genes” or transposable elements.

Given the quality of the bat genome, the team uniquely identified and ly validated several non-coding regulatory regions that could govern major bat innovations. “It is thanks to a series of sophisticated statistical analyzes that have begun to uncover the genetics behind the bat’s “power”. It also includes a strong apparent ability to withstand and overcome RNA viruses,” said Davalos.

“With such a complete genome, we were able to identify regulatory regions that regulate gene expression specific to bats,” adds Sonja Vernes of Bat1K, co-founder of the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics. It was “It was important to validate unique bat microRNAs in the lab and show their effects on gene regulation.” In the future, these genomes will be used to identify regulatory regions for the aberrant adaptations found in bats. We can understand how epigenomics contributed.”

“These genomes enable a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the exceptional immunity and longevity of bats and identify molecular targets that we ultimately use to mitigate human aging and disease. The authors conclude.” “For example, we predict that the reference-quality bat genome will be a highly dependent tool in future studies that focus on how bats become resistant to coronavirus infections. Given the 2019 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), it may be particularly relevant globally and ultimately provide a solution for improving human survival.

The research reported is only the beginning of what is expected. The remaining about 1,400 live bat species exhibit incredible diversity in ecology, longevity, sensory perception, and immunology, and many of these spectacular features are genomically fundamental. Questions still remain. Bat1K aims to answer these questions as the exquisite bat genome is sequenced, further elucidating the genetic basis of the bat’s rare superpower.

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