What effect do energy drinks have on the body?

Austin (Kusan) — Brittany Krim, registered dietitian and University of Texas kinesiology professor, says energy drinks are becoming the go-to solution for college students looking for a boost as the end of the semester approaches. However, several studies have shown that these drinks may be doing more harm than good to students' health.
“This study either denied or had negative health outcomes,” Krim said. “So whether the outcome is neutral or negative, I tend to avoid both outcomes.”
Krim said people should be careful with energy drinks because they can cause sleep problems and other effects.
Lack of sleep
Earlier this year, a study of Norwegian university students found that drinking energy drinks to stay alert could improve sleep efficiency. People who drank energy drinks slept about 30 minutes less each night than people who didn't drink energy drinks or drank them only occasionally. According to research.
A study conducted by researchers at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the University of Oslo in Norway found that students who drank energy drinks took longer to fall asleep.
Kellyn Pash, associate professor of kinesiology and health education at the University of Texas, has been conducting research on energy drink consumption for more than a decade. She said students should prioritize sleeping over staying awake to study more. Pash said that getting quality sleep is linked to academic success and an overall healthy lifestyle.
“If you get good quality sleep, you don't have to rely on energy drinks. You don't have to rely on fast food,” Pash says. “You can get through the day with more energy without these things.”
Pash was found inside her. last study Regarding energy drinks, we found that lower GPA was associated with energy drink consumption.sum of 844 first-year undergraduate students in 2016 participated in this study. While this isn't causal, she said, the correlation shows that getting enough sleep is much more effective than energy drinks.
“Energy drinks are not a permanent solution. They may temporarily relieve symptoms,” Pash said. “But it doesn't treat the underlying problem of not getting enough sleep.”
Other effects of energy drinks
Passed Students who consume energy drinks say they are more likely to binge drink overall. She said binge drinking among students also correlated with increased alcohol consumption.
“They can stay awake longer with energy drinks, so because they're awake longer, they can drink more,” Pash says.
Pash said energy drinks, like anything else, are addictive substances.somewhere else study In Pasch's research, energy drinks are correlated with poor eating habits. This study investigated the relationship between energy drink consumption and dietary behavior in a sample of college students at a large southwestern university.
Pash said caffeine suppresses your appetite, making you feel less hungry. It shouldn't replace a meal, she said. Pash encourages students to change their habits regarding what they eat and drink.
“If you struggle with caffeine or think you might want to cut down on caffeine, drinking water is an alternative. It's not harmful and you can start a healthy habit. “Yes,” Pash said.
Pash said if you're prioritizing someone's health, it's important to pay attention to how much energy drink they're consuming. Pash said the recommended caffeine intake for young people is about 200 to 300 milligrams per day.
“If you drink an energy drink with 400 milligrams of caffeine, and then mindlessly drink chocolate, soda, and even coffee, you'll quickly get a caffeine hit,” Pash says.

Pash says energy drinks have been around for quite some time compared to other types of caffeine. She said energy drinks contained many unknown ingredients, which could have potential effects for avid drinkers.
Texas State University student Tee Davila experienced anxiety and lightheadedness after drinking an energy drink on March 15th.
“My heart was beating very fast. I felt anxious, dizzy and couldn't sleep,” Davila said.
She said she was confused as to why she felt sick because she had taken energy drinks before. Davila said she decided to cut back on her energy drinks until she found out what made her react the way she did.
Krim said there is limited research into the long-term effects of energy drinks. She said the available studies so far have shown only neutral or negative health outcomes.
“There is a growing body of research showing heart arrhythmias and abnormalities in college students who consume large amounts of these energy drinks,” Krim said. “We don't know everything about it.”
Krim recommends finding other ways to consume caffeine rather than energy drinks. While other caffeinated drinks can cause negative effects such as anxiety and sleep disturbances, they also have many benefits compared to energy drinks, she said.
natural caffeine
Natural caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and cocoa, has been reported to have potential health benefits. american heart association:
- Reduces risk of type 2 diabetes
- Reduces risk of heart failure
- Improves concentration and productivity
- In particular, tea consumption may extend a person's lifespan
Pash said students don't need to give up energy drinks completely, but they should strive to stay healthy in all areas of their lives.
“I think it's important to get enough activity, eat healthier foods, eat less unhealthy foods, and get enough sleep,” Pash said.
Pash said research encourages practicing healthy habits while in college, such as sleeping well and eating throughout the day.
“So start thinking about how to develop healthy habits now so you can maintain them as you grow up,” Pasch says.
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