Perth explosion: Residents claim to hear earthquake-like tremors across southern suburbs
Social media has been abuzz with reports that Perth experienced a powerful and mysterious “explosion” on Wednesday morning.
Facebook pages lit up with hundreds of people claiming to have heard and felt the tremors, including a loud bang shortly after 11 a.m.
The Perth Weather Live Facebook page has already received more than 1,000 comments, with people in various suburbs, many south of the river, saying they heard the loud noise.
“We felt the shaking here in Hamilton Hill, it felt like something huge fell on the roof of our house and we felt the shaking for a second,” one woman said.
Another person said: “I'm in Port Kennedy and my whole house was shaking and I heard explosions.”
A spokeswoman for the Australian Geoscience Agency confirmed that no earthquakes had been recorded so far affecting the Perth area.
The Department of Emergency Management and Environmental Forecasting and St John Ambulance say they are not dealing with any explosion-type incidents.
A woman was south of Perth when she heard a “boom” that seemed to be coming from the coast.
“There was a huge bang and a huge shaking,” she said.
“We saw other neighbors come out on the porch to look for smoke or something… people felt it and heard it.
“Where I was, I was very high up and you could see all the way down the coast to Rockingham and the harbour and Quinana.
“It looked like it came from the water and from the shore, it looked like it came from Rottnest Island.
“It was so weird. It was a loud sound, and it lasted for a second. It also shook.
“It wasn't like an earthquake, it was like something exploded, but there was no smoke.”
Matt Woods of the Perth Observatory said the observatory had no explanation for the event but suggested it may have been a meteor that exploded and landed somewhere in the ocean.
The description of the 'bang' is consistent with a meteor event, however if it was a fireball it would have been visible in the sky, said Hadrian Devilbois, Curtin University's lead scientist on the Desert Fireball Network.
“People would have seen a flash in the sky, and if it had been a big bang they would have seen a very bright star that lasted for a few seconds,” he told The West Australian. “If it wasn't a meteor, it must have been some kind of explosion or sonic boom.”
However, Mr. Devilbois said that if a meteorite had fallen in an isolated area of the ocean, the fireball moving across the sky might not have been spotted.
“If that fireball had been hundreds of kilometers away, it would have been missed,” he said.
“But if the event had been far and wide, more people around Perth would have heard it.”
Led by Curtin, the Global Fireball Observatory, which consists of researchers from the university's Centre for Space Science and Technology, monitors and tracks meteorites, including where they fall, around the world.
Mr. DeVillepois said he would conduct his own investigation into the incident.
The Met Office was also unable to shed light on the mysterious loud noise.
“The office is aware of these reports but has no further information about the source,” the office spokeswoman said.
More to come.
Sources 2/ https://thewest.com.au/news/wa/perth-explosion-residents-claim-to-have-heard-earthquake-like-tremors-across-perths-southern-suburbs-c-15779800 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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