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An earthquake occurred off the east coast of Florida. Here's what you should know.

An earthquake occurred off the east coast of Florida.  Here's what you should know.


An earthquake (yes, an actual earthquake) was recorded about 100 miles off Florida's east coast Wednesday night.

This rare event has been confirmed by the US Geological Survey. The earthquake, which measured 4 on the Richter scale, did not cause damage or casualties, but it caused a huge noise.

The USGS had received multiple inquiries about the quake as of Thursday afternoon, said Paul Earle, a seismologist with the USGS.

Not surprisingly, earthquakes in or near Florida are unusual. Floridians know about hurricanes, heat, and even Earth's craters, but they know about the slippery parts of the Earth's crust — not so much.

Here's what to know about earthquakes in and around the state, including the small one that occurred Wednesday night.

How do earthquakes occur?

An earthquake occurs when “two pieces of ground suddenly slide on top of each other,” according to the US Geological Survey. When slow-moving tectonic plates break, they will eventually overcome friction and release waves of energy, which can cause the shaking that people sometimes feel.

Earle said earthquakes in Florida are often caused by a sonic blast or a munitions test. However, Earle said Wednesday night's quake was likely natural.

The earthquake occurred near the continental shelf off the east coast. Although these types of tremors are unknown, these types of earthquakes are rare, Earl said.

Wednesday earthquake

At 10:48 p.m. Wednesday, just over 100 miles off Cape Canaveral, officials recorded a magnitude 4 earthquake, a small quake that can cause minor damage. On the intensity scale, an earthquake may sound similar to the vibrations of a passing truck.

According to the US Geological Survey, more than 140 people reported a “weak” tremor. Reports were made along Florida's east coast, mostly from the Titusville area to Vero Beach.

02/08 | Did anyone feel the earthquake last night? A magnitude 4.0 earthquake was reported off a Brevard County beach 101.4 miles east of Cape Canaveral at 10:48 p.m. Wednesday. For more information see #FL

— NWS Melbourne (@NWSMelbourne) February 8, 2024

Earle said the quake was too small to cause a tsunami.

No injuries or damage had been reported in the area as of Thursday afternoon, said Tim Sedlock, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service's Melbourne office.

Sedlock said neither he nor anyone else at the weather service office felt any tremors from the quake.

“It's extremely rare,” Sedlock said. “We haven't had a lot of earthquakes here. Most of them are probably too small to be felt.”

How often do earthquakes occur in Florida?

Florida and North Dakota experience the fewest earthquakes in the country, according to the USGS.

Earle agreed that an earthquake in Florida is uncommon. But he added that he and his team don't often look for earthquakes with a magnitude of less than 2.5.

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In the past 124 years, only 23 recorded earthquakes have occurred in or around the state, according to the USGS, five of which occurred in Florida. Earle said that some of these recorded earthquakes may be due to unnatural causes.

None have been recorded near Tampa Bay.

For context, Alaska — the state with the most earthquakes in the United States — sees more than 300 magnitude 4 or 5 earthquakes annually, according to the Alaska Department of Geological and Geophysical Surveys.

But a strange bout of small earthquakes puzzled experts in 2019, when nine quakes (mostly magnitude 2 and 3) occurred along the Alabama-Florida border in March and April.

Earle said what is likely the largest earthquake in Florida occurred in the late 1800s. Although there is no way to record the actual size of the earthquake that would likely occur in Putnam County, records indicate that it caused some damage.

Earthquakes do not pose a major threat to Florida. However, Earle said it's a good reminder for Floridians, who are often exposed to severe weather, to keep their disaster gear on hand.




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