Why has breast milk become the miracle cure for everything on social media?
The world of social media is changing so quickly that every time you log into your Instagram account, you encounter something new.
From those who have adopted burning cake to celebrate them J-Beauty To the discerning gourmets who dominate the scene 24K DalThere are literally new trends every minute.
Another trend currently dominating the online world is the use of breast milk for a variety of purposes other than breastfeeding.
New moms are using breast milk to bathe their little ones and are also incorporating it into their skin care routines. But what do experts say about this trend?
we know it's good for babies
“Breast milk meets your baby's nutritional requirements for proper growth and development and protects against illnesses such as diarrhea, ear infections, and intestinal infections. “It reduces the risk of chronic diseases.'' It strengthens the immune system,'' says Dr. Anuj Yadav, Consultant Neonatologist at Saket Hospital and Matrutva Mother and Child Clinic, Jaipur, explaining the many benefits of breast milk. .
“Breast milk is beneficial for the baby as it is also a complete and balanced source of essential vitamins, minerals and antibodies,” says Dr. Lori Bancia, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, Yasas Hospital, NCR. India today.
But can it be used for other purposes?
Dr. Bancia says breast milk has many other uses.
- Soothes diaper rash: Applying breast milk to diaper rash can relieve symptoms due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Relieve teething pain: Frozen breast milk can be offered as a teething remedy to relieve gum pain.
- Helps with baby acne: Breast milk contains antibacterial properties, so it can also be used to treat baby acne.
- Heal cuts and scratches: Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties help heal minor wounds and cuts.
Meanwhile, Dr. Yadav continued, “The use of breast milk for other purposes may be due to the growth factors, cytokines, stem cells, and lactalbumin contained in breast milk. However, various studies have yielded inconsistent results and further research is needed. ”
Let's talk about safety
When asked if it is safe to use breast milk for other purposes, Dr. Yadav said that consumption of raw breast milk can lead to infections, and when used without sterilization, it can lead to HIV, HCV, syphilis, or food poisoning. It states that it is not completely safe as it may transmit the virus. of toxins.
“While little benefit has been found in adults, most benefits are not clinically proven, so the current recommendation is not to use it in adults,” he added.
Dr. Bancia has a different opinion.
“In general, breast milk is safe to use for the purposes listed above. However, it is important to ensure that breast milk is fresh and stored properly to avoid contamination. If the mother has an infection or medical condition. “You should consult a medical professional before using breast milk for other purposes,'' says the doctor.
When it comes to storage, breast milk can be stored for 4-6 hours at room temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius, 24-48 hours in the refrigerator, and 3 months if stored at -20 degrees Celsius. However, using it after its expiration date increases the risk of infection and toxins.
For adults
While breast milk is only for infants, it can also be used by adults for specific purposes, such as soothing skin irritations, treating minor cuts and burns, and as a natural moisturizer, Dr. Bancia said.
“However, there is limited scientific evidence to support the effectiveness of breast milk for these uses in adults. We recommend consulting your health care professional,” she added.
Incorporate breast milk into your skin care routine
Experts believe that applying breast milk to your face may have some benefit, due to breast milk's natural antibacterial properties, the presence of antibodies, and the presence of erythropoietin, which helps skin cells grow and repair.
However, more scientific research is needed to support these claims.
“While breast milk and colostrum have antibacterial properties, they are generally not recommended for use on the face for skin care,” says dermatologist Dr. Mickey Singh, founder and medical director of Bodycraft Clinic. explain.
However, breast milk may be used to treat various skin problems such as cuts and scrapes.
Skin problems that can affect the nipples, areola, and breasts often occur during and during breastfeeding, and certain medications used to treat such conditions may be helpful during breastfeeding. It may not be safe for the mother. In such cases, breast milk can be used to treat various skin problems.
Dr. Singh further adds, “Studies have shown that you can harness the healing properties of breast milk by applying a few drops of it to the affected area and letting it dry naturally.”
“Several studies also suggest that the bioactive components and microbiota found in breast milk may aid wound healing. There is little or no evidence to support the effectiveness of these treatments. It is important to keep this in mind,” the doctor further says.
However, there is no scientific evidence that breast milk is used to prevent back wrinkles or give glowing skin.
Please note the following when using breast milk:
- hygiene: To prevent contamination, breast milk should be stored and handled in a clean and hygienic manner.
- allergy: Please be aware that babies and adults may have allergies or sensitivities to substances present in breast milk.
- freshness: Use fresh or properly stored breast milk to avoid potential risks from expired breast milk.
- consultation: If you have any concerns or underlying health conditions, please consult your health care professional before using breast milk for any other purpose.
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