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Coronavirus vaccines are making a leap forward, but scientists focus on safety first


The world is longing for a coronavirus vaccine, so scientists know that their stakes can’t be raised any higher.

The three vaccines are in Phase 3 of human clinical trials, which guarantees safety as well as efficacy. This is an important factor in an accelerating timeline, which adds significant pressure to the process due to increased cases and deaths and lack of false information.

All approved vaccines are subject to rigorous investigation.

“Natally Dean, assistant professor of biostatistics at the University of Florida in Gainesville, said: “We must do it right the first time. It’s very important and people need to be convinced that it’s a product that’s effective enough.”

All vaccines are thoroughly tested before final approval. New vaccines typically take about 10 years to go through development and testing. This includes extensive testing to ensure that the side effects are minimal.

However, the coronavirus vaccine process was not typical. The urgency of a pandemic means that vaccine researchers work together to reduce or eliminate downtime between trials and in ways rarely found in potentially competitive areas.

This effort has created at least three vaccines that could elicit an immune response in participants. One developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca, one developed by Moderna, and one developed by CanSino Biologics, a Chinese company. However, during the ongoing Phase 3 clinical trials, researchers will assess whether vaccine candidates can actually prevent infection and do so safely.

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Especially Donald Trump Coronavirus vaccine May be available by the end of the year. Experts stress that the timelines are impractical and the need for transparency in assessing and approving potential vaccines.

Dean said the vaccine is “very unlikely” to be available by the end of the year. “I have no idea how that is possible,” she said, “if the stars were aligned, January might be possible.”

Mechanism of Phase 3

The Food and Drug Administration states that a potential coronavirus vaccine must be at least 50% effective in order to be approved. That means that the vaccine needs to prevent infection in at least 50 percent of the people who receive it.

Early in the trial, a small group of volunteers should be tested for potential vaccines, but the goal of Phase 3 is to significantly expand and diversify the pool of participants. That is, test vaccine candidates across different age groups, ethnic groups, and other demographics.

Participants in the study are anonymously divided into two categories. The group that receives the coronavirus vaccine and the “control” group that receives the existing vaccine that is not related to placebo or coronavirus.

After that, the participants continue their daily lives. By comparing the incidence of infection between the two groups, scientists can assess the efficacy of vaccine candidates. Coronavirus vaccine trials will likely need to document about 150 cases across both groups to allow researchers to be statistically reliable in their results, Dean said.

“If you have 10 sick people in the control group vs. 2 sick people with the vaccine, you can say that the vaccine is working, but the numbers are too small,” she said. “If you have 150 cases, it could take 30,000 people to get there, but that’s enough to reliably detect the difference between the two groups.”

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Another important aspect of Phase 3 clinical trials is monitoring for potential side effects. Early trials show Oxford-AstraZeneca and CanSino vaccine candidates Generated only minor side effects, Fever, headaches, etc., researchers closely monitor how potential vaccines are received among those who represent the more common population.

“A small number cannot detect so much, but moving to a larger trial may identify some of the less common side effects,” Dalarana Public Health School in Toronto, Toronto.

Most side effects occur shortly after the vaccine is given, but scientists also track participants’ health over time, Kwong said.

“Some people monitor side effects even after the vaccine is released to the public, but it rarely happens months or years after vaccination,” he said.

Speed ​​up science

Still, Kwong acknowledged that there may be some caution as a result of how quickly potential coronavirus vaccines are being developed. Ah Recent survey According to a survey conducted by The Associated Press and the NORC Public Relations Center at the University of Chicago, only 49 percent of Americans said they had plans to vaccinate the coronavirus vaccine when it became available. Twenty percent said they would not be vaccinated and 31% said they were unsure.

Some anxiety can be caused by concerns about whether the vaccine will be safe if developed very quickly.

“Usually, with vaccines, there may always be 5 or 10 candidates,” he said. “We currently have over 150 coronavirus vaccine candidates. Governments and industry have invested a lot of resources in this, which allows us to do this quickly.”

Pandemic urgency also means that vaccine researchers are reducing or eliminating downtime between trials.

“We’re working in parallel as much as possible,” Dean said. “Usually, there is a considerable amount of time between analyzing the results before deciding whether to proceed and starting the trial and getting approval. All resources are currently in use. Introduced to accelerate all steps.”

In a Tuesday interview with MSNBC, Dr. Francisco Linds, director of the National Institutes of Health, argued that research on potential vaccines is progressing rapidly, but not because of political pressure.

“There’s nothing political about what we’re trying to do here,” he told Katie Tar. “We are trying to find an answer as soon as possible.”

But Dean said external pressure could also arise if other countries first approve the vaccine, especially while cases and deaths are still rising in the United States.

“We want the good news to be very bad, but we specified the parameters for a reason,” she said. “The regulatory framework is so rational that we want to make sure that the data that supports our regulatory decisions is displayed. It’s our process.”

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