Trees that thrived through earthquakes and Hiroshima
Hope: Hibakujumoku Ginkgo trees stand as a symbol of survival, perseverance, and indelible will.
A visit to Hiroshima means time for isolation, respect and a serious memory of the events that took place there on August 6, 1945. As we approach the 75th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, there is one thing that this site does not visit for: trees.
When Hiroshima became one of the intended targets at the end of World War II, the result was a massive explosion that spanned 1,200 feet. The results were completely devastating, as it lost 150,000 people in addition to the totally destroyed fall zone from impact. Both human and plant life have been affected, and nothing seems to make them alive, except for ginkgo trees. Despite the radiation and the tremendous energy outputs of the events that collapsed on that day, these trees have withstood everything, and still persist to this day.
Through one sunny day’s initiatives
Looking at the history of ginkgo trees, this tragedy is not the only thing its inner rings will show regarding its long life. In addition, ginkgo trees will be discovered near Hiroshima, called hibakujumoku, “survivor tree,” or “bombed trees” in English. This name is a tribute to the fact that they exceeded expectations in terms of natural trees and act as a testament to the strength of the ginkgo that occupies such a special place in Japan today.
The great Kanto earthquake shook the Earth, but not the trees
The amazing thing about the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923 was that, despite its massive strength of 7.9, the ginkgo trees were flexible. The earthquake wreaked havoc in Tokyo as locals watched the city fire, but trees still remain. While some fell into the blazing fire, about 10,000 people survived the natural disaster. While other trees slowly succumbed to the damage they left in the aftermath of this destruction, the ginkgo trees in Tokyo began to slowly grow and then eventually bloom.
Across Britannica
This massive insistence on fire was something that Japan noticed and observed over time, slowly realizing that these trees are unlike any other country in the country, and may not resemble any other tree in the world. In fact, they could be the key to bringing life back to the places where they have grown so little. With this on the back of everyone’s mind, another 16,000 trees of ginkgo were planted, and a new set of plant life was successfully launched to replace the one that had died.
Hiroshima’s wrath
A little over 20 years later, ginkgo trees will be tested again but this time by man-made strength. When Hiroshima was destroyed, the ginkgo trees planted in 1923 were prosperous and numbered 16,000. They have kept the weight of life for 27 years but now they have to overcome a new threat: radiation.
Via Wikimedia Commons
The effect of the atomic bomb that burned the city was mainly responsible for breaking down the leaves on the trees upon impact, which also left the bark of the tree burned and delegated. When it was believed that even the trees could not survive this tragedy, it bounced again, with cells that were still somehow living inside the tree. Although the outer part of the trees was almost unrecognizable, the living cells inside continued to grow and heal.
Via Shetland News
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According to Inverse, director of Yale’s School of Forests and Environmental Studies, Sir Peter Crane, Ph.D., these trees are essentially “cylinders of living cells.” As a result, the outer part of the trees was able to cause severe damage, while the hard outer part of the dead cells protected the living. Not only was the outer bark strong enough to act as a shield, but the inner bark, responsible for carrying sugars, and Xlimm, responsible for tree production, surrounded the cambium – the “living cell cylinder”.
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The survival and durability of the tree was very strong after the effect that each tree continued to absorb nutrients, hence the healing started almost immediately. With the tree itself being extremely durable, it stands to reason that the conditions in which one grows will need to be just as much – thus the ginkgo tree can thrive in a variety of soil conditions, including lands after radiation.
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Trees that will not give up via glh.unitar.org
What is really unbelievable about these trees, almost all located at a distance of 2,200 radius for Hiroshima, is that they continued to grow through a variety of conditions after the war ended. Black rains continued over the city in the days after August 6, 1945, and trees stood through the ashes that came with them, without fading. Now, trees are home to paintings displaying the names of those who lost their lives during the tragic events of that day. Every memory of nature’s inspiration, each tree, serves as a reminder of Japan – and the world – of perseverance and survival, and thus it is called the “Ginkgo Story”.
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About the author
Originally from New York, Katie is accustomed to a fast-paced lifestyle. She got her personal start with writing in second grade, and brought with her passion until she got a place in her high school poetry book – but not before she became a news editor and columnist for a high school newspaper. At college, she majored in English literature with an emphasis in political science, absorbing most of the creativity and style from one of the first professors to study under the famous poet Alan Ginsburg. The more she writes, the more she learns about the world and, most importantly, about herself. She was writing professionally and published since the age of nineteen, and for nearly a decade she covered topics in entertainment, lifestyle, music news, video game reviews, and food culture, and now has the writing and editing privilege of TheTravel. Katie has a firm belief that every written word is a journey to yourself and your own thoughts, and by understanding this, people can begin to understand each other. Through her voice, she brings personality, research, and a little friendly irony to every piece she writes and edits.
More about Katie Machado
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