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Ministers agree to extend UK blood compensation for infected patients to three months | Contaminated blood scandal

Ministers agree to extend UK blood compensation for infected patients to three months | Contaminated blood scandal


British ministers have agreed a three-month deadline to set up a compensation scheme for victims of the infected blood scandal, but warned there could be an “unavoidable” delay if Parliament is not in session. .

Although he did not mention the election, Lords Party deputy leader Earl Howe said that a “dissolution, extension or prorogation” could affect the government's ability to act, which he said was “a risk.” Yes, no more,” he added.

Westminster is scheduled to go on summer break at the end of July.

The government's concession on imposing a deadline for the compensation scheme comes after it was accused of “trying to circumvent” a Commons-backed move to speed up payments following a Tory revolt. .

In the face of further defeat at Lord's, the government agreed to a Labor-led demand that the system be introduced within three months of the passing of the Victims and Prisoners Bill.

In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands of patients were infected with HIV and hepatitis C through contaminated blood products. Ministers were accused of dragging their feet over compensation.

At report stage on the bill, Lord Howe said: “The victims of this scandal have waited too long to receive justice and the Government shares the House of Commons' determination to ensure compensation reaches victims quickly. “There is,” he said.

He added: “Congress and the infected blood community recognize the need for clarity on when these measures will be implemented.

“What I can say now is that the government supports the opposition's amendment to enact an ordinance to establish an infected blood compensation scheme within three months of royal assent, and we are fully committed to doing so. It means there is.”

Mr Howe added: “There is also the challenge of needing to build trust with the infected blood community around the provisions of the scheme. This will require sufficient time for both Ministers and Parliament to respond before regulations are enacted.

“Whatever the external pressures may be, we feel the need to act as soon as possible to provide compensation to victims.”

He confirmed his acceptance of the opposition's amendment, saying it was in the spirit of the agreement: “Given the practical caveats I have expressed, this is a risk, nothing more.” Stated.

Mr Howe said: “It is the duty and responsibility of government to provide clarity and reassurance to those who have failed the nation. I would like to pay tribute to those who have continued the movement and brought us to where we are today. . We have to do it right, and we have to do it quickly.”

Nick Thomas-Symonds, Labour’s shadow Cabinet Office minister, said: “The victims of the infected blood scandal have achieved another important victory. We pay tribute to those who have fought so hard for justice. I am proud to have contributed to the realization of this reform.

“The Government is now under cross-party pressure to set out a clear timetable for delivering a final compensation plan. They must now prepare bodies to pay. I need to hurry.

“Labour will continue to do everything possible to avoid losing any more time.”




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